AIDS discussion tonight Mill l\< .S liolli'fti' Republicans ill meet IiiiiikIiI .it . ID in I.MI ( «• r»111r\ Room I K.imlnrest Ac I ion C > roll |> _Et als_ ill luipme w ill meet loumlil .11 i ill in I-All ' Suite I II.ill.i i (am pus Assiii i.a linn Meeting u ill I.ike pl.u ’ Iniil^lll .it l> III .it the II.ill.i i ( entei I |AH Alder St Sluili'iils lur I \i i ess Will meet tullluilt .'I 1 in tile II.ii nil.ii I K*mill Oii'iin l < nltiKN Power lor tin- Future mi ighl it It III III I Ml Suite I Student I’rop'i ts Im I ii >. 1111 id ilirei lots meet s In infill .it 7 Id in I Ml I en lurv Kmini I Ml SI III.AM (II s I ni\eisit\ Presulenl Mvlfts Brand will Imlil upon ullii i- hours tndav from I to I p in in Johnson 11.ill Kimiii I Hi Students fill u11\ and si.ill .in' ui'h (inn IMctasi* i .ill fifth III Hi Ini .1 .’ll n11111111' appriinlnii'iil I111>4111 ,il i in tin' 1 Ml Urn hinder Knnin I In presenta linn is pari of I lie Survival l 1'iilri s \\ i iini'sdav him sr i ii's "Siimrlhiiiu's Mvlhim; in Our lives" is tin- lilli- "I i hvi'parl sciii's starting in nii:ht il Ml at llii' Newman ( imiIi'i IfCid I mi'iald si C ontinui'd from Pan*1 1 Ament .m \sinn mil < hu .a no workers under .1 ■ to will In supporting .1 white middle 1 l.iss with .III average age III lit) Mutable At the In-ginning cif t lit* I'tmts thin' iM'ir 17 | >• '< >| ili working fur evrrv one person that ii'i I'ivi'il sin in I set urit\ hr n«iish‘u miputers have aJw a\> kx'iuuM to use But the\ w never Iwn this cum to own heseniing'llie Macintosh \ile 11m nigh lanuan 31. vi hi can saw hundreds oUli >llars on a variety i >t Apple Maeinu >sh o imputers and [vripiierais N > m >\\ there's ni > reasi >n u > settle li>ranordiiun IX’ With Hie Microcomputer Support Lab Room 202 Computing Center Monda>-Frida> 9am-5pm 686-4402 Macintosh Sale*, you can wind up with much nit >ivol a computer. With*nit N|\*ndint;a li >t nnire nit »ik*\ 'Hie Macintosh Sale. N()\vtlwxighjaniiary31. .. ' This will widen tin- gap of ini ihiii' inetpialitv between whites \fin .in Americans and ( fin .unis Mar,dili' said Inside of file i ontral i ilies there is an ini reuse of sex disruption he said There is an im rease of the v arious forms ol violence ( )v er half I he murders t mu milled involv e Atm an Ameri i an men killing Afrit an Amen i an men Murablc said Murder is the fourth leading cause of death among Afrit an Ameri i ans One of the reasons for these staggering statistics is that the unemplov merit rale in the i on trat i ities Im \frit an Ameri i alls is around Atl percent and this creates destrut live values and lieh.iv mis. Marnhle said Sei oud there is a problem vv ith identity and ediu ation among Alt it an Ament ans A i hlid lielieves vv hat lie is told or how he is at ted to ward Marahle said II tliev are told tliev are stupid thev will do poor in school If thev witness violence tliev will he v iolent This is linked to the edili a I ion tliev l ei eive lie said II edin ation is down plaved. i hil du n ale robbed ol their hen Manning Marable ta^e Main si hauls arc still in the business at the mis edm a I ian al people at color II these problems are to be re salved, edui ational institutions must take the lead. Marable said "I niv ersilies must a( In eh discourage rat ist speec h and discourse on their campuses." lie said I'ree ..It is not lai 1st speei h I 'uiversilies need to encourage ethnic diversilv IFC ( ontmucd trom Pam1 1 i ceases Ihe eonimittee alienated S I i. Ill In the Literary Sue let\ .in M n peri ent increase Irum its pres nms \ ear s lillilgl't lit S i Jit 1 t he Literals Sot let\ puli 11sties "I imberline' literals magazine ami sponsors public readings In authors I he I’hilnsopln, t lull re i ei\eil an ulloi atuill ol SI It in a i 1 i pen ent mi lease trom its pus nms ear s budget ol St J J t 1 lii‘ Philosophy (!lul> spon sors speakers anil [i.ipcrs on v«i r ious lop it s \i ( i'pl ills' thi’ i’\i’i lit I Vi’ rn oinmi’ndation. I hi* i onimilli’i’ to I In* I'll’ r() I Hlh <4 l _>H ATTENTION PARENT STUDENTS The ASUO (your ltudent government) end incidental fee* ere working to help you have better access to education SUBSIDIES asuO Cm ( .ir•* Sutei0ias ate available for up to S0% of your child care costs (maomum $?t0 per month for *. o zed by •*.-denia 'ees and ha