Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 29, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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Tin- slorv " Panel < luims III\' support srrvn cs arc avail
aliif in Thursday's 1‘nu'r.ihi iiuorruotly di'tinwf (he Student
I lea It It Cciilt'i s 11111fi< 11-n11.i 1 and muddied a non vinous test
'Modified anonymous testimeans ,i student's huiu.ni
iminunoili'tiMiim \ virus test is ideni dit’d unk l>\ a numlx-r
mi the lest i hart and is not ini ludi’d in regular health c hurls
Confidential lestiiiK humus i nmpuueuts of a students health
riM oid. sin li as psvi lualrii history or siihslaiu c aliuse i annul
la- udiMsfil alum; with tin mam us on! unless tin student
si|>ns a ndi'asf foi m
Tin' I nivr.iht ri'uu'ts the *•» roi
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1 lugrnr imlit r ollii it urrvsts H.iin.inl I’.nilsnn jl .1 1 .im/H/s .irr.i riot M.i 1
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Student charged in riot
to begin trial Tuesday
\ I imersits student arrested
last vc,ii lm rioting ,il ,m oil
campus partv is s< heduled In
go to i mill Tue.xdav
The student. Dainard |nn
Paulson. pleaded not guilty Iasi
\ eat al Ills arraignment vv here
he was i barged w ith rioting, a
( lass I telom
I our people were arrested
Iasi ieai tor I luting al Hlh Ave
line and It-iiv Street when a
May i party in tile area moved
I ruin a house into the street
I’uulson said his altorne\ ad
vised him not to speak ahoul
the i ase
I Irs attorney. I lav id I till said
noting is a complex charge To
lie guilty ot rioting a person
must have heen working in
i iinjnni tion wilh Iis e other
|)i'<)|)!i' .md dies <il! must have
engaged In ' tlic siime tuimiltu
uus violent behavior." lie said
Hies re sas mg (Paulson s)
<n ts amounted to ,i spin ilii
crime.' I (ill said
I loss ever. 11 ill said Paulson's
ills Ills emelit ill the mi iiIt‘lit did
nut rise tu the les el ul a telons
"We ll1 going to make them
prove their i use. it dies i an do
it I till said
The other three people arrest
ed May fi lor rioting are Shells
Marie Hannah. Justin I heodore
kulongoski and Mark Ian Mill
I’aulson and I lannali are I in
Turn to Paulson, Page t>
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