Kditorial Use care in picking new IFC members And then then* are fmu Three of the seven Ini i dent.d I'Ve (lommiltee spots tll.it were set ured idler .ill elei tion pisl seven months ago ,ne now va< ant On Monda\ lit memhei Klizabeth Neel\ re signed, and the next dav lack Maynard announted he intended to do the same l*ist tall, another memhei (efferson Dav is. did not return to the I niversiH and a replai einrnl Paul Xliem had to lie appointed The ASl’t) now is in another reappointment pro less looking lor two i andidales to replace NenU and Davis Die new memhers may not he selei ted lor an other week. be< .lose apple allts W dl lie s( leened ti\ an A St () hiring commit lei;. \ S t () president Andy t .lai k and the Student Senate before lhe\ aie appointed to the IIC Thu proi ess is loon, but • are is needed lor a de< i simi of this magnitude I 'util sin i essors are named, it is best that \eeh and Ma\ Hard sin k w till the II ( so as not to leave an imbalani e before the transition The lit budget season is beginning, with main student budgets on the agenda lor the next seveial w eek s The resignation ol two members occurred at a time the lit needs all the experience and commitment it < all get At the close ol l.lll term the t ommiltee almost fa< ed a spending freeze Ins ause ol the small amount ol mimes remaining in the ASI () surplus at i omit I liere is no need lo i ritir iz.e Neels or Mas nard tor va< aling then spots mid year I'hey cited personal rea sons and os ei extension for their decisions, and almost overs student organization can be expected to have some turnover rate I loss ever. the IIC is different in that members rep resenting various platforms svere chosen by ballot and have responsibility lor handling millions ol dollars ol student funds Last April. Neels offered an aggressive platform promising to ensure representation and involvement ol graduate students, minorities and women, the groups she said svere traditionally left out of group participa tion lack Maynard vs as serving the second year ol a two-year seat on the 1FC. His experience and commit ment were important lo the committee and w ill be dif ficult to replace. Hei ause Neely and Maynard often disagreed on is sues it appears that the political makeup of the IIC will not shift in one particular direction However, their replacements should he scrutinized to make sure the IIC does not tilt in some fashion that is non-repre sentative ot the student body. hast spring. IIC members were elected by stu dents. in the hopes ot composing a diverse and lair committee to represent interests ol the students and their money It is important that the two replacements, and any others, are appointed with these goals in mind. Orvfion Daily _ _ Emerald l*o ft»\ 'iI ut» •*» <>»v'*i' fh,. Onmjoo I'.i >> Emerald «s published Monday through t •>Jay <•* ept during cidfTi week md vti< at ions by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co at the University o! Oregon Eugene Oregon The Emerald is operated independently ot the University with oMu es on the the ! floor .if the Ert Mem • h Uni and a member ot the A . . iated Press The Emerald is private property The unlawful removal o» use ot papers >s pros .mutable by lav. Editor Thom I Pi • miiMiiymy lunui Editorial Editor Graphics Editor Encore Editor Don Peters M.»*k YU‘M Kelvin Wo* Sports Editor Supplements Editor Night Editor Tracy Sumner Daria J.» fcson Don Peters Associate tailors Community M W.«»* Student Government Activities B' -t > H ’ Higher Education^ Administration * H "Features Of • . -’h. ■ Reporters A v.i.ji- Peter v ; ,a- Ash.i-y » Da t . ' (11«h• H'!iy Catherine Ha*fr** St<‘l Holland Jo<- K>dd Lay nr* LaKehsh Sivo^md Atu r* Thornton Photographers Mrve ' .eel Ka!» ■.* Advertising Dj»** B M.i - H*- i .*>••> ■« Ma I'M. - I M-i oil V. A, , A’. M "r -.Ve-'H V- a F-«.- \ • Saw* • * eh . V i Pm' e Kathy Vmth Kristi-Strother Edward W«nu :* Production '< A* Kath*,-- Ba»’ V' Bo- • ; t .«'► A an non Lotus Child Carol Dopp Jim I <">c-h Yvette Gill. Jenmle' Huey Linda e. ia .'id Jim Ma-.on Wendy Worn-. Ar a Muhi/ Camillr* P,inMS• Anna H,• • » Janet S« ho!**r 1 .-.1 Shepier Jennifer Smith Caitnn Stars Ma»tm Th.ft Jen ‘,*r Tfwr ,•> Je'i • ter V a e Ingmj White Kelly With am* General Stall Advertising Director * Tr-. Assistant to the Publisher Production Manager V n»- - B> Advertising Coordinator « 1 t• « I s • Classified Manager T m B ■"* Accounts Receivable Circulation Newsroom 686 SS11 Classified Advertising 686 4343 Oispliy Advertising 686 3712 Production Graphic Services 686 4381 ©9D»V*wf AM 4«syAto*>«/ ' r -»» u \l I I M l M "This isn't exactly a Super Bowl party. We re celebrating because this is the last game our husbands are going to watch this season..." —Letters Put down I .mi lin'd ot hearing m rew Vthi and equivalent espies Minis list'll .is pul'downs I llllllk sill ll usage reflet Is sin It' !\ s .illllmlr th.it i (tuples .in* superior In singles th.it two hi .ids .in- lieltei III,in one I Ilclif'VC lll.lt tills lll'l'pU III grained higotrs Ir.ids tu loni'li nt'ss. 11>1111ar11i.iiit.t* nnsietv .mil lllr .llltniil.lt It decision In lie with others even in sitiiiitinns in which utiindut Inn,itril pet sntis would i lluuse tu lie .duile Please stup using tins I,in gunge tu downgrade one of the must lie.ml did fxperient.es (til lege students i an afford Alit e Bern luigcne For Majkowski ! il like III ( nngl.ltulatf Mike belaud aiiii Kill Russell mi tlieir icali/.ation I li.it |ue Mimt.iu.i isn't .ill (lie infill.l ll.is ill.life ll I 111 .i|i|ie,ir III lie (DDIJ .111 17| I'd like In I,ike their letter line step further, though \ot only is |ue Montana not the greatest iHi.irterh.il k ever, lie's not even the lies! quarter)).!! k to take the field in That distinction belongs to Don Majkowski of the Green Ha\ I’.u kers I lie measure of greatness a quarterhaek possesses ran he measured in two wavs first, we need to i (insider e.u h t|uar terli.ii k\ ability to perform un del pressure At first glam e one ma\ quii kl\ pii k Montana to have the edge I he f.u t is that M.i| kowski made the I’.u kers the best i ome from behind team m the \l I, The 1 ’at kers won four games this past season h\ one point Sei ondly we must consider how e.u h quarterh.il k leads his team and the team's subsequent reran!. Montana led the 4'lers to a H-i! regular season record Impressive indeed yet Ins team was a Super howl-caliber team to begin with Steve Young proved that it doesn't take a Montana to lead them to virto ry. Majkowski took a team that was 4-1J in ltIHH. and with ha sii allv the same players, led (Ill'll! Ill .1 1U ll !f< 01(1 (his SIM sun .mil .1 first pi.ii !• lir in ilu' \ R ( rllll.ll I )i\ isioil I inallv i iinsiili'i this Mini t.ni.i lust two Kiimi-s tins yt'iii () i ii - w .is in thr K.iiiis, .mil the sis mill was tu Majkuuski and I III' (.irrn Ha\ I’ai ki'l s \(iu who's llii' lies!' Mil had Simon I-iliam r Freedom I was disappointed to ri'iul th.it Dr H.irr\ hlu.mls [ODE ).m I't) li.ni been i ritit ized tm asking tin1 Aim .in Amorir .in 11>111 muii11\ to l.iki1 rosponsiliili tv tm their ovv n lives All oppressed groups must understand th.it freedom comes from uitliiu