The Oregon Daily Emerald's Entertainment Guide Merlin brings magic to Argentinian music By Luis Fierro Fin ore ( ontrihutor Although lose l.uis Merlin has been called a 'magic tail" In at least one critic he is ai tu ally a music ian The i i.issil al and folk music guitarist Irom Argentina u ill he at the l-AII I ir Room Saturday at 7 in |i tu Following a guitar solo in the lust part ot the com ert lie' w ill he ac i (imp,imi'd hy Argentinian lintisl I )ehora I.e« in The c ouple vvill perform .1 program consisting entirely of works In Argentinean compos ers. inc hiding 1 lassie al music tangos and lolklorii music The c ouple are in the midst ot their filth tour of the t 'oiled States, in 1 one cuts that promote c ultural exc hange and benefit hum.m rights organizations in Argentina I’ pnii ends Imm tlit* fVt'Ilt Mill lie (lull.ill'll In till' M.idri's ill1 l.i I’l.i/.i ill- \!.i\u (Mothers ill tin' Disappeared) . 1111 i the Pi‘«H r anil Instil r Si'l vh i' nt I atm Anti'i ii a (SKKI*.\)). diri'i (ml In I OKI) \'o lu'l IV.n i' Prizi* ri'i ipit'iil \dnl tu Pi'rc/ Ksiptivi'l Thi-si' groups vvrri' tnrmi'il (luring the "l)irt\ War in vvliidi opponents nt thi' mill larv tin tutorship "disnp pc.ui'd .iml vvi'ri‘ assassin.iti'il Ilii'H' vsi*ii' .it Itsisl <1.(100 people who disappeared dm ing the inilitarv regime. | to I OH 1 and vve are still Irving to t i lid out uliat happened to them Merlin said t hough the i ountrv has siiu e returned to deinoi rai v more than Jilt) mi I it,ii v oltu ers in i hiding those at i used o! Iiu man light violations and those tr\\ fuse tins Merlin .nut Delwra I emu will pertnmi winks In \ri;entinean i nin/uisrrs at .1 inniert S.iturilm . The 1 ouple are Inuring to henetit human rights iiri;.ini/ati(ins in Argentina. vvhn look p.irt m uprisings against former I’residenl \ltunsin. were p.irilom-tl I>\ IV runist President ( arlos S.uil Menem on ()i I The I in Amerii .in iminln also is going through ei ononiii turmoil .is mtl.ition bed .in \ earK rate ol I (MM) peri enl and inonlhK ini leases ol ,'imi pen enl Some pines doilhleil or tripled in New Vear s week end in u hat the I mam e Mill ister described as a week ol ft onomu terror lost' I his \Ii*rliit is .1 master ot Imth ilic i l.issii .11 gmliir .mil Ihr folk music ill Latin Aiiiiti i .1 .mil tin' ratine ul Ins i«-jn-i to 11 • ■ U till It III! hull's Miller III Ins nun ri mi pi isil ions ri'tli'i Is this s.iul Kevin Marsh spiikrspi'rsim lor Ihr ( nuntul tin I Inman Rights m I aim \mrru.i our ol tlie sponsors Ills iiiiish appeals In mam tastes ami hr has plavetl to a vatirH ol .11111n-1it rs ihrmighonl I atm \mriii a I unipr lap.m ami Ihr I 'mini Stairs Merlin lias developed lire I arlrvaro melliud ol guitar lei limi|ue I le lias w i il leu a hook and prodlli ed all ill sh in liotial videolape ol tins nielhod and lie w ill offer a niaslei gnilai i lass al the I 'in \ er.silv I n kels loi NatiirdiU s i on i eit are S I lor students and se inoi i ili/ens and Mi general admission and an- arailahle al I lie I \|l Mam I lesk and al the N A IT R A L g F I 15 F R SlS O U A L I T Y CLOTHING AFFORDABLE P R I C K S ■S Banyan 'Ircc ^ BMBM ® *44* U:lrt* Oriental Bullet l unch Downstairs Try Our Dinner Upstairs Hours Downstairs M fh I I 00 / 00 f Salt 00 4 i< f k>sr*'j Sundays Hours Upstairs M I h 4 it) ! ij QQ f Sa b 00 10 >0 Clovrd Sundays WANTED We Buy Quality • Steret>equipment • Video rn ■ >rders • PA imps V mixers • Portabli r tv’s fust J blocks from i >im/)u«* Stereo Workshop 1621 1 19th 344 3212 M l 9 6. 10 2 OPEN 24 HOURS Kinko's Copies • Binding • Laser Design • Gourmet Espresso • Coffee 860 E. 13th 44 W. 10th 344-7894 344-3555 TAVERN 745 8522 • 125 S.W. 2nd Corvallis THE CONTINENTALS!! Fri. January 26th Sat. January 27th WEDNESDAY NIGHT BLUES JAM January 31 \\H>, \K.HI Sjtiu < ru/ Chu ken A Bcvcrj|.*c $395 III! KM>\\ NK.HI hctluv m> A $495 h Kll>\N Sit,III BMU Kit'-. $375 S \ I A M s M(,HI A I . v unui >n su-ak. F i ii*s \ Saliid PEERS EDUCATING PEERS \ lie A HIV/AIDS Educator Peers cducatme peers" is ihe objective ol ilie I niversitv ol Oregon's lll\ Peei I ducator I rauune I he Peei Pducatoi Proeram will teach sin denis lu lake leadership roles in educating (hen peers about lll\ disease, leeal and social issues sale sev practices and updates on lll\ MI)S relal ed issues Students vs 111 be consideied MIX Peei 1 dtic.itors upon coinplel me ol the liamme and will then be available bn individual education ses sums and 01 eioup presentations 01 workshops lor die umversiiv comnm nils WHEN: Tuesday, Feb 61I1 Wednesday, Feb 7tli TIME: 6:00pm to 9:00pm PEACE: Student Health Center: Room 21 V I hour informational meeting: Jan 30th 7:00pm V l() PKI RKCdS 11 K: ( all (hi Student Health ( enlei . Health |- dm .it•«mi at 6M0 4456