_Encore!_ Chinese to celebrate Lunar New Year The Chines.- Student Associ at um will 11• l<•!)i,i11• thr I uiidi \ew Year with .1 dinner e\hi hitimi ami show in tlit1 I Ml Itallinnm Sunday night from 1 10 p m Ini Imli'il in tin' program nl (ihinesc 1 ultnri' is aulhentii liioils thi* (Chinese li'.i 1eremn in. thread knotting. (Ihinese costumes .uni lolk .111 to n.inie .1 few l it ki'ls to tile event .ire avail able at the (Chinese Student \s _Calendar_ snciatinn otlice or at the I AH Main Desk Admission is Sa loi adults and Sit lor 1 liildren Tii kets lot the perforinani es onh .ire S I SONG v DANCE Friday Jan 26 Dance 90 will hr at Robinson Theatre tonight at 8 Tickets are $6 for general public and $4 for students Lysistrata will be at the Am i Theatre in Villard Hall tonight at 8 and 10 30 Tickets are $3 50 for general public and $2 50 for stu dents Saturday Jan 27 Dance 90 will be at Robinson Theatre tonight at 8. Tickets are $6 for general public and $4 for students Lysistrata will be af the Arena Theatre in Villard Hall tonight nl 8 and 10 30 Tickets are S3 50 lor general public and S2 50 for sfu dents Jose Luis Merlin will pert am t. and t lassical Latin Amen, an mu sc at the EMU Fa Room tonight at 7 30 Tickets are $6 for general public and $4 lor students The Best of Gershwin w i ! . per formed by the Eugene Symphony Orchestra tonight at 8 at the Hull Center Ticket:, are Iron' $20 with discounts for students and mors Call 087 5000 tor more in formation Sunday Jan 26 The Best of Gershwin . t • p. ■ fooned by the Eugene Symphony Orchestra today at 2 30 pm Tick ets are from $20 with discounts tor students and seniors Cap 687 5000 for more information Thursday Feb 1 The Skataliles w pert ■ at t* • EMU Fir Room tonight at 9 Tick ets are $5 tor general publi and $3 for students .it the door visual arts Continuing Arl & AIDS • the !111«* ' an • »h : it in the [ MU Gallery The exhibit is part of the month long Taking AIM program sponsored by sever al University student organic*, i lions The exhibit runs through the end of January Image and Tactile Objects . in. title of a Gallery 14 1 exhibit of photography and sculpture by University fine arts students Fran cisco Salgado .and Lillian Rios The exhibit runs through Feb A free public, reception will be held Monday. Jan 29 for the artists in the gallery The Golf Course as Landscape Art . th*- title fa lands* ape ph. tography exhibit by New York art ist John Yang at the University Museum of Art The exhibit will run through March 11 It will bn on display in Gallery 1A of the museum Jack Wilkinson Artist. Philoso pher. 1913 1974 , th. title >f an exhibit of paintings by the artist in the University s Museum f Arts Galleries 1C and ID The t |im»ln Wink b\ l.ii k Hilkin'xm i* . r , . !; Housimi Ollii.i* W dltiHall APPLICATIONS: ‘ -n i. "■ " " >■ t :■ - • H lice in Walton Mats Due t ebnurs ’> 1'* *'• n > 1 iter Ih«in 5pm in ami board credit and 5 iM I 4‘> a A/» l tfual ( A ft if nuitu '■ A. ?n >n t irif>t< -v f< Only 2 positions available COMING TO THE GO BOOKSTORE (ART AMD SCHOOL SUPPLY DEPARTMENT) WED. JAN. 31 & THGRS. FEB. 1 Keep Watching And Don't Miss it! Cat's Meow Jazz & Blues Corner Gift Certificates! Special Orders Gladly! In Iho Fiflhpearl Shops FifTh & PiarI • Euqtfti 686-8742 ANNOUNCING TH( Of*I NING Of BUOU VtOtO *.<*»•* »s . **• V* v -*r» '. »*• — r • lKKX:^» D' N»- k« « — , ‘ a gK’ ' * « («*- » ®r»1 «*»*• *1 *V '"•r# »>■■ t f* *■} »• •«' L * »'•' •*>■•♦» t»-4« «* M\k\u Ol SI V Sl im I $&\rjxJM f iu;i t« ft MAi 4*t t» MM 4 3 rHEONETHATSFUN IS HERE! I I S T I V A l OF aniiiitno" ■ A■1AH* Mt ST /< ifr rmiKMfAii: :'i;inn.rMT~TTiT*ji^T‘ii TT.viwn.m.f.iii: :-:n DO TOO? lin DOIT ACAJN t MlOAi A 5ATUH0AY AT n W AOM U AOV II OAT Of «NOW •.»•** ■. * *• I* »%•» * *' ' ■* j . » N HHAl Wf »«• * M V> Su ’Ml 10 LARGEST DANCE FLOOR IN TOWN k* Jan. 26 27 • Feb 2 3 • Feb 9 10 • Feb 16 17 STRAWBERRY JAM 70s rock CENTER STREET country rock THE BANDITS 50's .vid 60 s rock WILD SOCIETY top 40 On the corner of Mohawk and Centennial. Springfield 747-5145 Enjoy a Healthy Satisfying Meal With These Special Savings TacoTime 1401 Villard St. Dine to your hearts content Coupon Healthy Soft Taco $1.29 TacdTime If •. Time For The B»*sl ::oupcn« jw»r customer C«Sft . aiu*’ i ?0 tml Pl#d%« coupon #h#n ord*» ng Coupon yi>«nl .it Euy**fo/Sp»»ngfietd 1990 T » ,!im# Inti In, Expires 2/14/90 Coupon 1 Healthy Soft Bean Burrito 99e l! TacoTime It Tim* For Th«* Bits! Ni'f cjiK/'J .v-lfi .i' , o’t r< .M«>' t.i*' ! nitn>r«* mil ir>< Expires 2/14/90 r Coupon ii Healthy Chicken Fajita Burrito $1.99 m|jj TacoTime It s Tirn#> For Th<* Best N ’ g >■->■•} *ifh .»My 0lh**» (•UpOflft p®f ! UitOfTIf*' C4!»f-' itfu? 1 20 » n! Ptr.iM* present coupon -rip** mg Coupon good .it f ugene Springfield rcr.tao» ant» only 1990 TacoTtrn# inti ln<_ Expires 2/14/90