Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 26, 1990, Page 8, Image 8

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    "25 Years of
Quality Service"
Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen
Audi • Dal sun • Toyota
2025 Franklin Blvd
Eugene. Oregon 97403
1 FREE WaSh tm <un \n» ( uMimu tV!
\\ i n I hr
lien oM .mil
(ii \m si::
(41*1 «. Insv i IHurt
\(Hi (hulk ' i
1056 (Ireen A res Rd.
Nr.il <• I |tK \ IH'\I to 1 «m*<I <
Bruins cruise to easy 79-62 win
B\ Ir.n \ Sumnor
I mould Sports t ditm
I lie ()n*u<in nn*n s haskrtball
ti .i!i» }*(ii ,iu A liu Hfort Iml .in
I in (In* I’ai til standings
lliiirsdai .is I ( I A pasted lli<*
itin ks *i hj lii lun* ,i I’.iulin I’ *
vilinii i fmvil of *i t "iM
I lif u in pul 1 I I A .il I in
llll’ I’,II III 111 si Hill’ gilllll* In
liiml Oregon Si,ill- who heal
ShiiiIii'in (:alitnrniii *u to
I hnisdai (tregoti. ,i Iom*i fin
the sixth timi* in six in,til games
lllis si’.isim Irll In 1 I ill 1111•
( 1111 ft * M' 11( i H H i >\ ii. ill
l ilt* I'( I A Iruiil Ini* ill I'rev
in Wilson I tun Mai I .ran anil
I i,ii\ Murray i ■ 11 ii 1111 ii *< I tin -111
points ami ii'IkiiiiiiIs hi 11h•
r.isv Itruin wm M mu* point in
lilt- sri mill hall I hr Inn hail I
ill I ( I A s Hi points hciori* giv
mu way In lii'in h plavrrs
I hr Itruins si mi ll m wait's
in I hr Ins! hall In open a i tun
lortahli' to II lead and were
novel threatened as lliri won
llii'ii seventh s11aiy*hi nvri Ore
v,’iin dal InU hai k In 1 'Itlli
Up to your ears ?
Dig yourself out with
deal on an IBM PS/2
lit Inn mui jm i -iitiwi il limit i w 1111 work tin- \f.ir. m l .in I HM
l’t l~oll.ll ''\-ti||| I lloo-i llolll livt- llllliTlIlt |Ulkap'« ol li.iril
w. 111 .11 it I -t il i wai t now .it -lift i.i I low -i in It i it | u ii w I .it 11
-\ -it hi i in in - w il 11 f.i-\ - lo 11-i' -oil warn Ii i.iilfil .iml nails to pi!
W 11.it - IIloll W Ill'll Mill IIIl\ MHII I ’> Mill W ill P't .1 IIloll-l'
I Mil .i I i - nu ll ill-ki t to IioIiIn .mil .1 |lowi r -I i i|i—all I ivi\
\ ml 11 i.i l - not all Vm n- al-o nit it hi I to a -|n < i a I low «
jiiii i- on tin' I’llOl -i i \ a i . iml. mfi
\nti ,1'iiit lit.111 .in ini' iiiri-i- ..I nit inti'i |tti|tiii,ii - -
I MM 1‘niiiniiii i - .in- .iv.iil.ii>l<- .it ~|n•« 1.11 low |irii t '*
I >mi i "ft It ll nut in tlif IIillr I M|t i iml' It lmi.irv I i. I'fNI. ( umr hi tml.iv
How* re vou iioiiur to do it?
PS/2 it!
Microcomputer Support Lab
Room 202 Computing Center
Mondav-Friciav 9am-5pm
• !* -.1 • •* A* /tr- 1 wi" . V* .V ■»*> VI f ;>1 ftSSOO.0 *'■ -• -.*> *tHh< •<* t*v
. i* - , « V t 4'«‘ • • 1.-1 »t •. ► «• r> vjCmr t ».•» ' I'vjr iOW
i* ■ it P. ..'i .-.,.U'vv' • Wl : * •
— tJM *p *
. I 1 M* *Vf 4fxl t'Aln’ jfk
(maid kev m Mi\i»n Ini .1
iIim-i pointer to give Oregon <in
r, t| U n ’ lr.nl. Ini! I ( ! \ llr
Imtil tin* m tiring n! \\ ikon .mil
M.11 It,111 u ml mi. 1 I 1 J run In
lake .t 21 1 I lr.nl
( )rrgon I hrn u rill mi ,1 'I
mu n! ils «\vti tu puit within
Itnu .11 i .mi mitlw.iv 1 hrmigh
llu I mil I ii.it was ( lii'iimi s Ins!
gasp as thr Hiuins cnltscnrrd
I llr I )m ks . .’ 1 I i iv r r I hr rrst 1 il
tllr h.ill 111 l.ikr till' I "i (mini
ir.ui In I llr lirr.lk
I lungs ilulii I gel any belter
in llu- mm uinl Imlf Im tlir ovrr
111.111 Ill'll I III! ks ,ls 1(1 A
opened Ir.uls .is l.ilgr .is J! 011
! hr v\ .iv In I In- 1 point win
Oregon ion I<I ilr.iw no closer
111.111 1J ,il in !■} w ith less ill.in
Ivvo ntilltlles gone in tile sri mill
(Jregon coach Don Munson
s. iid hr was pleased with Ills
tram s effort. bill gave thr Hiu
ins llirir due as .1 I.drilled
group ol athletes
Thrv have a lot ol good
p la v f 1 s who played well
Munson said "Their rebound
mg really killed us You can !
let them gel in the open 1 mill
and run Ihev just hav e too
ui.inv good athletes lor that
I or the game. 1(1 A outre
hounded (lo gon -to IM and mil
shot the Dm ks III pro rut In in
pro rut Hi ll 111 1 0,11 h |im
11.1! 111 k said the tram took a
workmanlike altitude i oming
into the game
Ur cainr out and played
basketball f 1.111 ii k said 'Ur
knew tonight was not going to
!)*• uni1 nl those nights when we
pla\ on •■motion, but ivr win
enthusiast n
Ttir Bruins were I<•<i li\ M.h
I .nan's jo points and 11 re
lion mis \ I n I .can said lie w ns
intent on working harder on
the Iio.iiils < oining into tin
I nisi had Min inv mind tli.il
I needed til rebound more he
said We were getting beat on
the boards earh in the season
and it was a weakness I m not
doing anything different, but I
am [laving more attention
Murrav a l. loot H freshman
had 1!) points and II rebounds
wbile W i 1 sim i hipped in III
points and 1 1 boards Bruin
guard Darrii k Martin had I 1 as
sisls. a i 11leer higli /an Mason
grabbed eight rebounds in I "i
minutes ol play oft the Bruin
belli h
(uiard Terrell Brandon led
the Due ks with 1!) points Bran
doll, who had averaged |usl 111
points per game in road games
this season, also had six. assists
lor Oregon
forwards Keith Kevnolds and
Bob I lie had 111 points eai h tor
Oregon while center Richard
l.uias was held to six points
I an as, who averages 12.4
points per game, hit lust one ol
eight shots bom the field blit
bad It! rebounds
I lie bI(x ked two shots in the
game going him J/ for the
season, a new rei old lor an ()i
egon freshmen
I) . .v . I f»< iVi. hi lltliv •»>>< >
comfortable v,our feet i 'in hr
in miqin.il Biikenstoi k foot
w«a<u Ami discover the fit's ft
lieW It >< >k < >f Bit kenstoi k
send.its .mil shoes m exi itinq
new colors find styles
342 6107 Corner 5th & Pearl
on.-oar. »-o.
Sun. 11-5
| Ike Faculty Club j
j Aituouucea a Campetitim j
! Fot a Hrn £oya !
| . .i==t-=t=.t =■ j
! Prizes: *100, s75, s50 '
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i Deadline: 2PM, Feb. 28 i
i 9 i
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Information: A. Campbell I
j Rm 174 Gil., CBA
Ph: x3297, x3353
A. Keding, M. Friestad,
M. Holcomb, W. Orr,
J. MacDonald