Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 29, 1990, Page 11, Image 11

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    Monday In-Depth
Continued from P-w '
Ami there yyas .1 Ini of e.irh interest because rye (l)sSI
neeii new funding eac h year fur serv 11 es ue pru\ it it; like note
taking and tutors,'' she said
After an experimental meeting in early October the
group began meeting biweekly as they began the process ol
setting up thi' organi/.atiou. lormulating a 1 onslitulion and
stating their goals
"Tile tirst goal for SKA and it’s too had it has to he the
lust goal is to get tunding lor DSS said SKA <:o direi lor
111 lie Huber "We have to he concerned about the funding he
cause it we don’t work tor it it 1 mild lie shut ntt ipiite .1
And it these finances were i ut substantially DSS
wouldn't be able to provide the services some disabled slu
dents need to attend the l 'diversity , noted SI-A s other 1 o di
rector. C.reg Smith
"We re at a struggle right now bee ause we think we
should be getting V amount of money but we re not sure ol
receiving it, and we re kind ol at a standstill he said To
me. we deserve the finances to continue to go to school
SKA's members plan to write letters to the l.egislutuie
and to Oregon Stale System ol llighei I ducation Chancellor
Thomas Bartlett to request more state tunding, Huber said
adding that the students will also lobby the III for ASt ()
SKA also hopes to boost I hiiversitv i ouxe lousm ss ol dis
ability issues, (iavendnr said
"By being an organization SKA creates ayvareness and by
being active it c reates even more ayvareness, she said, add
mg that inc reased ayvareness is the first step tnyvard improy
ing campus disability issues such as yvheelc hair accessibility
in buildings
II you have ayvareness. then it’s a lot eusiei to start the
proc ess ol c (range bee ause more people understand yyliy you
yy ant tilings to change
SKA plans to inc reuse 1 ampus ayvareness through events
such .is a video presentation planned tor this term entitled
"Don't (lo To Your Room whic h deals yy ith issues c one eric
ing yy omen yy ith disabilit ies
Moreover, the group s officers have been mainlaiiimg a
dialogue yy 11h disabled students organizations at otfiei uniy er
sities to learn how to best set up ST.A SI A s olliceis plan to
visit Oregon State I'niversitv’s organiz.ition later this term.
I luber said
Right noyy ocn number one yyish is to gel tunding lor
DSS. she said Once yy e hay e that wc run do the 1111 little
things like try to gel an oftie e and try to get funding ten "d \
as a student group separate (rum DSS
SKA could have its wishes realized sooner it more slu
dents would gel involved. Hubei said < )l Kail students who
use the disabilities ottic e eat h term, only tour or fire show up
regularly to SKA meetings
"I am disappointed about the disabled students yyho
aren’t involved because this is loi them, and this is their
binding. Huber said It people don t work tin it they n
not going to have it in the next terms
Caxendni also pointed out that ST \ is open lo non dis
aided students yylio are interested in learning alrmil disability
"I yyould really eric mirage anyone to line! out about pen
pie yyilh disabilities she said "You'll line! out they re 111 st
normal people like yourselves
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C ontinucd from Pa^r I
I Ills new lf> Imologv is i risil
mg mam ni'ii phvsu al .mil so
i la 1 possibilities Ini thr ills
allied as well as tor six n*t\
I’mfitable purr bases
I In- surge ol spei la 11\ adapt
ed equipment began about two
Years ago sa\s Sll/ie ( uveiidor
a i ounselor lor students with
disabilities m tbe I imersill s
l lltue ot At adeinii Advising
and Student Serv u es
\pprn\iinatel\ two do/en
I'niversilv students who are
plush alls or learning disabled
are beginning to prolil Ironi le
i enl pun liases
During tbe last two years tbe
ASl'O and tbe president's ol
lh e gave a total ot Sill 000 to
pun base an ai Iav i d new
equipment and serv u es for ills
ableil students. < lavender says.
I lie kur/.weil I'ersonal Head
er w it It its nine \ oil es and
SlH.000 worth ot IliM i nnipu
tei eipiipineut provide students
with wool proiessmg lapabil
ities on enlarged type moni
tors text si aniling that reads
aloud and a braille printei
I III ee I At loops also iveie
pun based at Shllll apiei e to aid
hearing unpaired students in
the i l.issrooui \\ lib these de
V ll es a prolessol s nm e i .111 lie
transmitted In I \l radio waves
to a student in the room I be
inslmi lor wears a small trails
III it tei with 11 look s like a mi
i rophnnr .mil llit' siutli'iil
wf.irs ,i h.illi’r\ piiuiTfil ri'i i-iv
Mlhough (hr «-iju11>u>*• nt Is
\ i*r\ I'Vpi'llsIV r i! IS .ill I'M t‘l
Irnl im rslmi'iil ( .i\ riiilm
s.i\ s
i-<|uipun-iit h.i> diam.ilii .111 \ in
1 re.ised the .mnnml n! work sin*
Is .ililc In ill) nil her dm lni.ll
llii'sis .mil the speed . 11 which
she ( .111 w nrk Miller s.w s
Itetnre .ittei .1 i niiple nl
Ilnurs nil .1 remil.ll 1 nliipuler
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stop a disabled person from being an ac
tive. able participant. ’
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U illi thr lieu
in idling i ,iii slop
person limn limii);
,ihlr p.irlii ip,ml
ci lmiili)i{\
.1 llis.lllll'll
.III .11 IIV r
( ,ivciiilin
Krutov mi; nlistai Irs
ri>i cnlIv puri h.isrd
M ll'l'Il I’ll Ilf .1 t>S( 11111 • ‘ I \ Ulpi'll
mil shi' s.ihI
\ii\v llhil l.itigm- is mil mm h
ill hi i>1 »sI.ii li> Millrl s.i\s she
lurn In I»-t hmild^v, I’.i^r 12
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