Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 25, 1990, Page 6, Image 6

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HIV testing law well-intentioned
But problems may arise in application
B\ K\m (ulhooly
I merald Reporter
A new Oregon law designed
In proint I ( rime vie I mis has
Rood intentions but lough
prai Ik .11 applit .limns ,111 ord
mg to I ame ('onnt\ I listric t
< !ourl judge Ann Aiken
I lie law requires lh.it nidges
inionii people chmged with
( i lines .111(1 their alleged y u
tuns of the availability ol hit
man iniiiitinodefn ien< \ y irus
testing and i ouilselmg it the
nalllle ol the crime suggests
that the transmission ol body
Hinds may have net lined
\n 111 \ test m reens lot the
present e ol the \ mis that
i atises Allis oi tin antibodies
the body produces to light the
Ihe lays lurthei states that
upon convict ion. a judge may
older testing lor the t onvit led
person at the request of the 111
tun provided the vie tun lust
submits to an IIIV lest
"Its a piece of legislation
I bat has great intentions but is
dillii iiIt to implement " Aiken
said ( itmg t)«icl|4<-l eonstraints
lestmg < onlirination and sensi
tivilv when dealing with vie
lims as potential problem areas
( i lines afle< ted I>v the new
legislation would nertainh in
(hide sex (limes Aiken said
but might also ini lode other as
sault (limes as well She said
ti*i ''.ikI I liis bill is stru 11\ ,i
\ ii I mis' rights hi 11. ,iihI that s
"Hut thf argument from <i
incilii.il st.inilpuint is th.it it's
ruin uIons to wait until .i per
son is convicted HI months
down the load.'' l uster added
'The issue should he dealt
with iinniediatelv to otter the
‘It’s a piece of legislation that has great
intentions hut is difficult to implement. ’
— fudge Ann Aiken
tin' dislrir I attornev 's nllu e
would have to inform judges .d
lIn* fimt' of .1 person's arraign
men! il the i rime i ninmitted
w as applir aide
Aiken is working with Lane
I ounl\ Vit I inis' Assistant e
I’mgram coordinator Lori \el
son lo eslaldi.sh guidelines lot
miplemenlal Ion of file law III
lame ( amnt\
Stale Kep |ilit Kdnniiison (I)
f ugentr). s.od the lull u hit h
went into effect m (lit 1980.
was adopted overw lieimingh
I>v the ( itegon I louse .mil Sen
.lie I»«•< .lllse ll ellei tivel\ li.ll
.lines | it 11 >11< he.illh concerns
.mil I lie rights (il the vie tint
against the i (infidenti.iliH nl
the i (inv ii leil pci son
ill Lnvretic e I osier (il the
Oregon St.ite lle.ilth Division
s.ml the proposal lor the lull
whs tile result ol the combined
ellorts ol the Mill ion (iountv
(list ric t .ittot ne\ s ol III e I lie
Lille ( olint\ slid lit S ottII e
.mil the health division s IIIY
polii v i ommittee
H.isk ally \\ e (the 111 \ poll
i \ i oiniiuttee) said we didn't
like the t ■ 11 < 11 dratt ol the lull
hut \\ e wouldn't light it l os
victim HIV testing and counsel
ing "
|un ( lav. interim administra
tor tor the Willamette AIDS
( onu< il said the new law is
another example ot "society's
searc h for a definitive wav to
deal u ilh 11IV
I'lie law attempts to use 11i\
testing as a tool to improve a
"horrible situation." ()la\ said
hut he added its el fee liveness is
(!la\ saitl e\ eu il .1 person
tests negative lor 111 \ . it ma\
onlv ino.m the person hasn't
vet piixitit i‘d antibodies vvhii li
ill.n lake Irtim si\ weeks to si\
months to appear
And it tile perpetrator tests
positive, what value does lh.it
serve?'' (day asked " The pres
e 1 li e ol antibodies still oldV
s.ivs vv hat the status ol the pel
petrator is not the victim
H liile (.lav thinks it is a post
live step that people are draft
inn new legislation com eming
I 11 \ issues lie said the pulllii
would he better served hv legis
latum mandating the availahili
tv ol lll\ i ounseling and rape
eilut ation
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