.University Workshop ( ontinued lmm Pago I < ri-1111 lor thr workshop is slill available although ii is op tional Tht> w i irk shop session topic s ,iri' w iilc ranging with pre sentations including stress .uni transitions living with loss .old loneliness ami overt tuning sin ness 'We've ( host'll the workshop topic s based on w li.it we think are the most c oiniiion issues Isemp said "We c an all keep learning about how to handle the t rises in our Ini ' bet ter " The workshop, which draws between J "i J " i stilclenls annuallv. is the onlv fundraising event lot the c risis c entei hemp said I’lie c enter offers group c ounseling programs and .in anonymous cunlidenti.il crisis hotline during the week ends and evenings when the l hiiversitv t ounseling ( cuter is c losed Slatted hv students trained in crisis prevention tile hotline takes in between '()() and HOP calls per vent hemp said The student stall is trained to listen and help c .diets gen crate possible options tliev can pursue to help allev iate then nrohlems L J Symposium < Horn 1 Koom • III III .1 in In I I III .1 III "I lolistk IumIiIi .iikI 111\ |Mil • ■I" KI SI! representativ es .ind oilier Kugene p.mel members will ilisi uss how lu live lleallhv w lien vou're IIIV positive (itinnvood Room • I 1: !() .i in. In I Jill pm : I )r Tern Tafoya "I die National \alive American Allis I’rcven Iliin ( enter will ilim lls1- \.llive American myths se\ualit\ and IIIV (liimw nod Room • l oil p m to 1! ill p m "(loping with loss Slianli will dist uss wavs people who have Inst loved ones, family mem hers and friends can cope with their griel Maple Koom • 1 nop 111 to illp ill I'ei I pie ol color and the IIIV infec lion Various members of etll mi i oilinilinities in l Iregon will discuss specific issues ot ethnic groups and then relation to others ()ak Ki mm • 1 (Hip III In tttp III l a IV eminent and IIIV Washington SI,ilr Health I lep.u liueiit Sei re tar\ I Ihnstilie ( n'hlile u ill ail ilress the lederal government ami 111 \ ( ai mu nml Kiiinn • Kip in In I l)()|i in I'uli In al at I mu ami 111 \ Mil I1 the \ 11 IS I jialitiim In I nleasli I'uuer ill Portland will (on 11 in I a workshop lor rising on ilireil ailiuii campaigns and government response to \II)S Maple Room • ;i top.m to l imp m U omen and 111 \ A dist us sum In women hx using on the imp,it I ol 111 \ on u omen I lie woman's role in 111 \ and the nnpai I ol w omen on I lie epi dentil ( )ak Room • 2 lOp.tn to I imp m I’!,,., lilnles and lll\ Stephanie I leiidersnn from < all (III ^ nil (lid a m I lin'd Id (lies a prosl i Inlion union u ill dismiss sler eotvpes ol prostitution and IIIV as well as pro\enli\ e lai Ins In slop the spread ol 111 \ I ui mu ond Room THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON £ Maurice?. Acxron ^ , r>nn 1 /'T Water buffaloes at home. BUSY*7 GET TAN QUICK!!! Senate pushes affirmative action B\ (’.it Mal.u h t mcr.ild < ontritudor Student Sennit' oft it ITS lie i nli’il riiursdiu infill In t1 sot I’S LI". »//\in im si iu 1 tt^v Mamets „«,*'< “ST1'' m pizza f Toppi”*1 ,7"l-.h«w ",W iVU*‘ ‘ / ^■'-K$U,$9.75 , _\. . ,>111)0" * 25 c»ch Vo- ‘h"°Ut>np"“ \VH\i i ovi\>1 uipptnHs u( l001 ... tan " '■”" • .COUPON—*—* DKSSKKIS r^UOSi> \>1 \RA VI H HKI \l> U r II gl.i(ll\ .)i ( rpl phone order' ( .til .ihr.ul .tod nr II h.ivr sour lire.id Slop 1*1// \ i h MKK \ l» 1 Ji Ills THK HKSI (,(K)KIKS DKSSKHTS S<>[ N IKUl.H HRKADS IM’KI ssll DKINKS |