Oregon Daily. : ... Thur.scia\. January 1H, 19!)() Kugciii'. (lic^on \ nlumr '• 1 Xumhi'i HO _I nside_ ■ Airport plans shown, Page 3 ■ Dance '90 to open, Page 7 ■ Versatile hoopster, Page 8 ■ Basketball roster, Pages 1-4B Student groups seek bill override By Alic e Thornton Emerald Reporter The A SI '( ) .mil the I nited Stales Student \ssoi i.i tion sponsored a slide presentation and dismission Wednesdav in support of the effort to override I’resi dent ( a mi rue Hush's veto of the Pel os i Hill The I'elosi Hill was sponsored In I louse Ki*presen tative \am \ Pelosi 11) ( a| and was approved imam mulish by both bodies of (iongress I be bill Mould waive the two veai return reipiirement many (Chinese students fat e at the end of their i ourse of studies /i/bou Tang. a 1'niversilv graduate student from ( lima, presented slides ot the (line Massacre in Tiananmen Spume Tang said (Tiina helped inspired the light lor de hum rat v in I.astern In rope while the i hanges in last ern Kurope also have inspired the (Chinese to i ontmiie lighting for ilemm far \ Die strength ol the (Chinese people during the massai re p.utii ularlv the students i mild prove inspi rational loi other i ountries that .lie lighting tor deinoi rai \. Tang said "We've siM'ii a lot of changes m the hist seven months in ('hilia and around the world hang said I he massai re lurried demonstrations in support of Turn to C hina. Page 10 SM' ALTIL' Phulii In \iir.ii ill IK I < nili' ,nnl i miiinl ili'li'iid linnsi'll in In■ i si• 11 .ig.nnsi pending i limgi's I In ti isc ipliii.irx p11>i nedings w ill In' suspi'iuli'il until lln- sluili'iil reg.iins i nmpi'li'iH v \ tiled ii ,il lenvr > 11 si i in.IV III' given In lilt' stlllltMlI In .1111111ii>11 lln1