Engine Service 1000 S Bnrtclscn Rd »l luqrnr OR 9/40? Oni- Block North ol W nth Nolan Ind Pla/a Specializing m Volkswagon Se’vice Fc vs 342-3952 10% Student Discount Biiftensfock Dr»t «>v.»• i how hiMlthv nmi t omfmt.ihU* youi f»'* i t ,»n In in < HHjmnl [)irkf Hu kt/lisfot k snminls it 11.11 i o 11 ie smiri es and sen it es I 1111 her said 1 ominunii tiling through elei trnnii mail has ses eral ails .ullages It is cpiii her than 1 unveil I lonal mail mure < mis ement than setting up a personal of tic e appointment and saves tune uoruidlls spent plasmg telephone lag lie said Hr.iml u ill respond to the m.ill u hrii hr has tinn1 whi'ili cr il is afti'i > |> in or during weekends I nn her said kins will allow Hr.md lu ellii ientlv osi’ Ins lime. Iiu said Students interested in < oin inunii.ilmg through electronu mail ma\ applv lor an a< i mint on the VAX i (imputing system m Kiinm III! of the I niversiU s t (imputing ( 'enter, lot ated at I 'JJ i h ini aid St I he ai counts are free of i lullge hut the use ol i iimpul ing resinin es sui 11 as storage and conned lime is limited In an a I los ailed dollar amount tin use during e.n h ,u adeniic term I’uhln ai ( ess terminals are located ill Koom 11)5 of the I (imputing ( enter A< i ess is also possihle In modem from personal i oinputers, depart mental leiininals on I'()net or With our Coursebook Guaranteed Program, you can rest assured knowing you won’t have to go to class empty-handed. OUR GUARANTEE TO UO STUDENTS AND FACULTY HERE’S HOW IT WORKS...A UO instructor submits his her book order by the (JO Bookstore s specific due date I he Bookstore guarantees to have the qualifying coursebooks on the shelf the first day of class Qualifying texts will be listed under the "( jUARANI FED header on bookshelf tags If w« fail to have a qualifying text, we will make photocopies of assigned reading from this text, based on pre purchase of the book, at no expense to you. until your book arrives. (Books delayed by natural disaster, transportation strikes, imported books, or books out of stock at the publish er are exempt from our Guaranteed Book Program ) Deadlines to qualify are: STUDENTS: JAN. 22 FACULTY: JAN. 19 deadline for winter term special orders deadline for spring term faculty orders. Questions? We’d Be Glad to answer them! UO-Bookstore 13th A Kincaid M F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 686-4331 Mvles II rand other computer stations that ( .in .11 i css the ! '()net A brief guide to the use of elei tronii mail. "I ’sing MAI!. is available in Room 205 of the (Computing (lenter School urmmtnr or oksoon of MUSIC THIS WEEK at BEALL HALL: 961 E. 18th Ave BARBARA PALMER & CAMILLA CARTER, Duo-Pianists Faculty Artist Senes Music by Mozart Poulenc & Rachmaninoff Sunday, Jan. 21 4 p.m. $4 General Admission $2 Students / Senior Citizens FACULTY JAZZ QUARTET 8 p.m. General Admission $2 Students i Senior Citizens THE NORDIC CHOIR Guest Ensemble One ol America's premier college choirs. Irom Luther College in Decorah, Iowa Thurs., Jan. 25 8 p.m. $10 General Admission $5 Students / Senior Citizens For more information, call: 686-3761 (Music School) CAPTURE I those fun times | on film. Get yours at the 1 UO Bookstore. ^WS*533