Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 29, 1990, Image 1

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    ___ Oregon Daily_ _
■ Student goes to trial, Page 4
■ Medieval life in Eugene, Page 5
■ First road win for men. Page 13
■ Women rout Bruins, Page 14
Moiulin |,muar\ l'i'iit
Fugi’iir. ()n'gon
\ oliimr 'i 1 \umhiT M7
Happy New Year
Vhr l 'nivrrsit\ \ Chinrsr Student Assm i.ilinn rings in tin- nrn In
nar yr,ir with ,i (hint ing Inrhinr linn I'hr ussot intion's .inini.il ( liin.i
Sight iihirkrd llir ) r.ir nl thr llnrsr Sunday
I’hoto In Scan I’ostnn
Citizens' group protesting
Eugene's renewal methods
Ilv ( athorine I law lev
t meraltl Reporter
Downtown is tin' In .ill i>l .m\ i il\ il
ti<is lu lie hiMItll\ lui llii' i its In sin \ i \ f
Musi |><•■ ipli- 111 Iagree with
lli.il sentiment .mil must .t(|iir lli.it lltr
i’it\ s ailing dow nlown core nerds In be
rev itali/eii siinii‘hm\
Hill 11 p 11111111 illlti’l mr wlii'llli'r tip
dating lltr i ity s current iirh.ni rriirw.il
p l.t 11 is (hr w,i\ In s p. 11 k urn lilr down
tow it \nd .il Ir.isl .1 do/ru ot I ugrni s
i ili/rns hrlirvr loins should h.ivr niorr
influence in deciding whether in krrji
llir plan
Ur would like In srr mule i (Hlsldrr
ation given lo puhlic input said Paul
\ii liolson, a member ol the I audition
tor l air Alim ation ol ( its faxes, a
group ol about ! .’ Iiigenc i ili/.rns who
want lo srr all mailers regarding urban
renewal plans lelerred lo a public vole
'The pntifti has lo have some sav in
(he business the i 11v i nndtit Is \ii bol
son said I be\ have no right to impose
a plan on us In I let rmhri members ol
I I ) I All 11 In I an lull lal ive I lint will let
I ugelle voters decide ill Mav wbelbei
llie i Itv should update the urban plan
A lew weeks earlier the i ilv i mini d hail
voted lo approve the update
( I) I A( T members are not opposed
to development. Nu liolson said Thr\
are more concerned about the l.u k ol
publii inlluem e in the planning pnx ess
and Iron ol an updated urban renewal
plan's i bam e ot sm i reding
11 lias a rr< ord ol la dure.' N'u liolson
said, i iting past urban renewal pro|ei Is
that have been nnsin i esslul sin II as the
Kllgene llillon and the Atrium Hiiildmg
mi nith Avenue
( ()l \( I members are also wary iit
thi1 lav mi lenient method ot linaitc ins;
urban irnrwul |>r<>ii*t Is lav increment
financing is based tin the prim iplr that
tin1 i 11v i an pay for urban improvement
in taxing llir property values dial in
i lease .is a 11-si 111 nl making those mi
prm 1'iiH'iiK
I I) I Al I members contend properly
y.durs downtown liavu ai luallv dr
i mast'd Mint- tin- renrvyal district was
i reeled 111 I'liill \n biilsiin said
(In du iit)u 1 baud I ugene needs a
i ulnpit'lirnsiw flexible development
plan In li'.id dmvnliiwn mil id its i urrrut
slump The updalrd urban renewal plan
Ills llir bill, said bans Douglas. execu
tive III I' president III llir Kllgrilr \ira
I 11 a 111 bt * I 111 < 11 111 llir 11 r
W ll.lt III' llrrd In du Is srlril .1 \l
sum srl mil sights on it and solvr am
priiblrins as (inn come up along llir
Will I tnuglas said
Douglas said businesses iult'irslrd ill
locating hi hiume arc sumi'timrs put
ult In thr .imiiuiit ul publu .a In ism in
llir i 11 \ bri .HIM' llliisr blisinrssrs air llllt
sure w hat lu rspri I
Husinrssrs look tor a drprndablr at
inospllrlf I lunulas said l li.tl stability
i minis bum laws that sprit nut what is
rspri trd ul blisinrssrs llr nddrd
t ttlfii limes a small utimhrr ut vocal
activists rod up as "dr facto policy
makers' who circumvent thr rstab
lislird c ||\ li'.idrrsiiip. Douglas said
I would like to see those people* put
themselves in llir traditional process of
dec ision making, sue h as running for
rlrc led city offic rs Douglas said "A
Turn to Development, Page I (>
Disabled students stride with user-friendly technology
By |ot* Kidd
Emerald Reporter
At lilt* flip ut a sw ill li she is
reunited uilli a crowd ul elei
Ironii friends triends slie has
i ome In know and apprei i.ite
()ne hv one the\ seem to step
up to llie mike
"Hi I'm I’erfei t I’aul." a
pointed, evai (mu von e sa\s
"Hi I'm Huge Ham " s.ws
the next one in a deep, lolling
Next it's I*'rail Irank then
Daring Dennis f rom the oho
rus ot nine voices lour men.
lour women and hit (tie hid
stie pu ks Beautiful Hetty's eon
and i ontinues
Marianne Miller. .1 Dniversi
l\ graduate student who losl
mui h ot tier sight w hen she
w.is 11) \ears old. and Beautiful
Beltv are doing v hat most nth
er students do alone
They are reading
The electronit personalities
Miller can 1 house from are not
only products of a $12.1100
computer in the knight l.ihrar\
t li.it reads aloud to students
with disabilities. Huge Harry
and his friends are the 1 rest of a
technology tidal wave rushing
toward disabled people tfi.it is
said to have only pist begun
Turn to Tei hnologv, Page 11
/lu re 's a new wave of technological educational devices coming in.
Students with disabilities and society as a whole stand to benefit.
I'hulu Im |«*r Kiiltl
Marianna Millar, a student who is visually impaired, uses the I'niversity \ new kur/weil Per
sonal Header computer system to work on her thesis
SEA works
for funds,
By Donist* ( Iifton
I mernld Asso( ialt* I ditor
I tit teas. d binding .ind
awareness lor disabilitv
c oik ci ns ,irr lire iinrncdi
.ilc goals lor .1 fledgling
siii.i.'nl group oil i .mi
Students lor I .pi.il \i
i ess .hi organization < re
•iled earlv in tall term lie
g.ni as a forum tor dis
allied students to gel ill
volved in tile issues th.it
relate to llieir d,nl\ lives
as I 'Diversity students
"Disabled students
need to liav e a plai e
u here thev (all i nine and
be beard and feel like
thev have a von e in
wbatever's happening ''
said Suzie (!avendor. ai I
mg duel tor for the I Its
aided Student Serve es
()t111 e and initiator of
Turn to STA, Page 11