_Inside_ ■ Student Senate, Page :t ■ Encore section. Pages 5-7 ■ Bruins rout Ducks. Page 8 ■ DeSou/a appeal denied. Page 12 _. 7 Oregon Daily_ _ Emerald I iiila\ |.imiar\ _'(i 1‘1‘tO I’ ()n-\*<>n Volume 'll Number liti Senate upholds veto of Pelosi bill Chinese students lead angry reaction By Dan Filler F merald Reporter The 1' S Sen.lie Ihursday upheld I’resident Hush's \uvemhei vein nt the I'elosi bill prolet I ing (ihinese students Iroill deportation and polili i .d Itiirassmenl Fhe vote was (>2-.17 lout short ol the two thirds margin needed to override .1 presidential veto Oregon Sens Mark llaltield and Hob I’ai k wood voted to uphold the veto The reaction among t hinese students is one ot disappointment, said l-Diversity graduate stu drill Tang Zizhou because it's sending the wrong signal to the l ihinese government "The (ihinese government can make some tiling big out ot this and tool a lot ol people hai k home because they certainly don't know how Amerii an politic s turn turns Tang said Although the override tailed this has given I’resident Hush a strong message he < an I do am thing he wants said Wu Xianggu president ol the I 'niversitv 's (ihinese Student and Si holai \s soi lation t he Senate has done a general disservice to the concept ot democracy bv upholding tin veto said ASt'() Vue I'resident Si oil U v < koll (ionsideritlg liovv ipmklv it passed in the House and given the magnitude I don't undei stand liovv it died in the Senate Uvi koll said The House voted (‘III .! . on Wednesday to i rush Hush's veto, vvhil It atlecls about in.(KM) (ihinese students study mg ill the l lilted States Introdmrd bv Rep \aui v I'elosi (l)-(ia). the bill would have given (ihinese students tour more years to apply foi new visas Hush vetoed the measure on \ov t() alter it unanimously passed both the House and Senate ( ihinese student groups had lobbied hard for ail override saving many ol them would hue polili i al persecution at home because they supported the pro demoi ra< v demonstrations that brought a violent government i lei kdow n "The argument of the administration and some senators was it (the override) passed the ( ihinese government might real t and i lit oil all i iillin.il cm halite programs I'.itiK said I think Hush thinks sshat lie lines here vvmi Id ultimate Is altei t ( hinese govern me ill ile i IsillllS lie .llhled llmvever. Ihe old meil uf the Chinese poll tu al stage don't lealls ( are vvhal \merii alls think rang said I lies make their own tits i sums Hut lhc\ might iimsiilet the Semite dete.it as l' S koss toss ing tu the Chinese gus eminent Moreovei In some was Hush mas liase sas i'il the tai e ol (ihinese leaders U u said When Hush veloetl the hill he ordered gns eminent agent ies to adopt sshat he t onlentls are esselllialls the same safeguards lust heftire the Senate sole Hush had renessetl Ins promise that sludenls ssould lie lulls protet led esen ssilhtHlI the legislation "I think lie s paying lip servir e to make sure his approval ratings slas high Wsikoll said adding il Hush were re,ills t out ernctl he won lit liase signed the Pelosj lull into lass to heglll ss ith \oss lie experts us to heliese the otters ol prolet lion What good is Ins svortl7 Wsi koll asked \toreoser sshat s holding the i orient leaders in power are tanks anti lies ami the people silll pis tlo not bus sshat the government s saving. I a tig said Hush anil the supporting senators are more t tint filled ssilli et tinomit interests than in hit man rights m China as elsewhere and m doing so are pi.is mg ss ith people s lisa's said Armando Mol,des I'inlet! States Student Assoi iatiou Nnrlhssest I*.it lilt S It e t hall man I’he senators who voted to uphold the veto sent a i leai signal tu the Ivr.mts in l Inna tell 111g them tiles tan go out anti kill people and (lie I S ssill hack them up, said Kelvin Wee l'SNA's international student representative on the hoard ot directors I hose senators also i learls sverc not repre senling their I onstltueilts Wee said lift ause it is t lear Ihe people in Oregon are supportive ot human rights even d the Senate is not Perfect \lu helle Idile (/nvcs Ini ,111 uni untested hi i up iltu in/l tlir Dinks' riiiusil.n nielli ilnihliinii at I SI in \h Arthur I hurt In llir i‘nine. tide uns i perfect ll H Iriini llir tichl. mi lulling three limn three paint nuitje t in mare det.iils. see p.ipe '/ Photo liv Sc.in Poston Crisis Center will offer annual trauma workshop By Brian Bloch Emerald Associate Editor For most students. college is a time of radical life changes, and with those changes come stress, insecurity and anxiety. The University Crisis Center will host its annual crisis prevention workshop Feb. .1 to help students better deal with these and other problems most often arising during this tran sitional time. The all-dav "Mending the Hurt" workshop allows stu denis and the public to choose three sessions featuring no minute presentations from volunteer University and ((immu nity health professionals. Vietnam veteran and trauma expert Steven Tice will open the workshop with a presentation dealing with the trau ma healing process. "All of our presenters are volunteers. They really rare about the subjects they're addressing." said Crisis Center Di rector N'ancv Kemp "Because they a( tually want to be there, the energy brought to the workshop is very high The cost of the workshop is limited to the Sit) cost of a handbook available at the University bookstore Academic Turn to Workshop, Page 3 Winter Symposium focuses on epidemic Bv Jolie Andrade finer,ild Reporter The ASI'O Winter Svmpn slum part nl AIDS Inform.ilion Montti will emphasize the im port,mi e nt ( l,n living stereo types mvths. .mil fears many i ollege students and < omnium t\ members have in regard to the AIDS epidemii AIDS is an ini Teasing proh letn amung i ullege students said Kris Peterson ASl'C) pro grams i nordinntor HV 1 *1*11 I ll\ will be the number one killer among i nl lege aged students Peterson said, referring to a statement b\ the National Center lor Disease (amtroi The purpose of the winter symposium is to foi us on mam iimimumlies and issues affect id bv AIDS ASI'O president And) t lark said ASI '() i an pros ide informa (ion. resouri es. and tools for people he said "Whether or not they take advantage ol it is 1111 tn thrill I hr follow r\ nils will take |il,n r todav ■ II a ill lo noun "Ilonio|iliohiorliinitirs to \II)S snrvii.r organizations" l.mrt U mlrr Irotn Umr (aiiiutv I’uh In I Ir.iltli I )r11.1 r111n*nt w ill in form sludrnls ol \oliiutrrr srr vii rs draling with AIDS prr vmition and fr.n of !I!Y post IIV r proplr M.iplr Room • 2, Ill p ill to t t() p ill Suhstniii r usr and llir 111\ in In lion" Sli.inli .mil ( ns (!(i11i nan (Mfii r of Drug and All ohol Programs i onilm t a workshop on flow lo avoid lilY infri lions Irimi unsafe se\ .111iisi■ Maple Room • J 1(1 |I ill III I oil (I III Sal ei sex workshop Ini women ( I.mill.i U ehslei IIIV i'iIiii ,i lion manager nl llm ()regon I li'.tllli I )i\ isiim presents .i workshop Ini using on wavs women i ,m protei I themselves from HIV 11 .i ns in i ss ic i n through i oiniii1111it .itii m .mil viler sox lien l.indei Room llii- tnllnwing events will I,ike pi.ii e on Saturday Innu.uv • 10 no .1 m In I 1 (0 ,i m "\\ lien ,i Ii lend is I fIV prist live" Sh.tnli .niilresses wavs I'm family Iriemls and loved ones In help I 11 \ positive people through iiiliiii.il v and i oiiinni 111! atillll Maple Knout • 10 oil a in In 1 1 (0 a in "Media and 111V ( landia Webster addresses ways (he media is used to promote AIDS awareness and i ritiijues media portrayals of the epidemii (lak lorn to Symposium, Pane f