CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 210 OPPORTUNITIES < RUlSE UNt MIRING' MAKE A DIFFERENCE (StucUj JtbrxsicL ON UO PROGRAMS Use you' financial **»!f i ^ more inform at i of' o«U. t [)M.< f. «■>• Interna?' mal Sec • VACANCY ON THE UO BOOKSTORE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR A FULLTIME STUDENT (12 UNITS OR MORE) WHO IS IN THEIR FRESHMAN YEAR ending June T991 The Board of Dire* bookstore and is responsible for >et ting policy The Board meets on the ,iv eiAQi* of once per month in the even mg The, s a great charu e to help run a multi million dollar corporation and pays a monthly stipend of $30 00 * ! more information contact either B ■ > . •.! t . , Jim Williams or Lisa Burkhart at 686 4331 i, , .• Friday January 26 b 00 p rn >'• i' » • •’ UO B- Kslore 215 HELP WANTED s.o.s. Mf i P< We need tt> enthuSiav c • 1990 Student Orientation Staff (SOS)' PLEASE COME TO THE INTO MIG TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS OPPORTUNITY 1/29 1/30 7 PM Wal nut Room STUDENT NEEDED WITH EXECUTIVE TRACK TOWN PIZZA Wanted Full o» part time pi/2* deli* •ry dnvei tain S‘» 8 00 pei hou» No etpenence ne cessaiy Must have own cai and msuiance Apply in pe» son beloie 4 pm at 1#09 Fianhlin Blvd ?15 HELP WANTED SMALL CONCERTS COORDINATOR DEAOUNf IS f Rl F LB 9 MATH SAT INSTRUCTOR Pari lime dynamic eclectic person needed lo leach in nation s besl SAT program Small classes SlOfhr lo slat! Paid (raining 6S0 plus malh SAT required 747 0462 DRAWING INSTRUCTOR The [ MU • • lU ( .at the Un.vmvty Rtghl Sid© Ot the Brain • *. preferred T;: II . . ■ 1 • •• 5 three • • • 'ey M !.*, f et -w.ey $ ■■ OoRM I I r rr ■ *. i.on aml,K.i Lesley Budd.ngh C*afl Center ioc ated on the Hlv*t - • |he Ed' M. 'f ■. 11 Ure ” .1 t EVENTS CREW COORDINATOR Dt ADLINE IS f Rl FEB 9 MATH SAT INSTRUCTOR PERFORMING ARTS COORDINATOR Of ADI iNf IS FRI F f B 9 ??o WORK STUDY POSITIONS •CAREER PLANNING SCHOOL OF LAW SUMMER JOBS OUTDOORS 225 APTS DUPLEXES Bf.!>MOOW f URN Myi f MOM 1’ BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS Sludto On tile laundry faciliti** J270/mo 343 4913 ??sflPTS DUPLEXES STUDENT PLAZA APTS 945 E 19TH j H PentlarK) Co }.J‘> F !9TH Ifel 1 141 H 33*. f 191b 235 HOUSES 255 DORM CONTRACTS DORM CONt«A< TfOMSAlt M i - FOUR fTMAlt DORM CONTRACTS We will pay you MONT Y 1 686 0211 Wt LL RAY YOU' Two female do#m contracts foi sale 144 0261 1 DORM CONTRACT FOR SAl T Call Jeff at 342 3/91 260 ROOMMATES WANTED •‘MAT U MM A ' { .VAN T • FIOOMMATC WANTED •• ? »** . To shaft* 3 litjmi apl cios** Tt-> t ampus ROOMMATE WANTED Undmynid $20C plui util wash i-i diyer «mpl« parking cjmpui A wail Feb 1 Call Eon Jason Camille 144 3663 HOOM IN • ; i' »«*»»* •> ' f ?/o MEETINGS FILM/VIDEO COOP Screening* production help 1*1 meeting Mon Jen 29 INFORMATION BIN 144 2007 COME LEARN ABOUT PROSTITUTES AND HIV! SATURDAY GUMWOOD 2 30PM 275 EVENTS CHINA NIGHT TIME: JAN 28TH PLACE: EMU BALLROOM TICKET: CSA & EMU MAIN DESK FREE EXHIBITION DINNER PERFORMANCE THIS WC f. KE NO ASi)' > AIN 1 f R ‘.VMPi > ■ iUM . ■ .• *=>fK$hopi. Jnd .it --ul HIV t.MM K(YNOTf ADDRESS * .A ft. IN » U: i W 'OP Of Pi >! A AN SPECIAL PRESENTATION Pm. ?/i) EVENTS THE EMU REC CENTER PRESENTS AN ACUI QUALIFYING TOURNAMENT MEN'S TOURNAMENT SAT JAN 27, 1 00 PM U OF O RFC CENTER 4teito Idaho Fi»bfu4f> 22 ."'4 * >* ih«» I ACUI *•. A! tilt .n I lodging pro*uh>(1 COLLEGE BOWL REGISTRATION THIS WEEK Campus tesKSents 'easier at f tfi 00 pot t.-ttn PEACE CORPS EVENTS Jan .’4 W»d 4 00 Jain Thuf W 00 Jan Thur f JOpm ALL MAJORS rung to gradualt«? m th* rw*t U months and *' t.M liktt • ,j,» aDn'uw tor a two y**41 assignment now »■ oof. at ion I at)i«r on Doth W* •V tht? f MU - M y l..f Jw.-M Or tali th* campus representative hni;. 123*4 h s Hall ?44 i if Planning and Pi * emcmt S«rfvn f .•{ *. *. h N : tint*. ?80 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT • ART CINEMAS ■ ■ 492 E. 13th • 686-2458 ■ Ni r.»» - >■ j l •• • • 'd »«• »4r H SIDEWALK STORIES r nmai S>*>* riM«i;KT >• ■ & HHAL S**>W TOUGHT ' ' ' (N sex, lies & videotape . ' i i B'li'UII sc i LETHAL WEAPON 2 ROCKY HORROR |*| KltSAHDOpm '.*•» *.«• />•» • *» A •* * < * *•< «»«4 *> J V4 , k f Wi, ■ ^^ POCM I Pi A Y HOUSE PRI St MS COMMAND REACTION A PL AY BY OR (MARUSTANNfH 5PM JAN 25, 26, 27 POCM T TMI All A VIL t AMD HAl t Si DONATION APPRI ClATI 0 AT(l OMI HS Wfl i V it Hf M A ? I D UNIVERSITY THEATRE PRESENTS DANCE ’90 January 8 00 pm Robinson Theatre Tickets at Robinson Theatre Box Ollice 686 4191 $6.00 General Public $4 00 Students University Theatre Second Season presents LYSISTRATA January 24. 25. 26. 27 February 1.2.3 Arena Theatre Tickets at Robinson Theatre Box Oftice 686 4191 S3 50 General Public S2 50 Students PAUL LARSON OF THE HELLBENDERS THURS NIGHT NEW MAX’S MERLIN SATURDAY... ?8U ARTS & fNTERTAINMtNT LIVE IN CONCERT THE SKATALITES THURSDAY.FEB 1 9PM EMU FIR ROOM S i UO «tud«nt% S'< public A CuMutaI forum Produ lion '3., FOOD i DRINK Personally invites you to come dine in either hemisphere featuring foods from wifhm *12 of the equator INTERNATIONAL CUISINE 4t 0M 44 H 30'j SERVICES GORGEOUS WINDOWS Window R®»id«?nluil & Comniticitl CALL TODAY 3*1*19761 UO Bookstore 1 .ist Day for Winter Term C’oursebook Returns is January 27 IMease bring your receipt, I.D., and books when making refund requests. uo BOOKSTORE 6*6 4.131 j. UNIVERSITY BRANCH 831 EAST 13TH 683-5577 Toll Free 1-800-888-1799 Hours 8:00 to 5:10 M-F 9:00 lo 1:00 Sal Free Luggage Tags with port has*- ol any airlint* Ik ke< OtU’r l *pir»*s Man h 11 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson GlrtS* IT'S TO SCMKA. miwj' ^_ 1NV*CA, ILTS NOT JjW TO COHClOVtOKV I'M JUST SM1N6 MR'. BOOM fOB. mfVOA.Mf.NT , KL1 RWR.WfcRt 'iOU *80. TO NtV< CUMK? y WtM' M. principal i NLWK *1