Sports Men go on the road for LA tilts Face tine UCLA bad USC teams Bv Ashley ( onkiin t me raid Sports Reporter Sporting .1 modest two-game win streak. Oregon travels In lilt- I .us Angeles area for a pan of I’m die 10 ( ainleroni e basket ball games Tbe I)ik ks I 1 tin lho I’.it 10, 0-7 overall) meet I VI.A 1 loirs tl.i\ night and then lai e Sooth era Californi.i Saturday alter noon The two games ( ouldtil offer a bigger contrast ns I VI.A is gist a hall game behind (tie goo Slate in the I’ai 10 rn( e u hilt! I \S( I is in the conferem e < ell,ii The Bruins. Ii-1 in the l’a< to and 111 overall, are ranked No. 2'.\ in the ( ountry In Ins second season. I VI.A coach |im I larric k is used to the pres sure associated w ith tbe l VI.A job. "Because of the past. I think people expei t vou to w in more than anything." Harriot said "That's the biggest problem here, but were just Irving to ( hullenge for the conlereni e Ii tie and it s nil e to be i (intend inn f«>r it." Tin' Bruins have looked very good this season, winning all eight of their games at l’aule\ Pavilion. The only Bruin de teats have come at Notre Datin' Louisville and Stanford Leading the way for LOLA have been forwards Trevor Wilson and Don Mat Lean. < on sidered by many to be one of the best pair of forwards in the nation W ilson, a ti-foul K senior, is leading the I’ai -10 in rebound ing (0 1 boards a game) for the third straight season and is a two-time all a (inference selet lion lie is also second on the team in scoring at 10 5 points per game The t> loot It) MacLean, a sophomore and last year’s Pat 10 Ireshman of the year pops in ,in average 20 0 points a i on lest to lead the Bruins and also snags / i rebounds per game I he\ re the hat kbone of our team.” Ilarrick said "Thex're hard to matt h up with "()ne is ti li and quick he added. and the other is ti-10 and i an shoot inside and out side The Bruins meet Oregon Stale on Saturday v\ iIh first plai e at stake in the confer elite A sweep ot the Oregon schools would put I ( LA in What Jogged-Out Jocks Say About Onsen Call 345-9048 for retcrvations 1663 Gordon Av#,. Eugan* I hr l)ut L s it ill have to tint! a it to negate I Cl. I’s Trevor Wilson, it/io combines nith sofihomore Don Mai Ivan lor nearly 411 /minis ami 17 rebounds per game first pl.ti i\ liut .1 loss to tin.1 Him vers would give Oregon Stale .1 two-game load And while it might he e.isv loi llii' Itniins to look |> 343-9000 The Town Quacker Announces University Housing «it the Univer sity of Oregon is now accepting application for the position of STUDENT MANAGER ACADEMIC YEAR 1990-91 QUALIFICATIONS: Musi hr a regular ly enrolled student with experience as a Krsident Assistant or comparable ex penence as determined by the selection committee Must be available to students and stall during most weeknighls and weekends Will not be allowed to hold an outside job Rt IMBORSf MENT: C.uni-nl Studi-nt M«n.t.|i-is n-. • w 1602 loom .ml In i i' lit nu1 i till 45 .f. i ' -.lii'tn.l SFUCTIOM PROCE SS: Will I*, |in I ibiuaiy 12 m.l sh-mld In complrli-ij by lln* *-ml . .1 Vk ifitt-i li-i m MANDATORY MEETING: I lun i n f.-hi. wry It 4(>m Honshu) (>1 In *■ tX ill I on Hill I APPI ICATIONS: All- il 111.- Imul rn Only 2 positions available An l ifual Afhrmator Action tmploycr IJH I I1 I M r" a Manor of fart If ffHj (1 htir to s^r +ihr(t\r> ^ *, fx/vt- yyhtrt >1 .