Monday In-Depths John C ontintH'd from P.iKt- ) Being open is .1 risk This tear persists Indav Mod ii ill studios indicate between tti ,ind VI 1 ni\orsitv students likek me intis ted with the III\ \ iriis hut u hile this article w .is being prepared no lll\ posi tive students were willing to i nine forward and talk about it even anonvtnnusk "Anonvmik is kind ol .1 cloak. depending on who you are." explained Tadd Ininas tin' Willamette AIDS ( mini il oiitreai Ii direi I01 who counsels some students with lll\ "What mav seem to me .is sate someone in a position who has so nun h to lose nun not view that as safe "There's still the thing of M.ivhe someone w ill figure this out when tliev read the news paper. he aildeil Maybe someone w ill think 'Oh That's Person X lie must have AIDS No wonder he is losing weight And students w dll 111 \ have ,i lot to lose in Kugene if then medii.d status is recognized. Tobias said "People face the potential of losing their |uhs fie said "11 ma\ not even be that the ein plover is worried about safe l\ ft's more often 'Our i ustorn ers won’t i nine here am more it the\ know there's an einplovee working here who has AIDS liven though it's illegal to disi nmm.lie against people with HIV these people still hide their medii al status from their elliplovers foi good lea son. said Hmily lleilbrun. a In i al attorney and the interim i li ent sendees coordinator for Shanti in Oregon, an AIDS sup port and ( ounseling serv i( e Being open is a hig risk to t.ike partii ulailv it you've just found out you have .i hig po t i'll! l a 11V expensive illness and think you mav be laid off from your job Ileilhrun said "All the laws protect people with disabilities proteit people w dti All IS hut it's gist if you want to tight the battle or not l.i\ mg w ith H!\ "These people lose houses too " Tobias said noting that landlords won t renew leases bet atise "it people find out there’s a person with AIDS In ing in that house that house could become a target for van da I ism Students who are Hl\ |iosi live and live in the dorms mav l.n e even rougher liv illg i ondl A Grand * Finale jf For Any Evening... After o hard days worts or (or o quiet end to o speciol evening—come to Onsen Relax your mind os you gaze up ot the stors. Pomper your weory muscles in o tub of worm rushing water Unwind ond enjoy—ony night o( the weels )iisen HOUU.Y HOT TUO MNIAI ^ Totting resetvouons until 11 30 gr p.m wpnfadoyi until 12 45 W wrtwxj* CoU 343 904* P 1583 tjtxO^n Ave Eugene linns "Tin1 roomniiitp ma\ mliisr In live tlinii' ur m.i\ lw physi (.ills nr i,iniiliou.ilK .iliusivf to person ' hr Ilf i .in lose lus Irifmis. his support If.nn Ami il hr is .1 lif will Iffl fVfti 1 don't to put out people to be ypiV to get AIDS be s.ihI Hut tile te.di tv ts the mtijoritv ot people vv ho ,ue .iffei ted \\ ith the v irus .ind livmn with the dise.ise ,ue i{,i\ men \ IK t these people ll.ive to ‘The sense of hopelessness begins to set in. Why should John work? Why should John go to school it John am 7 get u job? — Tadd Tobias muii' imiI. iici! .im! util ul tout li In .ulilitiun si in li'uts with 111 \ who an1 also gay. Ii'sliiun in liisi-xua! I.u r i'Vimi muri' in li'iisc Him riminalion ileal u itli homophobia ,is All IS phobia -..nil ( l.i-sbum e vi Mcritlilli MvIlnnbrc k ,|s Wl'll ia\ and limited Turn In John, P.ixe •> w/ “25 Years of Qualify Service” GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene, Oregon 97403 iimmiiiHIIIMIIltlltl ... UP SylMC II Beginning Wed. Dec. 1 Oth mmiifiHtmimiHmtHiiiiiiiiiiiiitHiiHiiiiiitititliniitiitHiti NOW NEW PICK-UP VAN! j FRIDAY & SATURDAY NIGHTS *\ very hour on the hour tiiiitiimiiiiitimiiiiiiiiii in front of the UO Bookstore . . BE THERE! Rules from ttpm-2: ( : r> M.iin St. 747-0 <07 i .I SprinKlit'Ui TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT at the UO Bookstore. NUTRIPOINTS - ',v ;\ i NO COUNIING CALORIES NO WORRYING OVER FAIS. SUGAR. 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