-Editorial_ Allow children the use of TV testimony Last vear. tin* Oregon Legislature passed .1 l.m wliii h .tilt>\\«*(i sexuallv abused < liil- sh**-’ V t.iv th» .: e-, >” ’h* th '.j t »• o' !h-- E»t> Mi;"v *'*.»• Uni ■ an.-i . a rr.embe* o* the As-.* i »«e:l ■ The Emerald s private property To.- un .»*fu» r#'mov.»' ■=■ use pat'*'- •• pro • utahief), ‘ Editor . Managing Editor £ditonai Ed*tor Graphic* Editor Encore Edito* A i •• Dor* Mjf> Vm*! News EdiJO' Sports EditO' Supplements Editoi Night Editor GU'iMbphf' H < Trac.v $ur< DanaJa*' Dor> Petr*-, Associate editors Community •• > • Student GovernmentActmties h t Higher Education* Administration •• Featuie* Heporters A v.»-v F*.:- /..%<• A,’-' * c >* .dtherc •• Ha* **> Slephani.* m. . .r • jo- Kidd . »»■ i*-' • a • SivCV'H! A .• Tn -r-■*. Photographers r ! h.r Advertising Iia.i' fv.- Ma • > B*" «-!»■ '* .• *•».».,••• . i. ; Hi •• M A. , a !• M- • Ne •. iu'11 Pert . . rg. i P-m' •• hath. Sm*th Kristi Strother Edward Werner Production ">■!♦• Ar.;hr’ Ktthry- Ha'* >• T«-' B • , Jr* Ah . «• non Lotus Child Ca' >i Dopp Jim Finch Yvette Gi; Jennifer Hue> Linda KKi.rd.wJ Jim Mas 1 We My M •• Angel* Mu' ,v Camille Pansew • A- ■ « Mnrnbei «. Jane! Schober led Shepler Jennifer Smith Caittin Star*1 M.rtif Thiel Jennifer Thomas Jennifer Viale Ingrid While Kehy Williams General Staff Advertising Oirecfor Susan The - Assistant to the Publisher nan Oe-'t)*’* Production Manager Mu.heie « . Advertising Coordinator Sandra Dd Classified Manager Tom 0 -.worth Accounts Receivable. Circulation Newsroom 666 SS11 Classified Advertising 666 4343 Display Advertising 686 3712 Production Graphic Services 686 4381 VOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO AN ATTORNEV AND A TWO-MONTH HEAD START US CRIMINAL jusna \ Si’hTFM f Summer session needs to be reviewed With iill the other increasing costs in higher education, you knew it had to come some time This Tuesday, the Oregon State System ol Higher Education held .1 public forum to air views on a proposed inc rease for summer college sessions OSSHL officials c laim the increase is necessary to finance faculty salaries Oppo nents, such as the Oregon Student Lobby, aren't buying it Word from the higher ed administrators is that a decision will he made toda\ . and d past prec edenl holds true, ()SS1II! u ill approve* the tuition hike The proposed inc reuse amounts to rmighK > percent more than the 1‘lH'l ses sum It will cost Sal) i to I.ike nine hours of undeigraduate- work, as opposed to S478 last yeai I 01 graduate students, mm* hours will c osl Saj i. -I J perc cut more than in 1'IH'I Light \ouis ago the- summer session was separated trom the irsi of the l )SS! IL c urric ulum It was set up as a self-supporting s\ s tem. to operate outside* of regular session budget c one ems Since then tuition rates have gone- up. while statewide enrollment in the program has dec lined In 1J percent Opponents su\ the- latest tuition hike request is just 011c* more example of how the system is not working. This space has stated more than once how screwed lip the state's education sys tem is It's time to reiterate it. There is just too much of a gap between lawmakers and higher education officials. The legislature and OSS1 IK have different ideas on how mm h money should be spent on the state system. While it would he unpopular to support a tuition ini lease for summer school, it doesn't come as any surprise. Lately, it seems the state government's idea of higliei edm ation finance seems to be keeping lac ul l\ salaries low while increasing student tui tion It's time tor OSSML to review the sm (ess or failure of the summer session Right now the system doesn't seem to be working before they dec ide to increase tui tion officials need to decide whether the system is worth saving The (LSI. idea of having the state* support the summer session as it does the rest of tin academic terms sounds pretty good. Subsi dizing the system would possibly increase student enrollment yy Idle streamlining ( osts llovvevei yve've all seen how yvell the state has tin.iik ed higher edm ation in the past Letters. Blind responds \s manager of flu- Had Dad dies l! Is time to set the tai ls silaitjli! concerning tin' hand f irst ot all im- halo changed owr name from now on Hi ndi In' placing under .1 difli'i i'll! 11.11 in - to! isn li slum ivliili' still keeping llif non! Dad dll’s \oii cl s m't this straight Daddies' dnfs not mean fa llifis it simpli iiifaii> 'guvs' thf allfgaltons that our old nanif advocated im est is aliso lutell wrong \s a inatttM ot lai t oiif ot out songs fntitlfd I fruiik I faddy is a strong state infill against i luld abuse in no uiu crtain terms Our most vocal i ritu s have never seen us so they don't know this and have no idea what iii' are really all ahout We are ahout music and having a good time, and not all the dark motives that have been projected upon us One of the hand's major in fluences is Dixieland jazz. and hi look, our ii.imr troin .1 1 i 1 ic in .in ol 11 |,i/.z song whir 11 wi'iil, I want In hr \ i in r 1 hrrr\ p< >|l|>111 ll.illll\ 111.Ill W III! Il > 1111)11\ means I want In hr Mill! love I Thr positus Ini our show arc still lining ripped down In some moral vigilantes who are 1 onv 1111 eil Ih.il Had I laddies is a retrreni e In incest We are reads in pul this controvers\ hrhind us and hope our critii s are willing to do the same I would nil (Ullage amour win wants In disi uss tins mailer al grealei length to write In us al !’ (I Box ril'U. Kiigenr Or •r-HI'i Koh W alilmun Manager Had Daddies Resentful Hey. Tim Hughes [ODE. |an. 15). you of all people should understand the right to freedom of speech, furthermore, as someone who does not consid el llu“msclt ignorant I resent the implii iilimi ol sui It .1 weak .md obs< lire argument I simplv feel vmir point SU( ks T \ an S< hoi.o k Student Unnoticed Perhaps Martin l.ulher him. It s birtlulav as an offic nil uni eminent Itnlidav i> not sin it had idea Without mail serve e there non ' he an\ letter bombs Hut then again. I seem to re member a prediction a while h.u k ahuut the year -Mild It is going to he the year in which the :«i5th official government holiday is declared. I guess it's just as well. I imagine if the government quit running the country, no one would notice Audie Huber Business