_Sports__— Outside shots give women convincing win over UCLA Triple-teaming Kasperski backfires Bv ( am Sivosind Emerald Sports Reporter The perimeter shooting uf Oregon's guards gav e I lie «mn en's iiaskethull team .1 tin Mi I'a i tin III ( ainferem e v It torv against .1 lough I t.l.A stpiatl Soturtlav night in Mi Arthur ( aunt Seiiioi mi,ml fnrwaid |ai ipne Semeiiiuk lleti a 1 areei high point total with J4 to lead the I )in k Semeniuk shot 10 oi 1; trom the held and made lout ot live I lee throw s limior Jennifer Honrn 1 ame oil the hem It lo light up the three point line ( arming lorn u! sis attempts I he • foot ■ gu.inl added another hm kel and two toe throws to end w till In III the game I lie three point shot w lti< h helped the Itmks to vii tor\ rhui'dav night against l-St is a w eat toll Oregon 1 oai h I Iw ill I leinv is ipiite aware ot I love the three point sh('I It von miss them 01 the otliei team is lotting them, lliev le not mi good I li-un said "It's .1 shot tll.lt l .111 lll.lkl* Mill III hrrak vou It's frustrating In jiliiv against .uni it'-. .1 tlmll In si ihii in I ( 1 ,,\ S (i'll.II inns tli'lf nsr Inn i’ll till' Itlliks In take tin long range junipers Si'iiiot i I'lltiT Sti l.imi' k.ispriskl li.is iMrni'd a reputation Ini using in• i (i funt 7 si/i' In si ore inside .uni tin- Urn ms know th.it I t I A i nlI.i11si-iI three plii\ i is mi Kttspei ski till most nt till' galTII' opening lip till' Hillside 111! till' I till ks I l lii' Hiiunsi urn- delinilcls keying nil Sti'f.Hlii- dnuhle triple tr.lining Imr mid ur k Hess tll.lt IS l- ll.lil In pit k lip tin si.ii k Si'iui'iiiuk s.iid I he\ vvi*n* giving ll'1 dm piTillii'ler stmts and vvi1 hail In shout and list' to that i hal tenge Semettiuk said Alli-r I ’( I A jumped uni tu . I (I lead till1 I tin ks i ami' h.n f In |in at V , ( tregon grahlii d a Ii If.id at 11 It • lilt mark nil a driving liivup In sophomore Stall \\ allenhnrn kc\fd In a pass from Hntirn Sfinimnik then i aught Im storing lit nt tin- Itinks in-st I ft points I rrsliman guard \ a nt'ssa SfIdt'ii si tirftl thf nllii'r sis as thf Din ks ran nil u ith a in It. load is ith I I a left in tin lust half Itoum st uii'i! fight nl Ore gun's ii in,lining 1 points in thf hall im lutling two thri'f pninti'rs. tu mi c thf I tin ks a 41! Jft lead at intfrmission Sf uii'iiiuk linishi'd is ilh 1 I points in thf Inst hall is hilt' Bourn had 1! file i)tn ks shut a perfei t H ut 8 from the tree throw line in I In- half h.'lsperski norm.illv already m douhlr (inures .it half tune did tint even release a shut in the first hall Pile \\ ■•st t .erman native was the Inst In admit til.it the ltd A name proves ()i I null S ulleilse dues lint revolve arnnnd lie! "I've .llwavs said we le lull a one dimensional team Noliodv leallv believed it ha .perski said I thought |.u ipiie player! the game of her life to night I thought every guard ha sii allv did And that's tun In the sei mill half it opened up the post The post did open up 111 the mm mid halt fur the t)u< ks hut so did the Ilium offense led bv sophomore transfer Kehema Stephens Stephens a 1‘IH'i summer (ilvmpii festival slni poured in 1 ‘ ■ ■ e i . in. I hall points I" ! or ish the game with a game high Tile I tin k s at llialh opened the half positively W ith ha sperski getting her first basket and |iinItii hirwaril I rina \h ( artnev rolling in a driving lav up rh.lt gave Oregon Its biggest lead ol the game at to-JK I’lie I tin ks would again find them selves up bv !H points at IH III vv ith 18:0a rem.lining in the game I lie nest seven minutes he longed tn the Hruins as Ste pllells led a c barge that brought I t I \ to w ithin live at I..’ 17 I'liulii lit K.ilt Imisl 11 in,i \li ( .ilium 1441 h.illli's lor ,i rrlmuiul .igninst I ( I 1 s \//< hrlr H oolnn IJ4I .mil \ii nlr \ mini; (ill \ llmM'-puitil In h,i spcrski .ilimu ivilh .t l.ivup on .1 frrii tn Semeniuk kt*pt the I)m 111' In si\ w 1111 'i 48 Ifft mi thr ( Ini k l u (i tier throw s by Hi urn m iiim Mil liclc Uootton .mil .1 tip in h\ Stephens tut Oreunns lead tu two .it ”>7 'ki. (fre^on rose to tin* < hallenm' however. .mil gr.11l11.1IK pulled .m.ii from the Bruins Tennis team gets chilly victory I tii' Orcein womens ti'ii 11 is team braved mi!) in degree ii'in peialitres wind and r.iin Salnr 1 uin over \ isilillg Idaho (begun won linn ul mv mii gli‘s m.1I1 lies .1111! I wo ul Ihrt'i' doubles III.Ill Ill's In lake till' v\ in. w liii li 1 11.1t h Toni (. 1 fn In s.iul 1 niilil |iist .is c.isiK been .1 1 I win in even .I loss "It's .1 lug win Ini the pm gr.tin liei nose we ll.ive In re i mil against Idaho.' (beidei s.iul I w.is real I v pleased will) I lie lillt'llsih and llie sin.ill pl.i\ w e show eil Oregon was quicklv in .1 I 0 linle as Idaho's I'alm 1.1 Sha nander heal Oregon's hnmi Nagamnlo Mi, ' > n llilarv Huberts answered Ini the Dinks taking .1 straight sets v\ iii over (lalliv t..iw h\ a i' n t. t m on* Amlin (uiheen look .in eas\ win ovn Idaho's Marlene I orilr n I il l lollmvnl In lil.i tin's onl\ other singles win .1 lough i.n I n i win o\ it l )i egon's Margeiel I raleigh In hm 111.i I Irdmhurger Oregon freshman Slu*lli*\ Hi.null needed lhn*i' sets to ills I'lisr III lil.llio's I \ ml.I l ITOIIV ti | I n ii 1 (Iregon uon llif Iasi singles mail Ii as |.u kie Ilf lord look an eas\ lei. li I win m ei h,iien liladluilm Idaho took the lirsl doubles m.ili h w ilh l.aw and ShanandiT taking straight sets Irwii Naga moto and (loheen In a 0 t Ii 1 si ore Huberts .mil Hi.nidi i .imc b.n k for ()regon In lake a i> t li J win ovei Idaho's Hladltolm ■ind Heimhurger Delord and I ralcigh (■lull'll llic meet b\ lak ing a tough III rue sol nialc:h limn horde and I emus In a I. 7 i>. 7 i si ore i Inc player l Ireidcr was quit k In give ( it'dil In lias Huberts (ireider pointed out lh.it Roll cils had been su k all Iasi Week w ilb the llu but i aine in and plaved well m hiking a singles w in and a doubles vit tor\ w lilt Mrandt Oregon travels north lor a I'ortland and I ni ulna trip to meet I'ai tin Iutheran I’uget Sound and Portland on the w eekend ol I eb lti HI Duck wrestlers take third I lie Oregon wrestling ttram placed linril in Iasi wirk Cite) s ( lowboy ( lassii ill Stillu .tier ( )kla Second ranked Oklahoma Slate look seven of In weight divisions In run away with the tournament i hampionship with 1 V l 25 points Minnesota y\.is set ond with H H 25 points follow ed liv the Ducks with 515 points joe Kissonn, wrestling at 1(1(1 pounds lost 7 I in the ti mils to (iklahoma State s Kandy ( nurture to plai e see ond ()i I'lton's highest finish t int Strahtn won in the consolation fimils .it the 177 ponnd division v\ 11 h a (1-4 dei is ion over (la I Poly Si.O's Mike knpp Dan \idlak and Strahm lost in the i (insolation finals .it I lit pounds and heavyweight respei lively lor fourth plai e in the tomnainent Mat (Iraig and t'.eorge lohnston took liflh place in 142 and 150 pounds, respectively (Iraig won over (lentral State's 1 odd Drake hy a 5 4 decision lohnston decisionerl (Central State's lolinnv Niinnio 4 t Oklahoma State's I'at Smith, who took the championship at 15H pounds, was named the tournament s outstanding w restler Kendall ( loss, also of (Iklahoma State had the most tails m the least time in the meet w ith two pins in 4 5li Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU T . > ■ v . ••• •; .•,« j MR PUKE* m/5 UElE.HES IS THE PRESIDENT' .MAK1N A HOUrS OANNY HELLUVA MAKJH6 OUT* IMPRESSION T 0S / SIR1 i was iHSPEcriHS thf AFRAiP INVASVN KKF SIR OF THAT HPS WORFJFV WHAT SHF A&an THFJR PORKS HOWr JHIfORMS • V I" ..-t'" THEIR UN I FORME1 AJHATG WRONG weth THEM* THEy RE JUNGLE - Erne camouflage EtR THE VICE PRES! PENT THINKS METRE INAPPROPRIATE FOR URBAN COMBAT \ . can we get uniforms with unit BUILDINGS 0N7HFM? i weu, d^K TRy. SIR' C r } g GENTLEMAN’S I EXCORE S a DU ALII NG* P OR MP N AND WOME N OP DISCRIMINATING TASTE ■ 1111 WILLAMETTE S EUGENE. OR 97401 SB 343-6179 ■ f~" —l 7