Rally moving for wrong reasons By Hon Walker Emerald Assoc iate Editor Sunday's anti-abortion r.tllv u .is emotionally mov ing tor years old. walked past me with a sign that read. “I’m glad mv illinium kept me There were so many « hit dri'ii They mouthed some ol the words to " Amazing (bat e" while the courtyard thundered with voices A couple ol boys used their "Stop abortion" signs to plavtullv lot eui h olliei ov er the head Soon the trout ol the federal building bei .line a miv ol white lai cs and red protest signs The group was large) than last November's "Mobilize tin Women's laves" iallv The group made up the larg est pro life demonstration in I .aim ( anility And the group reaffirmed what they had insisted all along the pro i lion e itiove ment had underestimated then opponents mimhers and dedi cation. the 1, 111 v itsell was about an hour long It wasn't until the third speakei. Kev |ohn lloohei ol the W illamette ( In istian t entei touk the inn rophone that 1 tullv realized the literally religious passion with vvhii h abortion opponents adhere to their i ause Hoolier gave a true tire and brimstone speech thundering oil about the need tin del cut v instead ot dei adem e morality instead ol morass and uiutila lion." and drawing applause attei ail using Women seeking abortions ot "using their bodies tor parking lots liy the time he led tlie group in a prayer, some demonstra tors were dabbing at tears The i rovvd fell absolutely silent and hundreds ot heads bowed Some in the group raised then right hands skv w aid Toes of legalized abortion suv thev’re making headway to ward real lung the non-Chris linn taction (Bernard Nathan son leader of National Kight to Life, is a self-proclaimed athe ist. I was told), bill there was little ev idem e ol it Sunday Most of the crowd consisted of memtrers ol i bun h i ongre gallons, and at least one service adjourned with instruct ions to attend the rally Recycle This Paper II nothing pise abortion rights is .1 1.1! iviii lung .nul ilil In uIt issue because it i rosses boundaries that mi hide not onk religion, but i olor et o notnii st.ilus age and so mam other tailors llouevet tins huge i roud lai hed tins diversi l\ (Children and babies though the\ i annul v ote .ire c entral to emotional appeals against abol tion I he ' oung ones at the ral Iv served this purpose llovvev ei most ol them i mild not pos siblv grasp the legal and polili i al irnpltc at ions ot si it h a div i sive issue \bortion is the struggle ot the I*)*His that will i ontilUie to pit i olleagues lamilv mem hers neighbors and politic.al candidates against each other Making a reprinine live i hon e is .in ordeal I c an onlv imagine I don't like the idea i>1 terminating a pregnane v I doubt anvone does lint dealing on sui h a per soiial lev el vv ith sue h pllllo sopliic al basic s as ble and c lion e should not be Ihe elutv ot a morallv motivated commit mlv The hlurred distinc tion be lueen c hurt h and state threat ens to reslric t the tlilfic ult right to i house \ homogenous group ol people appears eager to impose their absolutist stain e At the time most ot the pro liters were leaving I dec idl'd to leave too A honking horn i aught 111\ attention and a shinv white car tilled with tour A ENLARGE YOUR FAVORITE MEMORY... Gerlach’s We Offer SAME-DAY SERVICE For Enlargements From Color Negatives. (pick up .it 11 00 delivery . 11H ■ 11 lull sign1* .mil tin .1 riMi winilnu u.is ,i mimIIi'i sign ili.il ir.iil S11ip ■ MSs ( -ini The Irony hit mr li.inl Get a 14” 1 ITEM Plus one 16-oz. PEPSI NAMf ADDRESS 687-8600 • 14H2 Orchard One Coupon Per Pizza • Expires 1 24 90 Nhhn A Pos i i r Mapk? ( .ill I filer IVrtf. i l ir.iphu ■>, Why Peace Corps? BENEFITS • Receive $5 4:00 PM |o 5:00 PM ('KI)AR ROOM \ & B. K.Ml HIM: III I I BKOIN IIKRK I \M \RA 25. 1990 (I III RSDW I 12 NOON IT) 1:00 PM < KILYR ROOM \ & It. KMl \ IUKO: IT U l (ORPS IMPRKSSIONS JAM \R\ 25. 1000 mil KSI>\\ > 7:30 I'M tu 0:00 I'M t'KDAK ROOM K. KM I SKIDKS & KXPKRIKNC I S OF Ml( RONFSIA IMKRVIKWS FFBRI \RY 5 & 6. 1000 MONDAY & II FSI>\\ IIFNDRK KS I! M l ( \RFFR Pl.ANMMi \ 1*1 M I MI NI C'KNTKR INM.S 1 |* IS \l)\ \N< I . HKIS<. COMI'I I III) M’I'I l( V I ION) FOR MORI IM-ORM VI ION. COM M l JAKF 1)1 1)1 I I \l (5031 6X6-3235