Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 25, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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' Party Favors * Sweats T's Shorts
* Plastic Cups ‘ Dorm Shirts
* Printed or Etched Glassware
f ( A VIIM S
( ( INM ( ! I( )N
Visit our stall artist every Friday
in the store lot Art/Design ideas'
720 E 13th
344 3439
_Alpine Import Service
I he VOI VC) Spec ialists
1 21 h & Main
Winter Fitness Analysis
• Oil change, genuine VOLVO filler and 4 quarts
of nil
• (omplete maintenanc e c hec k of major
• Inspec lion of evtiMUl, ■WfKlttion, u
joints, battery charging An# starting sys
tems, cool start «v%4c<ni, hgating and cooling
systems, tires, wipers and all fluid levels
For Appointment call
I’tioln In M.ulin ! hi*
Students (Ion 7 have in strn\ far from / nnifnis to find fun n( ti\ ities such ns howling, at the r.Ml
Ket rent inn ( enter
Campus abounds with fun activities
By Jennifer Thomas
T morale! ( ontribulor
N ou'ii' lin'd ol homework
.mil h.ivi' 11 <>t11111K In «Io? Unll
never fear I he ver\ i .1111jins
II1.1t holds \0111 hram-straining
stiess indiK iilg 1 lasses also
holds iiumv souri es ol eider
l.iinme nl
Wards Are
Now some of your favorite words by your
favorite authors will be cheaper at our
IAN. 22 - FEB. 2
on the Main Floor of the Bookstore
-UO Bookstore
13th & Kincaid M F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 686-4331
(!ontrar\ to popular belief,
ttic l'mversil\ h.is .1 varietx ot
activities available almost an\
infill u( the week rbi- si*i ri't is
111 finding nut what's available
I he I All w Inch sta\ s open
until 1 1 HI p m cm li mull!. is
.1 ureal soon e nl sin li ,u ti\ 1
lies Part ol the fun is ilisi over
111U all the I All' offers
I he Kei risilinn (lenter. I01 .il
ed in (In' KMl' basement. offers
.i( livitins ltn hiding borvling.
table tennis, billiards and pool
I he i entei also has a largo
si reen television so players i an
catih their favorite program
while satisfying their lompeti
live nature
"Sometimes I go to the Kci
reation ( enter and play pool
savs Lane Sanders junior "Util
I visit friends too
Adjacent to the pool and hi I
hards room is a video game
room In this room video w iz
arils rail battle it out with their
computerized prey
I he Computer Lounge also is
located in the KMC basement
Computer programs tan lie
rented ten a minimal lee as < an
i omputei games, although the
games aren't rented when all
the terminals .ire being used for
stuck mg
One tloor up. the KMC offers
something for art lovers He
tween the fountain Court Cafe
and its dining room, a small
gallery presents work Irum chi
lerent artists around the area
foi art lor the stomac.h. the
main Hour of the KMC offers
pastries and sllac ks until 'I p 111
on weekdays .it the I ishborvl
while the Main llesk Store ol
fcrs cookies candy and pop
i orti until 11 p m
()n the third floor is the KMt
Art Gallery, another haven for
art lovers Wandering around
this floor of the KMt' affords
other artwork that might not
have linen noticed at first
The KMl' offers several studs
areas tor those who need a
< hange in their normal studs
haliits Several lounges and sit
ting areas on ear h floor otter
( ushiuned. comfortable plat.os
to do homework
besides these regular attrai
lions thi1 i:\1l ’ offers lectures
and mush that are free or at a
minimal (.os! to students The
Cultural forum. Suite 2 KMC
hosts most ol these events and
films every Kridav Saturday
and Sunday in classrooms
around campus Si hedules ol
upcoming events are located
near the Main Desk Store as
well as b\ the Cultural l orum
for those living to whittle
their waistline or feeling just a
little hvper. Ksslinger (lym has
activities as diverse .is the
KMC Weightlifting. raci|uet
hall. tennis, swimming and
haskethall loiuts offer places
for sports enthusiasts to plav
awav from Kugene's winter ele
loi more adventurous pen
pie Stevenson True k. the light
ed trai k east ol Ksslinger. is a
pI.it e where people can walk or
jog their wav to fitness Tennis
tail be a bit lor students who
live on the west end ol campus
l ighted tennis courts are loc.it
eti near Kdut ation I fall
l iving in the dormitories also
affords many things to do. even
without the above suggestions
furn to Activities, Page 12
Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia
Binge Eating
Crash Dieting
Laxative Abuse
Compulsive Exercise
Compulsive Dieting
When you're ready
to quit
we're ready to help.
Just call 686-7372.
Eating Disorders
lYogram at
Sacred Heart