| 'y I'J | ( onlinuod from 4 I.h li lull niters t In - Ix'iii'lils ol .1 uann ruiiiii .iihI .1 I.HH'' M.ri’i'ii irlcvismii \ <• iu)ir)H nun liini's < urli ImiiKiM iill.uk' .mi! planus in till' lounges iiflrr diversion Im Ihr imisii.dll ini Iiiinl Tin- .in.i desks in ( arson and II.mill Inn t;omplr\rs |iii".i'i)l possibilities Im '•iili'rlainnii'nl iiisl hi Ihr asking At ari a dusks residents i in hnirnii liii.nd Haines \nlcii i nssetlr ri'i nrdi'is and lor lair night mud limlhall spoils rt|lil|> mrnl All that s nri'drd is a Im people and |irili.ips a mm ir l irnls aromid Ihr dormitories itu hid mg Ircliiri's workshops, miivir mai allions. mm kl.ills parin'* and |ava jives air all i lulldlll.ill'll hi ihr program assis I.nils Program assislanl ( alln Inlnisnn said. III. ,, nriils air nprn In all stit drills even t 111 ill kI> dir fluids linin' mil nl ihr residents sui nil trr Dormitory events ,ue advertised in the dormitory hails imii lounges .mil usually have ,i mimm.il door tee In addition. theaters .irmiml campus i all lie 11 ■ .111 •*% 1.11 «* Ihr boredom nl .in evening tin i aitipus Robinson lliealre and iuiiveisilv Theatre both located in Yillard Hall. nffi*r tipc riming plays and a dam ■- pcrlnrmanc < Miisii II.ill al tin Ollier end nl i .tnipiiv idlers a new term nl i nin eils and |»erf(irniani:es Si liednles (an l*e found at lire theaters and I In Si IiuiiI id Miisii II all lllis lads In si I ike I he interest nl miii and Mint friends some evening there are always two standbys Visiting other It lends on i .impus ,md oil i ampus is a Iiiii way to spend an entera.inn ng evening. and of course, there is always one u ay to lie really produc tive do \om homework Photo In M.it In. rtm ' I hr I \ll Kn rrnlinn ( rnlrr Iralurrs billiards .mil fiiinl in .iililitiiin In t.iblr Irnnis .mil Inin Uni; hxihert Bhuin-t /if-fJ BlX /if It7 Jjmes f inln Jett / orestef Huffman I \nn irtfics^ he/i hew With The Writing Team of CA VERNS A Booksigning And Publication Party Will Be Held At The CIO Bookstore General Book Dept. 895 East Thirteenth -- JAISUARY 27 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. KEN KESEY AND ALL OF THE 14 AUTHORS WHO CAN i MAKE IT WILL BE HERE! en Kesey and the members of his Creative Writing class have accomplished something that has never been done before in the an nals of academia. They have written a book together and it has been published. CAVERNS is a rollicking tale which takes the reader from the streets of San Francisco to the desert mountains of Utah to the steps of the Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City. It is destined to be come a cult classic. \ L idstrom H Hii/hudlei Ppuvrs Jane Sal her C/icw/t*-. Vaiam Meredith U .*Ilc\ Lidia Yukman Ken Zimmerman Lmeet the authors and join us FOR REFRESHMENTS AND FUN!