Police Beat I he following is ,i list of i .tmpus area i rimes taken from (Mine n! Publii Safely and Kugenr Police Department reports iHitwrrn ft)it 'i ami |.in 15 • A purs.- smile limy oil 1‘tth Avenue was re ported to I PI) on l.ui 15 Hit* three purse owners were walking east of l.metald Street "'•lh their umbrellas up during a rainstorm when they heard (outsteps behind them The two suspects ran up beside them, grabbed their purses and ran off. (arising one of the owners to tall down She suffered si rapes bruises and pains to both knees both suspects are described as brown haired. medium limit while males between Hi and 2 2 \ ears old • A smashed window at the I All w as reported to KPD on |an H Ihe ’! loot i> In u loot win dow was apparently smashed when Ihe su-. pel t attempted to eulei the building to attend a dance. • The Ihett ol an Apple computer and laser printer worth Sb.oitn trnm the Kducation An lies w as reported to KPO on Ian I t The unknown suspect broke a window pane, reached inside to open the w irulow and ( raw led inside the building I he computer's cable link wits ini. the printei was mil sc cured • A * .isc ill i i imiii.il imii lllcl resulting m \ Mill damage In ,i car m the lie,in < dimples (larkinit Itil v\ as reported tu |:i»l) on |.i11 I.: \n un known suspect dented the drivel s doni si i.rli lied a wood and damaged a door lot k • I he theft ol a $4 i“ sound amplifier from Gil Irerl Hall sometime during f'hristmas break rr.is reported lo KPI) on Ian i l I'here were no sinus o) lorced entr\ in the tlieft in whu h I he unknown su.spec I apparetillv enlered llimunb Ihe front door lo the room u here the amplifier was kept • I In* theft oi a pool r tie and i arr\ irlv* i ase to la I I tig S I Ha front !• At I \\ a- lepnrted lo Id'll oil l.lll I I • A SUM* Apple Mai intosli i ompuler mouse was reported stolen linm llesi hull's Hall lo I I’ll on jail I I • A S 1 V. \t K ill Deailv Hall was leporled slo 1**11 sometime during < hristm.is break to I I'll on |an I* The i aide uas piled oil In the un know II stcspci I I here w ere no si^ns ol lori ed eiltrv • In addilion. (M'S repoits one hike stolen none recovered Free speech discussion tonight Ml 1 TIM ;s I'nivcrsitv Democrats will hold .1 general interest meeting tonight .it i) in i’lti ifii I l.il! Room 2tH. Tin' chairwoman of tin- I temiMa,itii I’artv of Kane (ion lit \ w ill hi* on hand Men Against Rape will hold its wt'i'klv nii'i'ting at tonight at _Et als_ 7 m KMt' ( I'lilniN Room K All .in- well iiiiii' to attend Kaiidori'st Action Croup Ku gene u ill nu'i't tonight at > in in the Sun ival ( entei oflii <■ KMI ’ Suiti' 1 Studrnt I nilnd Nations Or gani/ation will meet toda\ at I p in Am stiidi'iils lai ullv or stall interested in starting a stu dent I niti'd Nations is cm inn agi'd to attend I All Hoard nurl tonight at . in the I-.Ml ()ak Room NITAMKS AND 1 I t II KITS Martin Hm hanan mtlnn .1 the I dm ation ( hoii e Initiative, will explain the initiative to night at 7 It) in I All < leilar Room A I or more inlortiiitlion i all liHl. ‘I* 12 1 or oho t>2t.-t Paul I.ill'll will speak aliotll mu leai issues and lav ing with the lliniib" lonigiit at 7 III p m in the KMI Ballroom MISt Kl.i.ANKt )l S "The First Amendment and thi- l diversity: Free Speech on Campus" is the title ot a ills i ussion to he held tonight at 7 in Allen Room 22 1 The discus sum moderated by Tim (ilea sun from the st hool nl jnuriiiil ism. ix ill feature lames kluniiski polilii ill si it’iii i- |iru lessor; Thomas I'roxvell I'mri aid editor (lave Yundermxn. ■issisliint x ii I- president for I in x ersity < nmniiinii alions I ’.it rii k I’i'ikiiis Oregon ( nniinrii l.iliir editor; .mil Atnlv (dark \SI () president “Kid* Soup" tMinpus Inter l.i it Ii Ylinistry s U eli ume Misi i>11.11 Student I louse I lli‘1 1. I 'll Ii Axe Ixiii li.inst will be at . ail p in soii|) and bie.ul at t. p m \exwnan ( enter 18SO lanei alii St xx ill hold the (list ses sum m a loin part Inhle sharing series on tile beatitudes ul I like and liuxx ibex applx tn i midi tiuns in ( Antral Ametii a Kite event xxili take plate tonight at A St), liilluxxed bv Mass at 'l "Murder in the \nia/un t he ( Into Mentlt'/ Story" part ul the Survival ( enlei s Uednesd.lX Him senes, xx ill be .shown today at noon in I Ml (amlurv Room I Sluilent ( ainpue.pi lor Disar mament xxili lie tabling in (he I Ml lobby in i tmjunt lion xvitb Yax x Air I nn e and 1 N Via rine t urps tabling lutiax from Ml a in to -t p in and Mints dax trim) 111 a in lu -1 p in Deadline Ini subiinttiiiyt it ills tn tlw Ixmerald limit ilesk i \ll ' Suite IlHI. is nnnn tlw i/ax before publii ,ilinn i t ,ils run the day nl the exent unless the el en/ mi ms hflnrr nnnn /'/ease submit it a/s the dax be fore they are to run only. Yu til es ill exenl.s itilb ,i dnn.ilinn “25 Years ol Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 2025 Franklin Blvd 342-2912 Eugene, Oregon 97403 -—J Don't give up the search! Try LOST AMD FOUHD in the classified section. * hi .iilnussinn i h.nnr i» ill not hr ,u i rptnl l .inifius rvrnls .mil tillisr si hi'tlulnl nrurrst (hr piihlit .ilnm 11,ilr will hr ni\t'ii priority I Ilr r.mi'r.ilfl n-vcn f. llir unlit tn rthl until f. tin nr.i in mm .uni s/v /c 1 & Yogurt Shop EYE-OPEMING SPECIALS Halley's Comet las Great Muffins and Coffee OPfM f ABLY OPfM LATf • Across from 1)0 Bookstore • ^45 5566 t olklorc I'lhilic Studies pioudls .mnoiinc i s .1 Ire Imr h) Henry Glassie "Folk Art: Emblem of American Diversity" Thursday, January 18 at 4 pm in I 29 Law Center. t Professor Cilassie is ,m intrrn.ilion,illy known folk Art .ind Architect lire spec ial ist and current President ol the American Sueiety. WE SAVE YOU TIME^tt/6 MONEY! Offer Good TtHough SALE TO GET A QUALITY WATCH LIKE. I MEN’S CALENDAR i LEATHER STRAP REG 32 95 20% Off! WOMEN’S FABRIC STRAP rtf G 2A 95 i': 20% Off! UO Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 686 4331