Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 25, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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AIDS drama presented
tonight as part of AIM
mkktim ;s
Asian-Pat ifit American Stu
dent I'nion meets tonight at
l> it) in KMl ' ( nd.ii Rooms (
<lll(l I)
FMl Hoard Food Committee
will hold <111 organizational
_Et als_
meeting tonight at "> It) in KMl
(lenturv Room K
OSPIKO i ore group meets to
night .it 5:30 in EMI Suite i
ASOO/IFC Programs Count il
will meet tonight <it t< It) in the
KMl' U ,limit Room
Chi AlphaChristi.in mimstr\
meets tonight .it KMC Centurv
Room K
ASl'O Housing Task Forte
meets toda\ at < tl) p m in
KMl (lentiirv Room I
Student Senate meets tonight
,i! ti in the KMl1 Hoard Room
Students lor the Flhit al
Treatment id Animals meets to
night <il a in Strmih Room Mti
Pre-law Sot ietc meets tod,i\
,it ) Ul p m in l )regon I Kill
Room Hit Representatives
from the ( >11 it e ol Student Ail
VtH <u V Legal Sell II es and Me
<li.it ion will lie speaking, and
ele< I ions loi \ it e president will
he held
Circle K International meet
tonight al o ill in Nlr.nih Room
: ».
Opal Creek Defense Coali
tion meets tonight it > <0 in
KMl! Suite 1
()PHS A meets tonight at in
I sslinger Room 1 Id
lm idental Fee ( ommittee
meets tonight at I. 10 m (iilhert
Room Lt7
Herb Wisher hiolog\ proles
sor emeritus will give a slide
lei lure on " 1 ile/.ones oi ()re
gon Mammals this alleiiioon
al t 10 at the Museum ol \alu
ial 11 isloi\
\I|S( I i l AMOI S
Summer fmpluvment Orien
tation Session will he held this
afternoon at il) in llendriiks
Room IJ
Peace Corps will have .in in
formation table in the I Ml
l.ohbv tri»ni n a m to t p m A
video will he shown at noon in
KM l' (,'edar rooms A and It
and a 7 10 p tn slide show
about Mil ronesia w ill tie
show n in I All (ledar Room I
Oregon Institute of Marine
Kiologv will present an mini
mational slide show for the
spring term program at the
roast The presentation will he
in I All ' ( e 111 u r\ Room It
A free-for-all resume and
portfolio will lie held In Worn
en in ( aimimiiiK utions tudav at
1 in in the I Alt Maple Room
t'niversilv Denim rats will
have an information table in
the I AH l.ohbv todav from it
a ill to - p ill
\ workshop on desktop pub
lishing will lie held bv the Hull
III Relations Student Sim iel\ ol
\merii a in Allen Room J tn
lntiin.it it's i lheatei presen
tat ion will lie presented to
night at M in I In I All ' Hen t in
del Room I lie plav Is shown
as part of \II)S Information
Until I i nr tin suliniittini; l-.’t
a/s In tin• I nierald hunt i/esA
I \ll snitf mu /s noon thr tl,i\
hrturr /millIt ,ilton I t a/s run
tlif tl.t\ nl thr rirnt un/ess tin
I'irnl oil ms lit• fort• nnnn
/’/ease sill unit It a/s thr tl.n hr
turf' they are In run tinlx
Xnturs nl nrn/s with a tin
n.itnui hi .itlmissitui t /large u ill
nut hr at t r/itrtl ( a/u/u/s
I'l i'n/s anti //lose si hrtlulrtl
nr.iirst thr jmlilii .ilitiii ilatr
will hr g/ien /n/on/i I hr I in
eralil resenes llir iiilllt tn rthl
until es hu ffi,iiniil.n am/ s/i lr
Eugene's westside neighborhood cafe, fea
turing home baked breads and desserts.
Mexican, vegetarian, and meat entrees
Good food at a reasonable price
Weekend Dinner Special—
Friday & Saturday
Pasta with clam sauce, green
salad, garlic bread.$4.25
W 5th at Lawrence
7am to 9 p rn Mon-Sat
7am to 2 p m Sundays
Breakfast til 2 p m
Circle K promotes service goals
Hv |«lit* Andrjde
f rnerald Reporter
dirt le k International is a unit|tie c«>I■
nrgnui/atinn tli.il strut's in make the world
better li\ promoting sen it e. le.itlersliip anti
'The main ui))ee.live of ( in le k is in serve
the t olle>{e t <■ mpiis anti tIn* t ommunitv s.inl
lisa law lent e one til (title k s lieutenant
We re Irvin# to make lomorrovv .mil the
short term liiture hettei lor our t ommnmlv
s.inl keith Mat kav I'mversitv ('in le k prest
tbiiversltv I in le k s 14 memheis have
(lone linin' than I 000 hours of t outmuuilv set
\ it e sint e September Mai kav saul
()nt e a month ( title k visits Redwood
\ ill.* .1 nursing home for mrntalh limited
.idults 111 I lli^r nr
I'vii wtrks *«m», while hostility thru dis
In* I i onffii'iH «• ( in lr k district members
t*»»»k in ( hildren from the I'niversitv I*i
lirnther Hit: Sister Program howling at the
I Ml' ret realion i •*nlt»r
During thrir un-krml conlerence the\
• dsn c ondm led .1 loc .iI food and c lnthmy» drive
donating all the proceeds to (hmdwdl and In
« al I ugenr tooi) h.inks Mai k.1 \ said
( in lr k is p.irtu ipatin^ in Aids Intnrnia
linn Month h\ working at inlnnnation tahlrs
\« ti\ itirs i»»*tinatrd hv (arch* k promotes
lead* i s1111» and friendship as well .is servii r
Vnolhri positive aspei t of ( in le k is that
there are no injmrements to he a meinhei
Mai ka\ said
( in le k Is spniisoied h\ klU.inis Interna
ImnaI and i (insists ot (II ilisti n ts world \\ ide
Atloida a
on campus
auui • iri i i >>*
upsiftwi iiT i«ta i
'Taking AIM
AM htoMtai AMfk
Immtn IMO
I Januatv 26 - liWav
Homophobia and HIV ...
tti-< jl?h Department >'t»v ne.es tt»«-hernc>pt'<-•Dm \ i.ti ■ • ? t?ir>MiV»i u •>
Bon Linder Room
KEYNOTE Address. Catlin Fullwood
* ' w ' N • ■ A r? j! fMU Bollfoom
Volunteer Opportunities in AIDS Service Organizations
A ■ ?t • fr f rn l «. jr «» i aunty I it>k Health {h \ xjrfmenf j u ■*.«knt' . <unlec*r opp« r? n '•
i'ilani - I . un?y If • ■' 1 ■ pr. .."f, ■< ■ t. . firjf ,*.f j !he !c )r‘ , ' M’ . J •' ? 1.«‘ f « f A •
Maple Room
3 void
Substance Use and the HIV Infection
Drug and Ak < >r <4 Programs presents a workshop (ocire i on tv >v*.
■ ' -It. t ’ ! jf • : l tf« Maple Poom
Safer Sex Workshop for Women
vt jr agor Oregon Heam i I kv‘»*on presents a vo fk«.r„ p io< • istrxj r »n t j?
yKf how women can protect ftw msetves addressing' .mmurm atu n
Bon Under Room (formerly the Forum Room)
! January 27 ■ Saturday
When a Fnend is HIV Positive ' it i ,
1 -■■. ling specific suggestions feu ftten : fomitv of f :.<■ 1 i nos < f j • • { " -.villi 11
- ' ji.. ii, ... i -t.t- ilo lei ■ I t ' Maple Boom
Media and HIV i . f i , if ’ ' v : >■
| m I IcnHlh Divis on ciddtos; i-l tt-o [ «. ssurn / f I" on n tin m modi i : I
- i tiroy,.:' .1 If .< • If • • II ' I- ■ f- ■ Oak Boom
Holistic Health and HIV Panel i " - • i r ■ ■ ■ t • ■ '
i i, . • • JSS ir-n m.iit, ■ c t !..ukj healthily with HIV f ■■.it.ve-I. i'-is Nutn'- ■■ i
| , • i i :I ' l • : ;• i Gum wood Boom
Coping With Loss : ■ • r ■ ■ ■ , - i : :
i • *r. • ■ t ■ ' ■ Maple Boom
People o( Color and the HIV Infection
dm-MV.it n wit'", various membm of rtt.r,. • )■ „i'. ontmun. ->, ■ ir. ■ i m Ad.tie • I
• i • r • - it • " ; :• I if • ■ ■ r Oak Boom
Government and HIV ii ii . ■ ■ ,
■ : ' ' !' ' i’1' 'iff I f f " • 1!• ■ , Gumwood Boom
? 30 (
v< if t li
iif |. hi
Political Action and HIV - f ( j .. r v
I !• I'f >.•.!■! ’ fll 1 " -'ll. K «J OCklff.". -ir M ) ■ S,f< ■ I t I; ■ ■ II;. ■ f .1. •
'* ■ I ' ' " !• Maple Poom
Women and HIV .■ jmi i
' • •'.frjto - j. li-V? j ,rru-i ft { j, tonPIv f of Mi
Oak Poom
Prostitutes and HIV ; * t
j and I tied I n» , (COvotf) w*n a, rys'. the r.su«- 5 i-v
Gum wood Poom
jp (AiDSCookt
.» >MheU5; < j
full* uf'-on CtM
i' i
All rooms try Ballroom k I by ol tire I MU