Administrators veto SHIC's plan B\ Bri.»n Blot h Emerald Associate Editor Tile Student HealtIt insurant e (annmittee is hat k lit the drawing lioaril otter the t Diversity ad ministration vetoed the committee s I let tt ret oinmendatiun tor ttttl percent mandatnrv A SI tl health insurant e During a Tuesdav meeting, the SI IK votetl I I to maintain its pursuit ot a mandatnrv insur ante enrollment plan this time with the goal til exploring some torm of restrit live right ot waiver The waiver option depending on its level ot restrii tion. would allow students to opt out ot the otherwise mandaton ASl () insurant e i overage The administrative veto, spelled out in a I Jet n memorandum to the committee from Derail) Moselev vice provost lor academic support and student services, shot down the Sllltl's retom mendation to require .ill I'niversity students to cam AStO health insurant,e hegmning in the l‘lll(MI 1 at adernit vear \t cording to the memorandum "the presi dent's stall is concerned with am retommeotla lion whn.h would require even student to take a spet ifit I'll plan ill their expense (lilt offering might not he the best health plan lor that student it may duplicate insurant e protection lhe\ al ready have. 01 it rnav he a disadvantage to some to transfer plans tor the period of their educ.i tion." The administration is now recommending a mandated insurance plan with a restricted right ol waiver, one that would allow the t loses! up proximation to a well t (immunity one prntet ted b\ health tare provisions for all students while noi prn.UI/mvi mosr u mi .m .im-i insurance. according to I ho memorandum ||in\rvn it alsu states .1 waiver option uiuilil not present potential msur.mi e 1 arriers with tin- same number ot students p.irtn ipatiug .is woulii the ltlt) pun cut mandated insurant 1* plan Ili«- result tin- .01-1.1141- cost prestimablv would l»- higher lor imi li part 11 ipant under the waiver option \\ ith tin- .11lmin1str.ilion s dec ision Irehiml it tin- Mill is now lori t-d to rt-t onsidei options it previuusk sot aside The most pressing decision now lies m setting tin- degree of restrn tioli loi those students who tllav w isll to wane the A St I 1 plan, said SHK t ami \Nt’() Yii e t’resi dent Si ott U Vt koff U vekotl said .1 polii \ spelling out what re ipiiremerits need to he met lor a student to tln- mandatory coverage must now be addressed hv tlie committee l 'inlei .i strict waiver students m.n have to show prool ot i omparahle insur.iin e to the AM I) plan A loose waiver would allow students to more easilv waive the inainlatorv rei|ilirement Both waiver options were dropped Irom the Sllltl's initial rei ommeinl.ition he( .uise commit tee members said tln-y tell the options would en courage less participation and higher rales tin those who did enroll in the \Sl ( ) plan Members ot the SI 111 will he traveling to I in son \li/ . this weekend to attend a national student health 1 onlereni e U vt kotl said the 1 on terence will give the committee -1 chance to e\ plore the insurant e enrollment programs ol other colleges and universities and tea- that information in developing a plan hu the t Silvers it v * 1MJNDCRIAMP * GRI AT f OR PAM T It S AND BIRTHDAYS 5^1/inCn ALL GAMf S WORK VV,UCU WITHNICMLS GAMES admission 1 so STH STREET PUBLIC MARIE! • EUGERE • 683 1464 ■ THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Fast Convemen. Relaxing Affordable SunShowfr on campus GREAT MOVIES j*Mo $3 / Tu-W-Th $3.50 LATE NIGHT Fr-Sa $3 / Su-Th $2.50 i jaunts '-1 W ith this coupon sou I tan Hus a set ot ! GUITAR ! STRINGS i for | */2 our lisl Prior i < oupnn expires I SI ‘Hi | music city I litcljsl 4 • • , ■ >- M , - 4 ■ i open evenings‘til 6 f I united to hI«* W l / 1 '< nH\ fii Hi J f< •> \ CAMPUS HA9P T)£S9GJt Men & Women • Shampoo • Haircut • Blowdry A|| Fo( 0n|y • Style $10 HC^US Call now tor an appointmenl1 Walk ms Welcome1 484 0314 EMU Ground Floor “LET’S DO LUNCH!” Dear Juniors & Seniors, We. the business community of Eugene, would like to Take a Duck to Lunch If you are interested in having lunch with a local business person to discuss a career in their profession or about the business world in general here's your chance Simply fill out and return this application to Student University Re lations Council, Room 221 Johnson Hall by 5:00 p m Friday, January 26. You will be contacted by mail as to whom your lunch will be with. We ll even pick up the tab .so sign up today! Now who ever said there's no free lunch? ■ Sponsored by the Eugene Chamber of Commerce and S U R C NAME: APPLICATION.. _SS#: _ ADDRESS: PHONE: YR. IN SCHOOL:_ MAJOR:_ CAREER INTEREST: PREFERRED DATE & TIME TO LUNCH DATE TIME — TUESDAY 2/6/90 -1130 _ WEDNESDAY 2/7/90-12:30 _ TUESDAY 2/13/90 _ WEDNESDAY 2/14/90 Oregon IKiil\ _ _ Emerald 1*4) M**\ MW > iitf« •*« On fii 'l <*• * •- • y l •• •• •» ! - '••! V 'ii .' * «•« . • aim’k. n l .,!• a? -nn f>y th#» Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co .it the University of Qi$qo*i ffugooet Oregon Tn«- £m©fa!4 o. < pwated independently of I ho University ,sdh office*. on the f t»■. I.rf v. • • It l I I'll .1 M'4*mt>Of •!»•■• * A*, at«M P» Tho Emoraid is private property Tho unlawful fdfhovai or who of papers is pros Managing E dilor Edtlonal E ditor Graphic* Editor E ncoie E difor A l dilor T Mar*! t;o". mas Pr< A ml New*. 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