Sports_ Women face important Pac-10 series with USC, UCLA By Cam Sivesind Emerald Sports Reporter A shrinking Oregon women's basketball team liosls Southern California tonight .it 7 (0 and UCLA Naturdas night at Mi At thur Court in I’acifit to Confer em e ai lion Despite Iiiliirirs. suspensions and players lost lor other rea sons, the Dm ks have compiled an overall 1 1 -fi rei ord I 2 in the Par:-10 Oregon goes up against a struggling CN< squad that has lost nine of its last 10 games ()regon i oai h I Ixvin I b-inv said the t 0 Trojans are better than their rei ord uidii ales ' Liles re making adjust uieiils ' 1 lellis said 1 lies re going to I)ei ome bettei and bet ter .is the season goes I lies have some talent that is |ust getting tuned in \djusting to die mans differ t-iil defenses that t St i .i.h h Marianne Staules implements is a kes lor the Dinks Hems said Staules in hei Iust se.u at I St has a 2H.t 10‘i lei old III hei t ttb year of i oar long kes plasers loi the I rojans an- semoi guard Tamms I lam uioud (It points per game) vs ho plused under llems for the I’.n 10 all-star team this summer and junior transfer Molls U ampler Hut llrinv in coni rrnrd with .ill of the players fool I senior for ward Rosalind linden averages M K rebounds .1 game, while sophomore Tallinn Stun is one of the <|iii( host guards in the 1 onferent e Saturday night’s mati hup pits the Dinks against an im proving I'( I.A team I hr Urn ms are <1 li and have won five of thrir last six games The Itruins .irr in third plai r in the I’m 1(1. one noli h above the fourth plat r I )m ks I or tlir I ’( I.A game a foot I 1 sophomore Kehem.i Sir phens. is the opposing plaver Heim is most 1.once rued with "She's the type of plaver that 1 ,111 do everything single hand edlv I Inin said She 1 an go vv ith the hall, she 1 an do a little hit of ev erything I Iron sees the I St and I ( I A games as v ital to ( Ire gun's I’at til finish In order for us to finish in the top half of the c onferent e rat e vve have to \v ill otn games at home I trim said Howrvri Oregon is finding itsell short in the pluvei depart meni \ one e deep and proifllt t ivr l)ut k hi nt h has wliittleil avvav anti the ret eill suspension of sophomore guard Vontla \u tlersoli Is no help Anderson who s,it out .ill u* Inst season due to .i< ailemir dr fi< ient lex been suspended from the team for the remainder of this season for continual \ io latum of team rules Oregon i oar li Klwin Heinv salt! Anderson started four of 11! games this year, averaging 7 -1 points and 1! ') relxiunds a game Sophomore guard forward Star i W'allenborn, who was suspended indefinitely last weekend along with Anderson will he reinstated for tonight's and Saturday s games Heinv saul Anderson will re main on st holarship lor the rest of the ar arlemti veai anil that the door will remain open for her possible return next season Sophomore r enter forward Marne Smith is still rpiestion able for the I 'St and I < I A games rlue to an injun Ileun said she has been prat til mg however I'o make matters worse the Dinks lost three other pin vers to injuries am) other undtsr los ed reasons earlier this \ear < Iregon is i riming oil a split ill Washington last weekend I lie Dinks dropped a game to W ashinglon 7 t >7 lieloie re bounding to deleat Washington Slate I rishman guard Vanessa Sel dim has s< ored in double fig ores six of the Iasi seven out mgs and now has moved up to third among Oregon's leading sc orers at 10 4 per game Selden had a c areer-high 21 points at Washington and is second on the* team in assists per game (it 2) With a team leading <4 steals. Seidell is |ust seven shv of the Dm ks best mark of the last two years Senior center Stefanie kas perski is corning off a to point game against Washington State. She is now 2(>2 points and r>2 rehounds shy of be< orn ing the I’ac It) all-time leader in hoth ( ategories. Intramural Results Men's basketball Phi Kappa Psi I 42, Spear-Poss 34 Black Panthers 60, Ruthless 52 Kappa Sigma I 66, Phi Delta Theta 52 Sigma Chi H R 71, Fiji ll-B 18 Fiji ll-A 51, Kappa Sigma ll-B 32 Sexual Chocolate 97, Sigma Chi ll-A 56 Phi Kappa Psi II def. Runnin' Rebs forfeit Phi Kappa Psi III 41. Kappa Sigma ll-A 13 Mind Bomb 77, lamda Chi Alpha I 41 Korean Students 54, Wild Types 28 Bombers 87, Grizzlies from Hell 35 Women's Basketball The Coaches def. Hawaiian VVahine forleit Men's Raquetball ATO del. Chi Psi I forfeit Theta Chi B del SAf III 3-0 Phi Kappa Psi ll-B def. Sigma Nu B CO Phi Delt II def. 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Monday January 29 at 3 30 in the Walnut Rm E MU Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU tlMONl ITS BEEN SOME TIME SINCE YOU WtPt CAST ON THE SHOW. WHAT HAVE YOU SEEN UP TO 0UPPY* / TH£ S70R/BS I COULD TUD you, you know ujhai 1*1 satin; MAR* * 1 MtAN, THL SIDfULS 1 COULV WLL YOU NOW1 N0U1 ujowvet thb rm, DUCKS' -\ — AOT UNTIL I HAVB A PtAL! 1 SAW WHAT HAPPLNBP id am bulmwajp1 SPRINGFIELD I SCIENTIFIC | SUPPLY Hours: j Mon.-Sat. * 10am-6pm | 726-9176 I 1124 Main St. 1 Springfield