Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 29, 1990, Page 13, Image 13

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Ducks continue to dominate USC
brandon s shot
marks 66-65 win
Bv Trac \ Sumner
Emerald Sports I ditor
The Oregon men's basketball
(earn ended one six-game streak
and extended another one, t.ik
ing a lileha win ovei Southern
( ialifomia in the 1.1 is \ngelt s
Sports Alena Saturday
Saturday's win was the
I )ur ks first on I he road I lus
season aflei six losses unhid
_Pac-10 Men
Oregon Si
Arizona St
Southern Cal
Washington St
Cool Ov***ii Games
W L A . Hrheu*
8 1 15 3
8 1 14 3
6 3 12 4 2
S3 14 S 2
5 4 10 8 3
4 4 125 r
36 108 5
36 99
1 8 6 10 7
18 7 12 7
ing three in the Pat ilii lit I on
terem e ll was also Oregon's
seventh straight win over
Southern (ialifornia dating
hai k to jnnuarv 11187.
\\ ilh tlie Par-10 season now
half over, the I)uc ks are i I in
( onlereiu e |)la\ . 10 It oveiall
Oregon is now in tilth place in
the conference Southern tail is
tied for last plat e vv till U ash
inglon Stale at 1 It
Sophomore guard I eirell
Brandon gave Oregon the win
with an eight-foot lump shot
trom the lelt baseline w ith time
running out to end a close uni
lest in w hit h neither team led
In more than five points
Southern (ad had just taken
its last lead at l>'> 04 on < ialv in
It.inks' tip in ol freshman guard
Harold Miner's missed tree
throw w ith I 05 left in the
game Brandon missed a shot
with 17 setonds remaining and
Southern (ail's Robert Pac k got
the rebound
Brandon fouled Par k inline
diately to send him and bis no
percent foul shooting to the
line for a one and one Pack
missed and Oregon i enter
Richard l.ucas rebounded to
give Oregon another shot at a
game w inner
Oregon tailed timeout with
17 seconds lelt to set up the
play for Brandon
Oregon coach Don Munson
said the plav was a clear out
pla\ tor Brandon the same
pia\ the Dinks had attempted
20 seconds earliei when Bran
don missed
"We called the same plav the
time before but it ditin t gel
ke\ in Mixon
cleared. Munson said Keith
(Km nolds) didn't cleat out the
time lielore and his man tame
over and helped (dtdentl Hr.in
don) "
This time Brandon got the
< leal out he needed to take the
defender I’at k one on one
Brandon drove past I’at k to the
baseline and put up a lough
shot almost from behind the
Itat khoartl
The shot fell through the net
vv ith about tour set onds re
maining, giving the Irojans
one last ( ham e
l liev didn't take it
With the game's tinal set
onds tit king au.iv I'rojan lor
w ard Ronnie ( ademan took sev
etal steps along the baseline be
tore inbounding the ball to t en
ter (ihris Monk
By that time there wasn't
even enough tune tor a ties
peration shot tor the I rojans
Southern Cal coach Ceorge
Raveling protested that trojan
plavers had signaled lot a time
out but oflii lal Boll (.arihaldi
said no
I was looking a! Monk and
(ademan ami thev didn I sav
anything to me (.aribaldi
said "Raveling said to me that
someone i ailed a timeout to
one of the other oflii ials at the
other end I asked them both
and thev said no
Rav cling said he didn t
blame the officials and said his
team vvouldn I have had tune
lor anything more than long
desper.ilion shot niivvvav
Solid pi.iv from reserve for
vv ard la 11 I hum and a shake up
in the I tin ks starting lineup
helped Oregon to its fourth
straight vv m on the I rojans
home i ourt
Dunn who was benched last
lerrell llranilon
month in favor ol treshman Hub
I ite t .mu' ott tin- Item h lur
eight points ,itit! mm- rebounds
ill) ( lll'llllll
Munson startl'd senior guard
Steve Kanniger in plat r ut Kuv
in Mixon Mnnsuii said later hi*
wanted In Imlp give Mixon an
■ I11itUlIf ld|Usl lllrlll
1 think I got his .itIfntion b\
not starting him Mmisoit
said I dido I 11 kf Ills att it lull
at It I A nr at pint Ini' I rid.is
su I thought inavbi' I d sir it I
i mild i hangf it I’m protul ut
him I If did a really good job
Mixon siiiicd a game high 70
points I 7 in the set olid hall
lui the 1 tin ks blit it was his
II ft f ns*' against the high si in
mg Vtinei that pleased Munson
"I wax realls pleased with
Mixon, nut In‘i aose ul the
butkels lie si uifd but bei alise
ut buss hard lie worked trailing
Miner and working on him
Monsun said
Mint't w Ini went lor 17
points against Oregon State
rhurxdas bad 17 points m the
Inst hall but had to bad to i on
tend w ilh ( begun x box and
one tielenxf ss ith lour ( begun
plasms m a /one and line
ustialls Mixon i basing him
ss beres er he svenl in the sei mid
halt Miner linished ssilh 711
'I played ss ilh 1 htrold m the
sum me I and I kness what be
i mild do " Mixon said I
kness boss good he is I ssasn I
expei ting to shut him down I
ssas going to i nine out and plas
hard against him and d lie
goes oil lor 70 or in points
more posset to him 1 }tixt
ssasn’t going to let it i mile
Intramural Results
Men's l),isketl),ill
kijjma \lpha I psilon I V. I'ossc l’
Hla/ed ~2 \t< hmals r>
M,ivinr\ I’ersonitieil n I \l()t.. mlball >'i
kappa Sigma III lii. I i\ i- \\ IliU’ < >uv s I
I aMt.lsy Wit i'll! Hjse (j i Sigma I hi I *0
learn ( orn Alpha I.hi i )nh‘r,.i ' \ >**
I veil Mi >f e \\aste< I ■ ■ M h k\ I in;s I
( olIu*r i Sigma \11 III l I
> u i ( itinrin louse " ! I lie Kro ks i
( oti 11 in Dis.isiei II \l pi i.i l.iu i >mega II II II
limmi I’ll mi m Hawaiian kane
Women's Basketli.ill
I lie I I).II lies I'l I .lllv I )tn ks Jl>
Men's R.k (|uelh.)ll
h.ipp.i sigma I del 'sipma I’lii I psilon I
Phi kapp.i l*si II A del Ihel.i ( In II 1 I
I he ( rus.ulers ilet kappa Sigma II 2 I
Phi kappa I’si I (lei Phi I Vila I beta I ’ I
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