i SPRINGFIELD | SCIENTIFIC I SUPPLY Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10am-6pm 726-9176 1124 Main St. Springfield p^r- -+t BMBM ® PMUffl CHINE SI kl SI AdkAISI mt.t Oriental Bullet Lunch Downitairs G Try Out Dinnet Upstairs Hour* Downilott* M T h II O') / 00 I 'u II 00 4 I' ' l. Sufi.la* ■ Hour* Uptlatn In ; i • I '..11 00 It) to Uijvril Sunday % SELF-SERVICE FIRST COPIESwo. 81/2x11 While EACH T(cc Copy Shop 33911 13th 333 3233 Police Beat I hr following Is .1 lisl of i .iinpus arr.i i rimes taken fnnil Office III I’lllllic SiifrtV itllil I n gene I'oIk i- Department reports between |.m I anil |nn J I • A former Ini vrr sit\ student wrote a had c lire k totaling about $2,200 at Oregon Hall, as reported to KIM ) lan t l ire susper t requested a < op\ ot Ins transc npls and was ad vised lie owed the I'niversitv the almvc amount and would need to pav it before he c ould get thi‘ transc ript I lie ini ident is being ilivesti gated b\ KIM) • A burglary ol the1 sk\ suites .it \utzrn Stadium resulting in tile theft ol two bottles ol wills km .mrl one Imiili- ul beer from loi ki*d liquor cabinets m two suites was reported to I I’D |.in 20 The unknown suspei I appar eutlv > limbed .1 fein e to gain telephone stolen from Deads Hall was reported lo KIM) (an t • In addition. ()I’S reports sis hikes stolen, two recovered ( ontinued from Page 4 VrfsltV stltlll’llls Millm s |,iii III i mill (lair ll.lS Ih'III) |)OSt|ll)lll'(i III'! .HIM1 Ins liiH Vi't is ill siiiil I )ir|iiit\ I )isli ii l Attnrnrv Hi ill (lur It.mi Klllon^nsk I |ilr,lilril nut K«iiItV ill Ins .irritiKnmi'iit .ini) I.ili'i |)li*iiil«d guilty i*i Ins tri ill liiinmtli alsii | >11iilud Kinllv Shirli'\ Wilson dean nl students lor student attaus would not s.i\ whether the I 'nivtTMlv Ii.ul prusei uted or is planning to proser utr am oni' involved in tlie not loi violations of tile student con du< t code "It’s confidential." she said List May's not marked the third time that ai .idemii \ e.u I ni\ersit\ students were in \ ui\ t'li id mol) ai i iviu In 1-ebruary 1080. dormi tor\ residents in Walton and Hamilton complexes were in volved in .1 snowball li^ht that prompted poiic e to t ome to the campus to ((Mi'll the mob In January 1080. members ol the beta Theta Pi and ('lli I’si fraternities were involved in a brawl between Patterson and 11ih aril streets DRINKS ARE ON THE HOUSE At TRACK TOWN PIZZA, you buy the pizza and we buy the Pepsis. Every Monday we’re giving away two medium Pepsis with every small, medium, large, or giant pizza purchase. (Valid in-house and on delivery. Valid with TRACK TOWN coupons. Valid Monday only.) So call TRACK TOWN and enjoy the quality pizza and free Pepsi. After all, Why settle for less . . than the BEST!?! TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin Blvd. 484-2799 WINTER CAR CARE SPECIALS Tire$tone AMERICA S HOME FOR CAR SERVICE LUBE, OIL & FILTER Wno can you depend on for I heir in depth training, computerized equip ment and work backed by long term warranties9 The Masters of Master Care, of course 6 MONTHS/6,000 MILE LIMITED WARRANTY COVERS ALL PARTS & LABOR' Mi -,! car-, i luart ilia-imuri ALIGNMENTS Guaranteed to last a minimum of 6 months 6.000 miles' In 1990 nearly halt ot all cars arill require a 4 wheel alignment We do It With computerized precision Thrust Angle All Wheel Master* an- alignme-t-, lor proi,.,t -t,-. heller m.'i-age arid improved handling FRONT-END THRUST-ANGLE 4 WHEEL S29.99 $39.99 $49.99 Most ears Parts & fear shims eitra if needed Most locations tunVups Trained Technicians Solve Over 2 000 Eng Problems Every Day1 "-Man AM •es.stor plugs • Ad,usl .die speed • Sel lirmng Tesl Patlery - harging system • Inspect sey engine systems S pads 4 Cylinder S49.99 6 Cylinder $59.99 8 Cylinder $69.99 & M’ • ' T-i.-, Transverse V 6 eng & a/c mterferem No Appointment Necessary Downtown Eugene—East 11th store only __ 345-1593 Stretch your dollars by using coupons from the Oregon Daily Kmerald.