_Sp«rts. Ducks shine at Portland Indoor Bv -V*.hU“\ ( onklin fmerald Sports Reporter l oi (lii'niin .11it 1 loc d I-111:' 111 Irat k athletes. it w,is hard to Imd a hotter moot oi hotter per formant os than those in Satin day's 1 N West M)l\ t \ Port land Indoor Present I tin ks Kosie Wil hams and t intis Wilson won their rospei live events while other i intent Oregon thine lads snt h .is Spentet W illi.tins and Laurel Koherts had good out illgs Then there u as former I lot k great l.e.inn Warren who posted a meet let old time ol I 10 11 in winning the 1 >00 meter run and collet Itng a ss .000 home lor breaking 1 I Kosie W illiams. who set si liotd ret o it Is in the loo and 20(1 meter dashes during last year's outdoor season, won the Vi meter dash in 7 21 U iIson and l.arn U illiains Oregon's best (piarturmilers went I - in thf .Oil \ ard dash posting limns nt .It on and Vi on respei lively Spent er \\ illiains, (lie si bool record-holder in the triple jump, u as ton i III .0 .1 o1 . I in isliing li»-hinil Kenny Harrison will) s.*1 a llieel rei til'd w llll .1 leap nt i i i> i l lie old ineel re i old li.id belonged to Mike (amlev who went u‘> 1' l.isl year Roberts, competing o i n si I S (Mympians (an Uohlscldag and l.omse Rillei was fifth in I be high jump soiling a o Wolilsblag upset Kitb‘I llie \merit an ret urd holder with a leap of let , an other meet record, Karliei in the this , however, Roberts high jumped felt) in the develop mental part ot the meet The i\ omen's 1 Tim me lei s lias evpei ted to be .i bailie be tween Romania's I’.uila Ivan, llii' world record-holder. and llie Sol lel I nion s si etlan.i K itov.i I low evet Ivan sprained .in ankle in I riilav 's Simkisl 111v i t.ilnin.il and wasn't able In i umpete Sutuniuv Me,mu lule kitma nrvi-i lelt Inn i iiuiiIia Inn ansi1 ill visa |inil)ltnas lll.lt li'tl lilt' ill >< II open Ini Warren who si*t tin' \( \ .\ l.TilMI meter nn mil I 1 OH "i'>| as a Dm k in Otlnn Oregon athletes who i iiinpi'tinj in tin’ main iinn'l were Dustin Welt h .uni Inn llu Wurth m tin' Hlttl meters Damn I .opez m tin' mile kutnalu kuhlnieii'i m the lung jump. Kit k Mesller in the tun mile. I.am ie \\ illiams in the bio me ters; anil tvvu mile reluv teams Ueh h anil 1 luwartli went I I in the tittll w ith limes ui I 11 mill 1 Mi respeiluelv while Mesller was tilth in the two mile in u til i l.upiv linisheil eighth in the '* MIUNKRUUID * r.HI AT FOR PARTIfS AND BIRTHDAYS CCVIDEO O GAMES ALL GAM€S WORK WITH NICKELS ADMISSION 1 50 STM STREET PUBLIC MMHT EUGENE • HJ MH THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Fast Convenient Relaxing Affordable SunShower on campus «**■ UHI»I »T *«*»• » ( t/rf/s II 7/smi. pi< lurril l.ikmu .1 hmiilott limn lluli hr.m 1/1 .1 mi'i'l /,/s/ \i’iir. hi/// 1111' ~il)(l-s .nil i/./s/z ,// S.iturtim s / S Hi’s/ M//.Y-/1 I’mll.iml Imliiin milt' in .1 Ii.indlimi >il l ii'i H K.i\ I l\ mi umi in I :'jH i i Kohlmi'li’i v\ • is Inurlh in tIn■ lom> jump u illi .1 li-.ip 1 it 111 I .uni I .1111 it* U illi.ini', w.is llnril 111 till' 400 UWlterS III ‘ill l lln men’s mile iel,i\ le.im 1 1111 keil ,1 u imiim; I ime nt I _!'l 'n uni the women s le.im w.is set nml in I OH 1 r Instant passport pictures. Flattering passport pictures, in full color, in just 60 seconds When it comes to you' passport it really makes sense to have1 ’"S! i ass Ano you ■ an - w in tv.i.,' 'ui coni' passport pn \/es we an mane to- , ill ,1 fTl '' i 'f F*'',UjTt*S '/.role y Oi. A ait Opr n s! a ’'' passport ■ ■ . os 'u . ompiy A 11" -,v 1 ea U 0 Passpo" ats'-ns a" ' they re .].'('«! *0’ oP'O' of cial documents too Conn' in soon We ti ne't speed you on vour way Igerlach’s CAMERA CENTERS Campus store only 849 E. 13th 344-8890 I I. REPAIR Bosch Authorized Service • Gasoline Fuel Injection • Anti-Lock Brake Systems • Diesel Fuel Injection • Electrical Systems • Hybrid Ignition • Electronic Systems • Accessories Tune-ups • Brakes Japanese cars also I 1917 Franklin Blvd. Eugene 48S-82Z6 j The latest music news . . . Every Friday in the ODE's Entertainment Section Up to your oars? Dig yourself out w ith deal on an IBM PS/ rf(‘. '/**•? 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Microcomputer Support Lab Room 202 ( omputin^ ( enter MoihIu) -Frida\ 9am-5pm 686-4402 • *NS *1 Wt-’f.l tit v|u4*'*»rt [Vr. *HM ‘ - V f»i*, tN» pfOWjUx1 *! • W f*r- ' » . iP*®*^ Spwnv >-iparv» i r». iinrtwjfk '!'•*■•: • * ; ‘ r-V |ix1 - »' AMI’S V* ir'**'- ?■• '.V* tit* .Jt ?J»89 c*«. w -Vjfc«*ct lo *PQ*0r H\. H * # 5*0 f.f>^ f c*f* ,^kv !5 ’990 * .*••■ * ’ - *.»->• .*:-.1 OM ^ 4 '<*} «“. - *