___University_ Society for Creative Anachronism brings Middle Ages to modern life Bs Stephanie Meni imer l merald ( ontrihutor Vhii mas li.ui' seen ilii'in m the KMIdressed in urn.ill- me dies.1! ( osttimes (l.i 111 my to Ccltu lolk iniisii Or maybe sou ve seen tin-in dueling on tin- liiwn with ll.uk Ayr sseap onrs Perhaps sou mistook them tor Shakespearean at tors lint Ihev're not .n tors 111 the traditional sense ol the word I lies .ire members ol the Not il ls lor (irealis e An.ii hronism .1 11.1l10n.il organization dedii .lied In rei mating medies .11 .inti Ki ll. nss.iin e lite and 1 ulture "When vim go lo an (S( A| event \ on ss ill see an.11 llio nism emhodit-d Von w ill set- a range ol -.Isles and .iris ol a thousand sears at the sets least, all in Iron I ol son at oik e." --as s Heth I las is soplio more We lake I lie (.real ive arts and si iem es ol medies al and Keliaissam e time and plas ss 11 it them Ai lualls sas s I Jos d IV ie/. senior "sve drag the Mid die Ages si reaming and kiik mg into the -tilth 1 enlurs SI A hegail III i1 Kill ill Herke les . I aid as a medies al theme parts staged hs a graduate stu dent lietore she ssenl into the I’eai e I orps The parts ss as stu h a hit that the original guests i onlinued the tradition I he idea 1 aught on and ill l‘lt)B the parlies mi orpornted Turn to SC A, Page H Photo hv KjI« IoohI Inhn Hrint'K.ir. lni\ersit\ sIndent unit in < .ismn.it knight, liiihls nil .111 .ill.ii k Imm .umther kmi>hl hene.ith the Irttersnn Street oirr/i.iss .it .1 Students tm < re.itne \n.n hnmism li.ittle e\ei i ise OPEN 24 HOURS Kinko’s copies • Binding • Laser Design • Gourmet Espresso • coffee 860 E. 13tn 344-7894 44 w. lorn 344 3555 | 0 PLANNED PARENTHOOD Professional • Convenient • Affordable • Pap/Pelvic Exam • Infection Checks • Birth Control • Pregnancy Testing • Counseling 134 East Thirteenth Avenue • Eugene 344-9411 Everybody's got a hungry heart... ODE HEART THROBS You get 15 playful words for only $5.00. heart Throbs can be placed at the (JO bookstore, the EMU Main Desk, or the Oreqon Daily Emerald office at 300 EMU. ADDRESS: NAME: ^o'> s> s° <** s<> s° PHONE: ART # • • I HEART THROBS will run Wed., Feb. 14 Deadline: Tues., Feb. 13, 1 p.m. lovable art for an extra $1.50