"25 Years of Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Dalsun • Toyota 2025 Franklin Blvd 342-2912 Eugene. Oregon 97403 The Town Quacker Announces University Housing .it the Univer sity of Oregon is now accepting application for the position of ACADEMIC YEAR 1990-9 1 QUALIFICATIONS: Must t>r a regular lv enrolled student with enperience as a Resident Assistant or comparable e« [lenen.e as determined by the selection committee Must be available to students and stall during most weeknights and weekends Will not be allowed to hold an outside job HI IMBURSl Ml: NT: umit.i -• ■ i.!■ ' i. • < \< •!» i' i i j 11 ,n it I [ t ■ ! ■ t «•«!:! tli H1 ■' i I f I 41' .1 ■ i * Jsh sll|.( Itii SI l I CT ION PROCESS: » l» . I- bn,,us •• 1 -.l-..-■»'.! t • < iniplc-hj bv I hr ' 'il "I Wllllrl trim MANDATORY Ml I TING: I tun l is l"t"u.n\b i| " M- tr. ■ | C III:- ' V*. ilil' ' Hill! APPLICATIONS: An n i .ibi. jl tin- h..i.| .Irik --t lh. H , ■ i < H in .■ m W.illcn M.ill Du<- IVbrujiv 5 1990 no lain lhan 5pm Only 2 positions available An / ifutsl (Afftrmalnr A» tton f mployri totaaBEM3aapKWPco8«a8«oo^%%%%<»w«<»CT»iwHE Club hockey team hits ice today B\ Fr.u v Sumner F mer.ild Sports F ditor ( lull Sports htis slims 11 (In t'nivi'rsity n loin li o( Ihr ( .rr.il U lull1 North i\ mu ( Ini' Sports si,tins to ,i I 'niviTsils u r Iioi km li-.im ( lull I lot kr\ i o orilin.iloi Si oil Drown ,ni IIOIIIK I’ll I.ISl Wl'I'k llif ti'.im will play in tlif A di\ isioii ol tin- Idlin' \iiin It'llt 111*i kr\ Assm iiitiou ,i r 258 f 15th 5« 7975 "LIVE" MUSIC ALL THE TIME!! ‘ fULINt The Saga Continues WEDNESDAY NIGHT at TRACK TOWN PIZZA Get a medium (12”) One-Ingredient Pizza for ONLY... (.lust ask for the Special) SC95 (Add'l Ingredient .70) Why settle for less... than the BEST!?! FREE DELIVERY (Limited delivery area) 484-2799 1809 Franklin Blvd. hockev league that employs a nnnt.heiking I\ |• of hm ke\ said Hrou n ,i I dm ersit\ ■>!ii iIimiI and president of the I’hi kappa I’si fraternity Hrou ii said non i Imi king hoi ki*\ is still .1 physii .11 game pist not .is niggl'd as tin- regular type III' also said it is a more opi'ii t\ pr ol hoi kt'\ It s higher si oring and last i*i moving. HrovMi said I liiTr s still a i onsidi'rabln amount of i ont.n I hut it s not as abusive I hi* t '> man team is made up mosth ot I niversilv students lint Hrou n said there are e\i ep I ions int.lud ing a 1 ’niversit\ prolessiir ol religious studies and an an Intel lure professol I he team s elder statesman is a -1 I \ear old full lime student Ver\ few ol the players are from the I'ai dn Northwest said Hrown who is from Kimde Island I’lavers i mile liom all nvei North Amerii a hut h.ne one thing in i ommon they all want to play ii e hoi kev (.i tliiig ( lull Sport status \\ ill In- ,i tremendous help lo the I ram rspei iallv linaiu lallv brown said \\ itli ( lull Spurt status tlir Irani will lie eligible lui IH funding drown said the litnding w ill be needed In offset the tremendous < osts of putting a team oil tile u e fin' team is still looking to, a roach Hrovvn said They hope to liml someone w itli substan tial esperiem e in organized hot kr\ I 'util a bent h boss is lound. Hrown said lie and as sistant i oordinator Mike Kousell will till in as p I a \ er ci uit lies The team opens play tonight at H III with o[Ul lai Ilian the longer \HA season 1 ben s also ,i likelihood that baseball or some other type ot sport will later be added in the summer Myrtle said he "hated to put words in the lottery i ommission's months but sees it i inning I >a\ ey said the lot lei\ commission might seek an oil n i- pool toi mat for base ball and partir ularlv the World Set les W lien the t'niveisity rereives its total allm ation it w ill .idd to ,i tremendous iiw reuse in .illi I (* I u department imum IUmr noted tin' high XI AA finishes of tin' men's tr.u k ,nnl i mss i ountrx fi'.niis .in Inilr pendent i' Hmvl u in fur the fiioihiil! team and the softball tc, mis first-ever poslse.isun \( A A Tournament uppearaiu e as examples r sign up information If you're unable to attend, but still interested in the opportunities available at SAFECO, send your resume to: SAFECO Insurance Companies, SAFECO Plaza. Seattle. WA 98185. Attn: Kathle Ledger Equal Opportunity Empluyer. /t> //) /////sM/<*/// /£> if) SAFECO