•""'SALE ■ 20 50% OFF WOOL & ALPACA Isuraters hats, scarves, vests, ponchos and more. 7M I HIM Aur itftl !t> ihr I .tiWwtf 144 H7 % \ ifth Street Puhiu Market t 'wi Jatr Hi 2204 4b nr', FOLKWAYS IMPORTS CiOTMtNG » K>,» am HJOM APCXJNO 'nf WCWlP _Community Renowned sculptor to offer workshops Ml 1 I l\< ,S lnli i ii.ihcin.il Asmx i.itnm id Students in l < o nonin s .mil tiimnim i' will hold .in inlui in.itimi • il meeting this .iftrriiiion .it t in (lilberl Room 112 l.arth Dm Kvents and SihedulinR Ommittee will mt'i ■( this .lit it Hi it ill .it I ill I VII Suite I _Ft als Sl'I AM.KS \M) I.M II KIS Don Keil/ woilil icniiM neil t ei.iinn si ulp Im will present .i slide lei lure tonight .it 7 in \\ lll.unette Room IIMI lie w ill .ilsu hold work shops in tlie Or,mills Studio Northside I ml,i\ • uni s.ilurd.n ( .ill the IMI ( l.dt ( eilti'l .it iiisti I (lil or the i ei,mill s depart meitl. tiHti ili.’.'l l)r \ppianda \rthur from (ihan.i w ill lie the le. limed spcake: .it the llllem.ltion.il Students ( iinsiian lellowship tonight .it 7 i s .it I i (_’ Km i .nil I’nlitii s ol Inter.nine Distant e Learning in the I SA" is the topu ol ,i piesentalion to he giv en In l)i I'lnl I’iide tod.iv .it i Id p m m (london Room I 22 Mist I 1.1 ANKt )i S liilerri.itinn.il (iiilti'i' Hour will lie held Ind.n .it 4 p in in the (All lnlrrn.ltion.il Lounge free i oiler .mil tr.i will lie served and all .in* wel ( 7 Patterson SI A disc ussion of non-violence examining the strategies ol (ibandi and Dr Marlin Luther King |i will be held !oda\ al 4 in the KMC Hoard Room The disi ussion is sponsored In Student ( ampaign for Ifisarmamenl Shabbos-Potluck sharing with Kabhalat Sfi a filial will lake place tonight al 0 10 al thr Koinonia Center. 14 14 Kincaid SI |ewish Student Cnion's Coffee flour will take place* Sundav from 2 to a p in. at the Koinonia Center. 14 14 Kinc aid SI A workshop on rape awareness will lake plac e* Saturday from 10 a m to II p m in the 1 Ml Hen l.indn Room A self-assertiveness training session In Nadia 1 risen will follow from 17 III lo 2 to p m The workshops are sponsored by Projrc I Sulrridr Dr.ulluw for submitting F.t uls to the Kmerald front iIrsf f.Mi Suilr .101). is noon tlw ila\ la-tori' imblii ution I t a/s run thr tin\ ol tlw ri t-nt unlrs•. thr fifiil net urs bt'loiv noon telephone" w 'Iichi spaa1' make me nervou' Ms taste lean' more toward opera THE H ( ARE CUUURAl OPPORTUNITY S NIIMI ROUS AS GLITTER l N (. a f M O E MORNING Of W AROUND HUH YOU . A N G E T TO EVERY < > N E ON Tilt HUS ERIE VA l I o U OF o STUOf NT I 0 I S A B U S PASS Mil I FOR THE If HM INCLUDED IN S T U D t N T INCIDENTAL ms PROVIDED IN COOPT RATION WITH ASSOCIATED STUD l NTS UNlVf HSITY OF OREGON LaneTYansit District Ease In to the New Term By ordering Out for PIZZA ANSWER! Pizza Answer starts serving at 11 00 AM Feast For Four Name _ Address Buy a 16" • 3 Item Pizza and 4 - 16oz. Pops for ONLY S10.95 (Reg. $13.55) 687-8600 One Coupon Per Pizza Expires 2 4 90