Photo li\ \mlrt* K,iiu*-ii I'.nil Xii httlsnn. .1 mrmlirr til Ihr ( o.ilition Ini (nil Mltit.ilion of ( it\ I .i\r s. s.n s hr h.iiiI* (hr 1 il\ In t;ixr tin isitin-m.ikini; finwrr In Ihr vtilrrs Development Continued from Pane I (|iiirl mojoritv supports sound planning .Old development to in ( ur in the ( ommunilv We li.ive never token o stood opposing urlion renew ol \t( holson sold \\ e ore opposed to subsidizing private development with public nion e\ unless tile ptlblii is in vnlved (1)1 \( I members ore olso won the kind of projects uibon renewol fosters, sm li os uflue complexes. shops olid bousing w ill benefit moinh professionol, upper middle I loss ( It I Zens in Kilgene \ u b olson said We don’t wont Kilgene to be oil upper middle ( loss \u b olson said "We don't want the postman and the diaper deliv erv man to have to live in (lot loge (irove and commute to Ku gene to work lugene businessman Kuss Hunk of Downtown Kilgene I IK soul it is u ill ikel\ that ur UNIVERSITY OF OREGON CONTINUATION CENTER Regularly enrolled University of Oregon STUDENTS - WELCOME to join the Continuation Center's community microcomputer classes Introduction to Computers One two-week section: Mondays and Wednesdays, February 19 28. 9:30 a m 12:00 Noon. Fee it* $48. Introduction to the IBM-PC Two sections offered: Mondays, February 5-26, 1:30-4:00 p in.; or Tuesdays and Thursdays, February 20-March 1. 9 30 um.-12,00 Noon. Fee is $48. Introduction to the Macintosh Two sections offered: Mondays and Wednesdays, February 5*14, 6:30-9:00 p.m ; or Saturday and Sunday, February 17 and 18, 8:30 a m -2:00 p.m. Fee is $48. MS-DOS: Level I (IBM) One two-week section: Tuesdays, February 6 and 13, 6:30-9:00 p.m. Fee is $35. Hard Disk Management (IBM) One two-week section: Mondays, February 5 and 12, 6:30-9:00 p.m. Fee is $35. Hard Disk Management (Macintosh) One weekend section: Saturday and Sunday. February 24 and 25,8:30 a m.-2:00 p.m. Fee is $48. Ventura Publisher (IBM) One weekend section: Saturday and Sunday. March 3 and 4, 8:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Fee is $-18. PageMaker: Level I (Macintosh) One weekend section: Saturday and Sunday. February 10 and 11. 8:30 a m.-2 00 p m. Fee is $48 WordPerfect 5.0: Level I (IBM) One week-end section: Saturday and Sunday, February 17-18, 8:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Fee is $48. Microsoft Word 4.0: Level I (Macintosh) One two-week section: Tuesdays and Thursdays, February 6-15, 9:30 a m -12:00 Noon. Fee1 is $48. Lotus 1-2-3: Level I (IBM) One four-week section: Mondays, February 19-28, 6:30-9:00 p.m. Fee is $48 Microsoft Excel: Level I (Macintosh) One two-week section: Mondays and Wednesdays, February 19 28, 6:30-9:00 p.m. Fee is $-18. dBase III Plus: Level I (IBM) One weekend section: Saturday and Sunduy, February 10 and 11, 8:30 a m.-2:00 p.m. Fee is $48. Borland Paradox (IBM) One two-week section: Tucsdnys and Thursdays, February 6-15, 9:30 a m.-12:00 Noon. Fee is $48. AutoCAD: Level I (IBM) One four-week section: Tuesdays and Thursdays, February 6 March 1, 1:30-4:00 p.m. Fee is $175 plus $8 for material*. Adobe Illustrator 88 (Macintosh) One two*week section: Tuesdays and Thursdays, February 20-29, 6.;*0-9:00 p.m. Fee is $48. HyperCard (Macintosh) One two-week section: Mondays and Wednesdays, February 5 14. 9:30 am-12:00 Noon. Fee is $4ft. Advanced Courses MS-DOS: Level II (IBM) One two-week section: Wednesdays. February 7 and 14, 6:30 9:00 p.m. Fee is $35. Microsoft Word 4.0: Level II (Macintosh) One four-week section: Tuesdays and Thursdays, February 20 March 1, 9:30 a.m.-12:00 Noon Fee is $48. —i—rr Continuation Center —J - I_ •Moss St/ History Museum 17th Si" LAgate St: Condon School! —i_ cn 5 CO f, £ Hayward Field oo CO • 10 Hours of Hands-On Instruction • One Credit Special Project Option • Ten Pages of Free Laser Printing • Open Lab Throughout Term • Convenient Two- & Four-Week Classes • Extended End-Of-Term Lab Hours • Basic cost is Only $35-$48 To register call the Continuation Center at 686-3537 Or register in person at the Continuation Center, 1553 Moss Street ban development would force laigene's middle and lower i lasses on! ol town U e re not affluent enough to support e\i lusivelv an upper middle ( l.iss Brink s.iid I n gene is unique enough that it will find its ow n lex el of div er s i I \ Some level of dis< ussion and disagreement is e\pe< ted. and is even positive in the process ol planning downtown (level oprnent Hi ink said But i om promise is possible, he added Downtowns are denselv de vcloped places lliev need to be that wav Brink s.iid II peo pie have problems with that, lliev re not being realisth It lliev 're concerned about linam. ing proper planning and pub li< amenities vv e can deal with those issues I led verv positive about that Douglas agreed that Kugene s i ili/ens should be involved in kev decisions regarding (level opmenl hut added that the puhli< should allow i itv man agement to negotiate deals without interference "The i itv should ac t with good i omnioii sense and the i iti/ens vv ill trust them." Douglas said l liev have to be more I rust vv orall v and we have to trust them more What Study-Crazed Students Say About Onsen Ahhh . Call 345-9048 for reservations. 1660 Garden Ave., Eugene THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Fast Convenient Reining Affordable SunShottrer on camput aat >u>-ar< I i Mo uyf— fcr ««*• » Let us typeset your im itations in one of our )0 typefaces. Call to find out about our Ion prices! 686-5511 it JTLR PERFECT Suite 300 . £MU . ODt Offices