-Letters— Right the wrong Concerning hatln Yonkers letter |Ul)i |.in -!J) 'll)!! sa\ uni agree t h.it abortion is wrong. .mil even ho so far .is to refer to it ,is the killing ol tin horn i hildren. vvliii li is more ill.m most pro i hoii ers \\ ill .id mil it I in I \ is Well it is .1 "great horror to ini' th.it even u ith th.it .m .no ness, viin advocate sm h nitir dor for the s.iko ot .1 woman's life if she is end.inhered hi .01 illegal iihortion ( .m you don\ that it is the parents ol the b.ibi w ho i roale the tragic situation to begin it ith Does the buhl get a 1 lioil e ' Although it had no sat in the matter, von ( onlend that the hab\ should p.n lor the mistake ol its parents bv sac rific ing its life toi the mother's ( olive niom e never justifies murder Perhaps \\ i 11 ia in Moore [OI)i:. )an 1."il shows a lack of compassion toward a woman with an unwanted pregnanci " hoc ause through her own irre sponsibilih and or iminoralitv she has gotten herself into a sit nation where she must make the 1 hoii e’' either to kill or to pav the price II vnu're unhappy "Ilia; these unborn 1 hildren are being ki I led " help to cure the pro!) lem rather than endorsing one evil to "tix'' another; enc our age abstineni e i areful plan mug and adoption ,e- an allei native It's true making abortion illegal isn't going to stop il Onlv if you're willing to |oin those who are promoting mo r.ilily and value tor life in our soi letv can we right the w rung together (ien.1 (ierard Student Byproducts I ,im astounded In < aniline levvers' rebuttal to Uilli.im Moores ongoing tirade [01)1 |a». 22) \u matter how eloquent lowers rhetorii may be tin take home message is the same lowers bi llet that repnidm turn is a unman s issue. Moure he i Iieve it In be .1 man s issue linlli equally betrav thn fetid odors nt si*\isin and halri-d Please we cxpei I strnnget thinking frmn nur nation's urn vi'isitv graduates (intelleilu als'l Perhaps tioth vnu and \lnnri' could be indin ed to not waste nur time with vout men tal byproducts 1 sc the phone; use the postal serv u e. stand in a room anil heat upon nne an other, hut do not im hide us Mso. attei several years ot his monologue, perhaps the I'mrrnhl editors should i nnsid cl that nlten less is Moore and that hotter use of paper might he found m t ni\ ersity restrooms rather than giving vent to Moore's diatrihe on i dnilv basis \dam I mig Student Equity Your |nn 23 rililon.il i on i rrning tin1 "> pen flit .11 loss llir-hiiard | > perc ent I discs It inv department (■> >ilt.» pin I IS t \ pH .ll lew Cl til.Ill It.ill rec eived 5 peri rut raises t )l thr 111 I.ll ll It v members onh join rri ri\rd raises of more than pen rut I’he department average was 4 85 percent it first \ ear V isiting profrssi as who were not given raises are included All raises above 2 percent were given lor merit oi ei|tli tv " Some l.tc iiIt\ members and several departments as a whole were raised significantly more than i peri rut leav lug t imsid rrubh less than i pen ent lor other meritorious tai ullv mem hers and departments You w rote that S > 1211 |the total j»a\ raise for the nine lop administrators! is really not verv nun h Hut from the point ol view ol fat llltV It is a great deal I or example, it is almost live limes the amount distribut rd among ten fat ullv members in mv department And the ( ham idler s salary is t Tt■ 1 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON "I'm going off half-cocked? I'm going off half-cocked? . . Well. Mother was right — you can t argue with a shotgun.” Iimrs I hi* avrragr salary of fur I .it u 11 \ m (In- Kro({r.i|)!iv Irii.iiInii■ ■ 11 I In’ priorilii’s .mil iiu-tliinU nl s.il.irv iih riMM’N si’i'iii li.inl inr mi’ In juslilx M\ in I ri|iih.irt He.nl ill mMigrapht Public relations I'mn.ilrf spurt*' rrportri Ash lr\ (onkiin vvritrs th.it Athh'tit I)iriM tor Hill Hvrnr ' srrs thr suit rss ut j(’hns) Oldham anti ( Trrrrll) Hrandon .»s posit ivr proof of thr strrngth ut (hr gun's tutorial programs .iv.nl ■ihlr tor studrnf athlrtrs If U)h |an I'M l onkiin thru gurs un vv till his nvvn .issrsMiirnt tti.it both havi* stu i rrilt'il in thr < lass room as wo 11 .is thr grill iron and hardwood u tin h shows thr original hum is unr that works (m rrtrrrm r to Propo sition 4H vs Proposition 11 ath Irtrs) Sin h ail hm ami pin rmral • ‘valuations hrlong in thr puhlii rrl.ittuns sr< tion ut thr alumni maga/.inr At Iras I thrrr thrv’rr rm ugm/nl tor vvh.it thrv arr Ilia! two out ut how many football and haskrt ball pi.ivrrs 11u wrll .ii .nlrini i ally mav say as mm h or rvm morr ahouf thr imiiviiiua! plavrrs than am thing rlsr I hr .litit It* gors on to drilarr that disadv antagrd plavrrs i .m ( mill1 lint- uistrad ut going to a junior rolirgr Such a i mu liision needs inure \ .hum linn lit.in the opinion ol .1 vrsl i'll interest ilirei (or ill the Mil let it Dep.irtuient or .111 .1pp.11 enlK 1 heerle.itlinK sports re purler rutin l.ll ser\ II es .lie ettei III e lot .11 iiilemii tii.itrit til.ilion Imi the repollillK ol sin !i tlellinlive responses .uni 1 oik Uisions re U.mlinx .111 issue ,is ( mi i.il .is r I It** ((Hill 11 \ 111 sltitldlll dtllletOS rdui .11 ion lieson. i>s boiler press t o\ eraue More i ibjei 11\ e ar imml.iliilitv from lire Athlelii I )ep,irlinenl .mil the l.nii'ltllil is < dill'll for ( l.ireili e ’spiynei \ssisldnl piolessor ( ■ iiiin il mi Minorjlr I tint tilion -1 {)rv£tm Ikiih _ _ Emerald { <11tor m in.Hjiinj r is• i‘‘' } (Mon.il f dttOf Gi.iph*cs l riilor fi ne or# E ditor f rtrft1. i ti11iif Spot Is l Pilot Supplfimcnts t Pilot Nnjhl I pilot A i'.ocmIc I ditors Community Sludrn! Government A< livilir . Higher {duc.ilmii Admmi.lr ation feature. Ripoflti) ‘ r Qllhpniy l'.«lth*'! i'i»' H.IAU'% Stt'phjjn'e M ■' n:t jf.H :M L .1« 1 • i f> ( ,1'*’ Photographer s : • , Advertising \ ■ 1 H.j . >. H Production A'l':.- hi1 i K!.M ‘ ! ! Ml *Vi• • !, M* " A .. » V . > Romr hi J«mI Schober Tel Shepier JMwiifcr Smith Cditlm Gener al Stall Advertising Ditec tor Assistant to the Publisher Pioductioft Manager AdverliMfuj i oordinatoi (.I t-.sitied Manager Ac counts Receivable Circulation Ni'wvoom Cl.i1. si bed Advertising Display Advertising Production Graphu Service*. fifth *,',11 fifth -t 34 I fifth )M2 fifth 4 )81 * COMING TO THE GO BOOKSTORE (ART AND SCHOOL SUPPLY DEPARTMl TH) WED. JAN. 31 & THORS. FEB. 1 Keep Watching And Don’t Miss It! PEERS EDUCATING PEERS Be A HIV/AIDS Educator "Pocrs educating peers" is the objective of the l inversus ol Oregon's HIV Peer lulucator I raining I he Peei I dticator Program will teach sin dents to take leadership roles in educating their peers about HIV disease, legal and social issues, sale sex practices and updates on MI\ \II)S rel.it ed issues Students will he considered HIV Peer I dueators upon eomplet mg ol the training and will then he available tor individual education ses sums and or group presentations 01 workshops lor the university conimu nits WHEN: Tuesday, Feb 6th Wednesday, Feb 7th TIME: 6:00pm to 9:00pm PLACE: Student Health Center: Room 21 I hour informational meeting: Jan 30th 7:00pm !<) I’KI Kl- (.IS 11 K: < .ill (lit Student Health < enter. Health I dm atom at 6Hf» 44>6