Editorial Work to avert strike of Bethel teachers There seems to Im* no solution to tIn* debate be tween thr bethel St (moI District administrators.I its tc.it lifts Lis! Thursday, the bethel teachers union voted to strike Unless some miracle cure is found hv hob r>. 1.800 students in northwest Kugene will t ome to i lass onl\ to find their instructors pit keting outside the gates instead of teaching inside the school It is a typical dispute over a typical issue The tear hers' union wants a ft percent salarv ini lease, the distrii t has offered l 5 pen out I he tear hers want paid benefits the distrii t says it can't afford them The union wants bonus tor longevity the administrators sav llo These, and other problems have caused the split between the tun sides And no one is prepared to bni k down. The teachers are prepared to do "whatever s necessary to get a favorable settlement i hey re pre pared to walk off the job Both sides sav there is still the possibility ot avert mg a stnke but no one is betting on it In all likeli hood the Itethel teai hers will sii ike on Teh i I bis strike of lor that matter, any other strike has direi t implications for the lest of the i ommunity l n douhtedlv l.ugene will be affei ted in some way I’ar outs ol Itethel students will need to find alternative means ot davi are Some ot them won't be able to afford them At the University, it is highly likelv some students live in the bethel School Ihstiiil It is also probable that some have < hildren who attend si bool m the dis Im t While it would be tough for am union to stiike it must be especially painful for teachers In order to light for decent wages, tliev have to leave schoolchil dren without teachers The very reason they became teai hers is taken away from them because of bureau r lain monevu rum lung II the union does strike, (.800 students will be lo< ked out ot i lassrooins There is no wav district offi cials i .in round up enough substitute teachers to re plat e the 2.10 person teai lier's union, at least not in the near future So i hildren will miss st bool, and with the present state ol the Oregon public education system am time away from t lasses is a crime both sides need to sit b.u k down at the negotiating table All equitable solution must be found It possible, the strike must be avoided there are J.800 students in bethel who need teachers im ytcr Tv- , ■/— e "Why worry we can't make computer chips in this country anymore? We still have the technology to produce these!” Don't risk school funds on stock market In November l'lHfb Orctgnii's voters i.isseii ,i measure to allnxx llir stale to invest 'part ol the common si liiinl fund hi the sloe k market Ihe idea was to enahle the state to manage the hind like "a prudent person would Sim e itic hallo! measure was passed legal experts have been looking lor a legal wax lo emit I the law bet ause the ( be gun ( (institution does not allow the stale to own am slot ks Well, alter a year the experts have come up w ith a plan but il does not appear lo be a xeix good one Their idea is lo give the moil e\ to a pi ivale broker have the brokci invest and manage the monex and pretend as il Ihe broker owns the sloi k Allei finding a wax to ell.nl the llleas lire the Stale Land Hoard voted lo invest as mm li as S.’X million ol the i omnion si bool bind into slot ks I lie i omnion si liool hind inlleils monex from a xarielv of sources I'w ii e a xeai a poitum of the fund is (livid ed up between all the school distrii ts in the slate where the monex hinds approximate lx I percent of each student's edm atnmal i.osts Tin? ( nmmnn si lioul fund is one of the mure dependable forms of educ.itioii.il fund ing vve have in the slate right now (airrent l\ . the si lino I fund's $H)‘l million are invest ed in low-risk fronds and money-market at t ounts It (lie slot k measure is emit led and the State Treasury invests S2Ti million ol si hool fund revenue in stocks, it is predicted that the stocks would probably lose money this year and lor the ne\t lew years before the slot ks would begin to make a prolil I bis is no time to plav with monev for school funding, especially not in the stock market. New York stoi k market analv sts are pro let ling a verv volatile pit lure lor the market m the l'l'Mls I'lie weakness of the I S. dol lar. the price ol savings and loans bailouts, and ever increasing interest rates have made the slot k market a riskv investment 1 lie market has turned bearish lately and litis been losing points on the average trading dav With two trashes in the ’80s and no predii lions ot a better picture, slot ks seem to be a rather loolisli investment —Letters P bargain and demon strate before finally getting a 1 pert ent raise7 I he official ex t use for this administrative overindulgem e has to do with keeping i|ualit\ administra tors in stale file message here appears to he that the admmistr.it ion themselves doll t (are milch ■llxillt (hr 1)11,lilts ot (hr (imi h 111 ^ assistants lilt's i • ii 11111 »s much less ihi' quality ol their lives In mil tonus. President Ur.iiul's |i.is raise means $">.000 Ini tlir sr.ii (This is mi iili'ii (.ills .i figure equal In ins annu al sal.us give nr lake Si” till I t aking min at t mini a first time emplosei contribution lossanl health i.ne tm (lie (.III ins uu tease ill ini lime tor the s eal s\ ill lie ahmil S too In defense nt our adininislra tins I guess that $100,000 nisi doesn't go as tar as it used to Hut just ss here the hell does il go rspec i.ills tor a mail ss ho doesn't esen have to pas rent:’ Hans-Mic liael Vermeersi h <;n Loud music The Vets >0/1 77mes reports that i Oies a/ ross the countrs are In keitng drivers sslio boom loud rnusit from their c ars l.u gene stiould do the same: paitic 111.ills around the tain pus and also In ket persons sslio hnnni loud iiiusic. Irom campus dorms and houses around thr I ni\ rrsitv Helene | tin- host' As I vv ,is grow 111>4 tip I ".is always taught to take ail\ pi'ol) lems I hail to tin- siumr. and deal with them rationally and reasonably l or the sake ol Ini niaiul\ and I hi* betterment id ourselvis. let's question out own motives Ini arguing ol dis agreeing with one another, and il there really a prohleni than deal w ith it in a manner that might ai lualh solve the prol) lent. I low that is to lie done will lest in the hands ol us as indi vidunls. realizing we are re sponsible tor our a< t ions Let's not Use the Ijurt.ilti as a vehii le to complain and gripe about every little thing that we have a problem with I wonder what would happen il we were to consider one another before ourselves lliink about it Darrin Herb Student