Spending C nntinui-d from P.ik«“ 1 uh.it programs tIn* r\i ess res enue should bn s|mmiI mi u Ini Ii ( null) perpetuate tin* i n sis in llm state s Instil l edljt .1 linn ss sti'in I .11 ii 11 \ salaries have hern Irn/rn Inr too long anil the gov ernor lias taken a strong stance nil tills said ‘sell Uirr\ Mill 11) Springfield I alwnil ( add si limidt’s proposal The Leg islalure will have to lie < on vim ed 11 ill 111 addition In other leg islators. foresees the proposal splitting along parts lines over where the mimes will come hum and how it u ill he spent "We've (alien so lar behind We re nil the edge of disaslei Mill said II the Legislature wants to improve salaries of lai lilts ss e have to at ( ess part ot that llinnes I .egislalors ss ill tai e a mini hei ol higher ediiralion issues ss hen Ihes i onvelie in 1‘1't I Mill said Among those ssill he tuition rates das i are gradual! teai liiilg salaries and student loans I lie I egislatiile also la Ii'sl m M.m h wlii'ii llir f jnrr jp'lit s HiMtci Uli'i'ls In (lis< Uss how lii if|ilai i- rrvi'iiin’ from llii' .11mr11-ii \ ulfii pokri fillin' 11 i.i I was in Itinil (.nulls s,ilars mi rcasrs U i' ni'i'il lii ili'iniinslr.itc .1 i iiMimil iiii'iil In addri'ssinn I In problem ill Ims l*m»|>l«• ask wh\ highci oil anil not something else ih\ saiil I.<*Kisl«itors anil higher rdui.a lion ollu nils nerd to get out and explain that tin- stair nrrds to makr .1 long trim invrstinrnt in higher rdiiialion now lh.it till* re Dllillin IS healths hr said l)iv who sponsored thr v id m poker legislation s.ud hr is through using thr loiters to fund rduratinn programs and th.it thr nmnr\ must i omr Irom thr stair's grnrral fund Hut getting additional mimes from thr grnrral fund ma\ prove dlffli lilt if higher rdui a lion hn nines a partisan issue I < ertamK rerogni/.e the need tot additional funding loi higher rdui ation said (I I ( iih I foiu k |K Salem), the Senate milinrits leader "How rs el until w r I mil out thr go\ ernur s proposal lor main nlhri arras in tin- slate of ( Irrgon I i uniua tell \ on w hat priority if will take I loin k said thr slate s highri Why Peace Corps? 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EMI \ IDKO: PEACE CORPS IMPRESSIONS .1 \M \RN 25. 1990 (Till RSDAY) 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM ('KI)AR ROOM K, KMl SI.IDKS & KXPKKIKNC'ES OK MK RONKSIA IMIkMKUS KKBRlARY 5 & 6. 1990 MONDAY & Tl'KSDAY IIKNDRK'KS HAM C ARKKR PLANNING & PI.AC KMKM t’KNTKR ISK.N l I* IN Al)\ \N( P. HKIVi (OMPIliKI) M’l’I.HVI ION) FOR MORF INFORM \TION. (ONTACT JAKF IHDKI.I. \T (503) 686-3235 education svstem had sulleted over the last in vears (rum a (If pressed i'i minim bill ipies tinned whether I.k iiIt\ sal.irifs were ill the same < 111\ one He sides selling stamps, weigh ing pai k.iges and h,Hiding out boy mail i lerks prepare mail Im ilisp.tH lies pul third-i lass m.ill in hoses and rev lew vellow until es dailv M s a lump lump svs tern said Wilson Bei ause u! the traffii pattern lie savs tiles don't plan to add am stall We (ant justilv it due In the periods w illi no Irallii Hut i ustomers sin h as Irvliorn don’t believe the husv times are random In stead thev sav the i low ds ale predii table like restail rant tush periods I'he post otlii e ((indui Is user surveys in the spring said \\ ilson I ilw insen said lie's tound the post oftii e busiest around ‘l to a m between earlv morning i lass periods: Irom I I III a m to J t > p m during him h and gist before the post otlu e i loses It you're a student vou onlv hav e ! line to mail a let tel between (lasses. said Keith \I.k Kav sophomore Alter ( lasses it s ( losed \\ liile other post otlu es ill I llgene hav e a tiv e minute goal Im servir ing r ustomers this station does not \\ iIson said 1 inda |at obson post ol In e dire( toi ol mai keling lor I ugene also pointed to i on sir<i 11 amI disorganized linos Wilson said lobby maintenance was handlod by tho I ni\ ersity l lio post offit o plans In holtoi organize tho linos soon at ting on a t lotk s suggosl ton U ilson said I hoy added vending ma i hinos about si\ months ago and possibly i ntihl add minors so i links would know lino longtli and install postal scalos on i ountors Hnl \\ ilson said they i in rently have no other ideas lor imprm mg serv n o Despite the complaints 1 'niversilv postal i ustomers have about long lines most found the i lorks edit ient and helpful mu o they got to tho sen a o yy iudoyv l lio people hero are very nti o said 1 )ai /hnngy i graduate student Kristen Inmnnn U ilson Ireshman. said the i links .no not overly friendly hut in it rude This post offii e does not get any more i omplainls than others in toyy n U ilson said but gets many more i nmplimenls about i leiks helpfulness Ihis says something tin the students, he said Wolff TANNING SPECIAL *35 *50 I 5 sessions 2 5 sessions 345-3491 Enhancers offers a cozy, private room with a fan and headphones You get...a deep, dark, beautiful tan o/lAcmcers 99 W. 10th, 1st Floor Atrium, Downtown “ Mon-Sat 8-8 • 345-3491 3 Meed a break? Check out the EMTERTAIMMEMT section in the ODE classifieds.