Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 25, 1990, Page 7, Image 7

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Bush veto overwhelmingly dumped by House
Bill would extend Chinese visas
Bv )im Drinkard
Assoc iated Press
voted overwhelmingly Wednesday In
override President Hush's vein of legis
lation protecting (Chinese students trout
deportation while Hush appealed to Ke
putili< an senators to resist and help him
keep open lies to the world's most pop
ulous nation
The Mouse vote of PIII-J5 sent the
matter to the Senate, where both sides
said the outcome of Thursday's silted
tiled vote w as in doubt
"We've got a lighting chance. Hush
said Wednesday night at a state (linnet
for the president ot North Yemen
Mouse Speaker Thomas S holey de
(dared. I don't think what’s most on
the minds ol the members of (Congress is
the sensitivities ol the present Hhinese
leadership This is a leadership that
lias in our judgment tailed to respect the
rights ol its oyy n i iti/ens
Oil the issue ot (lliina, the president
has lost his credibility ." said Kep Ste
plum Solar/. I) N Y chairman ol the
Mouse foreign Allairs Asia sulxommit
Hush pinned Ins hopes on the Senate
yy here both Demoi ratii and Republican
senators predicted a cliltdianger The
president. National Security Advisei
Brent Scovvcrolt and Secretary ot State
lames A linker III all yvere telephoning
senators through the day
Hush yras appealing public ly to < .C)I’
senators to support him in the lace ot
what he termed "crass politics" played
by some supporters of the override
Hut the chiet Mouse sponsor ol the
legislation. Mnlilnrniu Democrat Nancy
I’elosi. s.ml shf li(t|ii'il scii.iltns would
resist the "full court press' h\ the
U hite I louse
Wh\ would he ash .1 senator to vote
ti^.iiust hum.in rights anti print iples '
she asketl .liter the House vote
I he legislation would affect as mans
as IJ 000 l lunese students now in the
I lilted Stales on "e\l ll.lllge s isitoi si
sas The hill would waive a legal re
tpiirement that those students return
home for two sears alter then sis.is ex
pire before returning to the I hiiled
States or going elsesvhere
In addition, the hill ssould permit am
('lunese student whose s Isa has expired
as mans as H.000 others to remain
ill the I lilted Stales as long as danger
exists at home and ssould alloss ( 111
Huso students to ssork sslllle in tills
counti s
Hush vetoed the measure on \os to
after it had passed unanimousls m the
I louse and hs a s oil e vote in the Senate
( lunese student groups have lobbied
hard lor ail override of the veto, saving
mans ol them ssould late pohtiial pel
sedition at home because dies support
ed the pro demoi rai s demonstrations
that brought a violent government
i rat kdoss n last |une
A group made up of ( lunese students
hailed the House sole as an histnrii
s it tors lor human rights in ( Inna
We are hopeful that the strong sup
port in the Senate ssill lie enhanced hs
the House vote said Han lung Zhao of
the Independent I ederal of ( lunese Slu
dents and Si holms ss liiih lepresents
4Z .0(It> ( lunese students at more than
2110 t’S i ol leges and universities
At the lime Hush vetoed the bill, lie
ordered government agencies to adopt
whilt hr contends in- essentially the
same safeguards 1'ln* veto vs.is simply
.in effort in preserve «• v«*< tit iv In .mi ll
foreign polit \ priTiiy.ilisrs In-s.ml .mil
In keep uprii llir limn tin lullin' student
■ uni i ulliii.il cm li.imp's
I will not liic.ik I.nth with the ( In
licsc '.llllli'llls Ill'll' rill'% Hire sale
tin'll .util thi'V .ni' safe mm .mil they
will lif s.ilf in llif lullin' Hush tnh! i
While I iiiusf ileus 1 nnlfti'IH f W fillies
In llie 17 (.()!’ senateirs wlm .itlcnileil
.1 lire.ikl.ist ,it the White Ihnise Hush hit
h.ird mi Ins c i mt e ut inn th.it a veto nvei
llile ssnuld iiif.nl i tnt.il i u 11 >t I nl the
thus nl students In tile I Jilted SI.lies
.nut lie ippe.lied In he winning .i leu
i (inverts
l lie pi n e nl the IVlust lull is lust up
pnrtuilitv fur tin- ( limese si luil.iis ul In
iiiurnm the president luhl reporters
l. ltd
l lie lull is tut.ills unilfi I’ss.ii\ lire
long term poli(A i (IliseipieIK es ale pu
lent I.tI Is gre.it \iid I liingi ess. ill ;m
view will luivc mils i I si • 11 In lil.une
Hush listed steps the Itfijing govern
lilt’ll! Il.is l.lkfll whli ll lie s.ud jlistitled
Ins polii s loss.ml I lun.i the lilting ul
martial l.iss ill llie ( .ipit.il; llie rele.ise ul
|.nil’ll dissidents .1 promise mil III sell
medium range missiles In Syria, ai ( epl
ante nl He.n e ( nrps volunteers. I ni
bright srholars and a Vim e nl \inem a
rnrrespnmlenl h.n k into the innntrv.
and the muting nl .mti t S propagan
Hut i lilies have i nillllered that the
missile promise was nothing more than
.i repealing nt assurances given months
before the i r.li kdnSSII that llie eltei Is nl
m. uli.il lass remain in pl.u e and III.it .u
lesls harassment and secret trials nl
pro deiiini rai \ agitators ■ ontimie
I lies .dsn i ontend tli.it lliisli . .idnnii
istrative .11 turns to proloi t the students
I .in bo revoked .it .m\ timr .mil 1 oultl be
sub|i‘i I to .1 1 ourt 1 11.1111 • 1 •
rilin' Ki'|i|lhli( .111 si'll.ltors who .it
ti'llili’il 1 White I louse ineetillK with
Itllsll Oil otlll'l 111.111ITS I.ill' 111 till' (l.i\
s.n.l .ilteru.ird tin's siocul with tin' prosi
limit 011 tin' ( lim.1 111 lost ion .mil prerlii I
tul Ins veto would In' sust.imi'il
Sou |olm till.life K l\ 1 said. Ur
expot t to sit tli.it win sust,imi'il
\sk 1 tI il Husli .iliisiil\ li.nl till' support
ol M (,()!’ smi.ilois Sou |oliu Warner
K \ .1 said. Ur ii' 1 Iomiih tl.o n.ip on
lli.it ipiostion ri^lit now
I in t;oin^! to support 1I10 president
..ml Son I).uul I )uronln'u;oi. K Minn
\ll 1 1 loiisi• members who votoil
.i^.iuisl tlio morriilo uoiv Kopuhlii .ms
lloli Slump \ri/mi.i |olm I1,nil II.mi
nii'isi limiilt .uul Innimi kolimson \i
k. ms.is. Potter (loss Audi Ireland .md
( U Itill Youn^. I lurid.1 Dennis II.is
toil I d M.idiii.iii .mil Robert Mu led II
linin'. K11 ll.inl ll.1k.1T ( lido II0II011.11
.md |iin Mil ion l.ouisi.m.i \orni,m
! out \i'ii Milk I’,ml (ullinor ( lino.
l. 1111 ( oiu;lilm .md l,oori;o (.ok.is
I'oniisvlinni.i l.iiuos (Juilleii .md Don
Surid(|U(st, I'oilliosseo I.ill! (oinbesl.
II mi Did .ii uul I .1111.11 Smith. lex.is,
J.inn s Il.msoii I 1.1I1. Ilorhoit Bateman.
Virxiiu.i I hoiu.is I’otri ,md |,mios Son
soiiliroimoi Wisi onsiii
,\ot 1 otinn wi'io Ronnie I lippo. It
\l.i Don Noiiiih K M.isk.o lim kolho.
K An/ Hill Nielson It I la Mu li.nd
Hilir.ikis, K I I.1 Mil.m Dnnnulli D
M.iss Hull (.111 I) M11 ll (.111 \ .111
dor|,i^l R Mich tiorn Sikorski. I)
Mum I lovd I hike I) \ \ M.ill Rose
( t.ik.u I! (thin | os \ 11< 0111 It ( lie Joe
koltei I) I’i Austin Miuplii I) I’.i |o
soph M( Dado R I’.i md (diaries
Wilson II I ox.is
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