Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 29, 1990, Page 10, Image 10

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'Glory' tells story of uncivil war
Broderick, Washington star in epic film
By Ken Nolan
Emerald ( ontriluitor
U s (.iiii'ii i:itm .mil it is .1
slirrniK musing i-pii .ilmui tin
_Movie Review_
Alin,in Amerii an soldiers vs Im
louxlit in !In* (‘iviI \\ ,ir
Thai ( TviI VV.il is depii led ,is
■ i very mu iv ili/eii vy ,ii in I Ins
11 i m I In- his! five iii i miles id
i hides .hi extremely violent
h.iltle si ene ini hiding .1 graph
11 shut id .1 hum.in he,id hurst
mg like .hi exploding water
ll.irely two minutes later the
illldieiii e is tortured w itii .1
medic ,il tent inter hide I lie t\ pe
id si ene vvhii h seems ,1 rerjiii
site for all w .11 I dins
Villi know the H pe iil si ene
.1 !ony. slow shut pannmy met
Inis and ptei es of arms a lot of
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blood on the floor soldiers i m
ered in ha nd.iges and most
missing .1 few limits here .oul
I here \eed u e go no '
file prodix ers id (',htr\ seem
In think \\e needed lo go on .is
we .ire offered ,i silhouetle of .1
dor lor w'ifh .1 h.n ks.iw in his
hand amput.itinn the leg of .1
\er\ wide awake soldier who
shrieks Please (aid don I 1 tit
am more'
And so w illnn 111 iiimiiles of
lire opening < redils (.‘/on has
overwhelmed and disgusted
1 he audieiu e
I his wai I he film s.ivs was
liol a war full id heroes and
honor ll was not a lom.intu
time of Kheii Holler and Sear
lett I ) I lara ll was a lime of
legs being sawed off and heads
Matthew Itroderii k as a 2n
yeai old w lute offir er from a
weallln family is w it ness lo
these wartime horrors As we
w.ilili Ins face while he listens
lo the si reams of Ins comrades
hemg Mow it lo small Inis of
smoldering flesh we ask mil
selves the <|ueslion he is on
doiihledh asking himself I11 a
vs .11 like this how 1 an one
.11 liieve glorv '
Hiodeink is somehow pro
moled lo i olonel although he
knows he is not < til old lor the
dots and he is plai ed III
I It.irge III a V el \ innovative .Old
new projer I implementing a
bl.x k regiment in the I 1111111
Thus the lust and most fa
mmis hl.x k regiment in the
( iv il U ai is horn lire eitli
Massai husells Volunteer
Hi ode 111 k s ho\ hoi ai Irieml
a free and vv ell edoi ale 1 hi.11 k
man named Thomas is the first
voliinleei In turn, the auiiieiu e
uieels 1 dlier 1 liarai leis 1 d the
1 lilt in< hiding the hitler brutal
Denzel Washington and the la
llierlv Morgan I reeinan
Will Hroderii k evei gel this
ragtag, makeshift regiment into
shape ( )l course lie will Hut
Ihiini krnnnh tirtt). I)rn/rl U .ishini;ton .mil Mortfun
I'rrrmnn portray \nltlirrs in .in .ill-lil.uk ret’inwnl ol thr
I nmn .irnn iluriiu; thv Civil U.ir
Ilf w ill h.n c lu make mimic s.ii
lit ill's III llll SO
Ini hiding turning Ins Ii.ii k
on Ins Iili’li111frienil l liinii.is
lie must .ilso make .111 rneim
mil ol .iinilhet trieml ( .ir\
Khves (7Vie I’rinrrss Hrido), an
nffii ei under Ins i omntaml
u Inini Hnulei n k i uiisl.inlK
i hides tin not leai.liing the
lil.ii k soldiers properl\
Throughout the him
.mil strung perfmmam e .is the
stubborn ex slave whom we
liutll lo\ c and despise
The most stirring si cni‘ in
the film is ulmn Washington is
punished helore the i*uttrt• regi
mrnt lor leu\ mg i amp w ithout
permission Hr is Hogged at the
order ol Hroderii h
Washington’s bails is hired
with old whipping sears, and
Ins physique suggests one who
It was not a romantic time of Rhett But
ler and Scarlett O’Hara. It was a time of
legs being sawed off and heads exploding.
doubt Hroderii k's 11*<><icrslii|>
Hul low.ml tin- i ‘i id ol the 111 in
«(• sci* .1 method to Ins in,id
ness Hmderir k doesn't want to
see .111\ more exploding heads
or sawed oil legs lie doesn't
want dismembered soldiers lie
simply wants to make the men
ol the Villi the (rest soldiers
there ev er w ere
Morgan Freeman ((.'/earl am/
.Sober) gives a good perfor
main e as the eldei soldier
whose i aim and patient c earn
him the rank ot sergeant major
Although Ins i harm ter is limit
ed I iceman seems to In mg
what lines he does ha\e to lile
Den/.t'i Washington, on tin
other hand gives a triumphant
is iinpi'i\ unis hi pain U iih
(Mi h lash dl tin- w hip. the .nidi
cm I- sens Washington's fine in
.1 light t lose np
Absolutely stone-far etl .mil
staring Hroderu k sli,tight in the
eves W.ishington stoically re
i fives blow after blow .is tears
well np in bis eves It is the
most well-acted and potent
st ene in ret enl memory
All the i har.it lets ot the film.
iih lulling hnllbeailed Denzel
Washington, tome to an awak
filing ot one sort or aiiolhei
Ihe beauty of this ensemble
group of characters is that we
delight in seeing eat h one of
them at luevf a goal
< mirtfw photo
Soldiers of the 54th Regiment parade through the streets of Boston in the Civil War epic (ilorv
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