_Sports_ Women dump USC Bv ( IS left in the lust halt Senior guard forward jaiipiie Semeiiiuk ended the Dm k st 01 mg in the first ball with a jumpei Semeniuk bad eight points and III lebounds on the night and grabbed tour steals l tregoil went into the lot kel room at intermission with a 41) 11 lead A tiled up (begun squad 1 a me out hot in the sec ond hall beginning with a kasperski bank shot and a dm ittg luvup In freshman point guard \ a nessa Seidell Seidell finished the game with It points .mil iwu slf.ils In tin- st-i mill halt though w i- dot ilit-H 1111.11 si ore \\ e had a i ouple ol ri-allv diving plavs where vve went on the Hour tm the ball and that s i'M il illg." I leillV said I like to see that etturt The Trojans struggled for most ol the game, unable to 111 iiI the tango 1 s< shot a pour 12 a pen fill making pisl 2ti ot BO shots Iron 1 the floor Seniot torn ai d I ummv I lam mond led the I'io|.iiis in si or illg with 20 tollowed In Irtish man giianl |mu l.asterlv s 12 Seiiloi torwanl Kosalind I lodge 1 milritiuti'd to t he I )ui ks oil the other hand had tathei impressive statistii s (Begun shot to 2 pet 1 tint from the lield and were li 'I trom three point ten itorv for a till 7 mark 1 tee throw s were a tug dillei eill e in till' game as w ell I he I Im ks were sent to the line 2t times and 1 ashed 111 on II ot them Ihe Irujans shot I from the line I he I tin ks lai e 1(1 \ at Mai ( null Salurdav night at 7 to I he I)iu ks 11 ail the Brums in th.e I ’.ii 10 standings and hope to make a gain this weekend SUPER BOWL SUNDAY! Special beer Prices!! Free Mors d oevres!! PARTY BALLS &* KEGS AVAILABLE!! Live Music Saturday 7- lOpm The Blues Bears featuring Tim Ryan BIC SCREEN T.V.!! I4TH8T Alder 344-447 1 (740 f. 14(h) Open 4 I I pm iljily. I I I pin weekends * MVNMRUWD * ,Mt AT > (>H PAH TIf s AND HlHTNDAVS 5^\|incn ALL GAMES WORK £VIU£U WITHNICMIS GAMES ADMISSION 1 50 SIH STMi(T PUIIIC MANliT EUCtif • Ml MM S' q>P>\NG F/^ spns Private Outdoor Hot Tubs and WOLFF Tanning PRESENT THIS COUPON FOR $2.00 OFF any rental INCLUDING: « HOT TUB Of « GIFT CERTIFICATES or * TANNING PACKAGE 1110 Main Streel Spnnglield 741-1777 Daytimr St hr »rrg StO hr ) l*r* (Sun Thur\iSi hr irrg SIO hr I I(fr» Sal) S'O hr |rrg II? hr ) Kales are lor 2 people A COMING TO THE CIO BOOKSTORE (ART AITD SCHOOI S(II’I’L V Dt I’ARTMT IT T) WED. JAM. 31 & THCIRS. FEB. 1 Keep Watching And Don’t Miss It! AIUO WINTER SINPOSIUM "Taking AIM *1*1 khwniii n*arti 1H0 January 26 ■ fltdav Homophobia and HIV h- jlfh l >«~*f Kjrtmon? J ■•••. the h a. .(f, {h j Mi ?!»••! II. * p Un Ron Under Room KEYNOTE Address. Catlin Fullwood • ' ’. . •. ' .V j ‘ }' f MU Ballroom Volunteer Opportunities in AIDS Service Organizations . t - • f f f I •i . jr *0 ( ( Mjfjty I'libb 11<"« )fth l>*f Hjftn'.CfTt pH .• . I .'!"«•* { ■{ fl.r fn , ■ >. ir-t ■ -■ r H,nfy from t « . < -n! .r s C > jr ifmrj the U ■ jr‘ f H' . p *>,» p« \ Maple Room Substance Use and the HIV Infection of l > J Ak;< ifioi f*i \ yams [-r* * ■< ■ ? a .v >!p,h ,p ' • .. >iuj • p t. » j. - l Hi. f■ ' : r , • 1 ' •• i Maple Room Safer Sex Workshop for Women *.* j! i J. • ■<«»<) - Ml- J?!h ’ , f f« . Ml- .|;V pf • ; • J 'Ilf ' V ■ * I '• •' 1 ' . k i t*ow wi.ni.fM < )t i ? -f f It * *n addfo or i * >m«»f.ir w. Jf ■< ' r J V>'<- * Ben Under Room (formerly the Forum Room) January 27 - Saturday When a Friend is HIV Positive . :;.} }•■ f> ' H J }' ! i '■ ‘ fit* ■'1 1* fan .-"t t { •• ! ■■•a ‘km ■ Maple P ^-m Media and HIV •: j-.on »If-- jilt . ( )»V •*.» jO n«* '• 7'f 1 •.! f • ]t '!••.} J 1- 1 ■ iy' » • • t Oak Poom Holistic Health and HIV Panel Gum wood Poom Coping With Loss People of Color and the HIV Infection Government and HIV Medfffi! •'epf Homes » » P< j, • f •. |! Maple P tom Oak Poom Gumwood Poom Political Action and HIV lo i.‘ 1-J. IW„cO ( n -f t li }• J J J .f..pjirect f 11is I ■, the Be :llr v ,rn 111, I lh. ■ ( f.U I