_ _ Ore son Daily_ _ Emerald I'.iiKfiii', ()regmi _I nside_ ■ Relieving boredom. Page 4 ■ HIV testing questions, Page (» ■ House dumps Hush veto, Page 7 ■ Teams play I.A clubs, Pages 9-10 Tliurs Hl'tl) Volume 'I! Xumliri Hf> I'holu lit M.ii tin I lnrl Hrtmisr it sms il i .ml pmlii I \\hrn Ini %t timrs will m i in. Ihr I mxcrsiti post nlVti r rrlirs in i .1 s i.ill ill ill mi In h.indlr tin• Ir.illii Long postal lines frustrate students Bv Pain Miller tmerald Contributor____ “(amid miu open lip another window' he asked the clerk (here's about 40 people in line U hili1 must I 'nivrrsitv post otfii e i ustumers dun t at tuallv ask tills is their must Ireipient i|Uestiun Is the post uflire undersl.itted has it tailed to aualv/e needs tor busy periods ot are students expei tatiuns ulire.ilist]| ? On Tuesdav |an 1 • > lines snaked through the i rowded luhh\ At 'l JTi a m the i lerk told i ustnm ers his line was i losing and the lt> people vv.tiling in two lines stood ill disheliet Most ot the dav Iietween six and J.l people waited in line helore just one window While it was an un usualh bus\ dav it was typical of the campus branch to have only one window open during peak periods Many ( ustomers think the llniversilv post office should have mote windows o|)iui I hc people ,irr friendly said |oe l-.dwiiisen. se mol "but there's not enough ol them .is evident ed by the line I'll tr\ .mother post office today s.ud graduate te.ii hing fellow Kathleen Tryliom as she dropped out of line last week She said the post ottn e hasn't figured out when the high times are Kei ognizing low use earl\ in tile morning the three 1 ierks have staggered starting I.. said Howl W dson. direr tor ol i it\ operations lor the t S Host al Service Iheretore clerks take their breaks and lunr h at different limes Keplai eluents from the dou ntou n post olfu e may he sent over when a t lerk is sir k lie said but other u ise there .1. • no bat k lips like lit he 1 oil 11 es have \\ ilson said one 1 lerk works only in the mornings 011 tasks sui h as putting mail in boxes but is not lorn to I mes. Page 8 Governor's plan to fund salaries may draw fire Bv ( hris Bmmetl I meruld \ssot iale I ditnr (inv \eil (iolclsc It ill lilt s plan In ask I lit* I * > * * I stall* Legislature lor an additional Sl»n million 11» IiiikI lac tills salaries is likelv to spark a humus UaltU* over breaking l hr spending limit Goldschmidt made his intention In ircjuest the mon • \ puhlii during ihe third ol loin state * * I tin* slate* ad dresses held earlier this month in Lugene I he Still mil lion will he* above and beyond' whal Ihe Legislature al |(t< ales foi the highei edui alum budget \houl Sail million will go toward boosting salarv lev e|s which are among tin* lowest m the enuntrv liner other programs ini hiding a fighting hind to re* mil and retain tat nll\ and an endow men! mah hing fund w d! «1 i vide* the rest Goldschmidt expects higher education officials to help sell the proposed h\ lobbying I with legislators and the public over the next seven months They teel ihev ve got the* < omnutment now to use the next six seven months to 40 into the umveisitv « tmmm nitres. work through w hat the i hot* es are 40 out to the statewide couimunitx and talk about d and then go out and sell it ( ioldst hillicit said altei his spree li ‘The key here is the\ needed the lead lime to do it he said Licit lead lime, however mas prove useless j| legis lators again div ide along tnidilioual lines when it comes to breaking the spending limit I veil though most legislators agier the tale s highei ecitic .ition system lias tear heel a » Msis point, not evervone is in agreemc'iil on w hat to do about it State He mot rats who persistentl\ want the spending limit broken s.iv the state* should use its surplus revenue to raise salai I«*S tol the- stale* s e* l gll t colleges .11 id U 111 V e*| • i Ill’S Republicans, on the other hand argue that the* state must assess its other needs whit h me hide health • an foi the elderlv and building new prison spat e Last session the* Legislature had $.' 11) million m ex c ess revenue to deal with most ol wine li will hi* re turned m the lorm ol tax relief Lot the Pe* I session, legislators will battle over how to spend as mile h as S »UH million ill exc ess revenue In all this talk about e*xc ess revenue, tin* educ ation is sue might lie replacecl h\ the* spending limit issue and Inr 11 to Spending, Page H Panel claims HIV support services are available By Dan Eisler Emerald Reporter For a community <>! its si/.e llii' Kugone area has a good net work of support services toi people undergoing or who have undergone 111 \ testing panel disi ussion meinhers agreed Wednesday night The dist ussion on HIV lesting and Treatment was held as part of AIDS Infonna lion Mouth and held in the I All' Fir Room The panelists included Dr David Flemming, deputy slate epidemiologist; Dr Mark I leerema. medic al intern. I )i W illiam IJisher. from the I ni versily Student Health denier. Jim Shoemaker and Tadd Tohi as from tin* W hitehird ( Jinn . William Warren, executive di re< tor of Shanti in Oregon: Km ilv Hedhrun. i limit serv ii es i o ordinator of Shanti; attorney (in'ti hen Millet. Rii hard Korlri Hut", it member ol ihe (nnitnii iiiIn AIDS (amsortium. and (airmene Pew. Irmn Lane < nun t\ Publit Health Anonymous and tree lll\ testing is provided by the Whitebird ( linit as well as Its private physii i.ins Pew said The Student I lealth ( enter also does both c onfidential and ’modified anonymous" testing tor I 'diversity students w itli student ID i arils and w ho have paid then lees. Dishei said "Modified anonymous" means i onfidential i omponents iit a student's health rei ord such as psvi hiatrii history or substani e abuse remain sepa rate from I lit* main record. I hsher said Records are not identified by name when sent along w ith the blood samples to the health lab in Pirrtland. I)ishei said The Whitebird ('linii . at int litun provides anonymous .mil tree testing mi luesdays (hiring sessions from 'll I .1 111 .inti l> 8 p in Slioemakei said At Whilcbird the same pci son does pre and post lest ( uunselmg lor eai li individual Slioemakei said rile ( A III 111 \ I leallll I )i\ Isloil at 1.87-4041 otters testing in appointment on Tuesd.n s A two week waiting period is required between the listing period and w hen the results ale sent lull k and It is a stale re quirement that tested people i (line h.ii k in for results l.asl \ear t 1.000 people in Oregon or one for even H2 people were tested lor ll!\ I lemming said ' It s an ama/ ingl\ < ornmon pro* edu're About 2 I ol 111\ tesls are i oiiiIik ted In 111 h ate pin si 1 ians, and 1 t 1 ondut ted In government health or other public institutions. 1 lemming said n v n*/riHi . I'tmlii l>\ Mji k \ Irn I’nnrlist l)r D.niil h'lrmminfi rxpluins IIIl tfstinii is .1 \rr\ 1 inn mini priii riiun• in I )rt%’on