_Universitv_ New course examines America's music rut B\ Darla |ac kxon Emerald Supplements Editor (Irctic s of Atncrii on popular music sav lod.i\ s re I eases lac k creativity and imagination Ihey say music heard on the radio is stagnant, tarring and repetitive I)r Paid 1 riedlander is one of I hose i ntic s I riedlander a roc k music historian and a pro lessor at the t 'niversitv he lieves Ills new course called World Popular Music makes \meric a s music rut all the more obvious The c nurse open to .ill slu dents and rec|iiiring no milsu al bac kground, will examine pop ular music heard all ac ross the globe, from the Soviet t'nion to Atm a to the ( anbbean Pried lander feeds that music being made on other parts of the globe "is the most e\c iting mu sii c oining out today "Western popular music is stagnating, even though the world offers a wide varietv of music worth listening to I riedlander said lisa red lei tion of our c cilture that u e're not experimenting with new styles "It you live for 10 years till dec the Keegan years and the conformity that comes yvith it it suppresses experimentation The music y\ ill retlec t that he added Another reason Americ an music is in a rut has to do yycth the music industry I riedlandei s.iid Ihe industry itxell has be come less risk taking, and they sign artists ay ho don't offer much suhslani e he said I 'riedlandei vy ho also te.ic h es tyyo courses in roc k history said the1 World Popular Music THI 1)1 I I NS1 MAPPING AGI NC V < DM A > CARTOORAPWR OfOO€SlST MARINt INfORMATlON SP€ClAl!ST PHYSICAL SClf NT 1ST OR AfRONAUTlCAi INT OR MAT ION SPfClAi:*.f MAT HIM A'., v 'N. 1 M- -m \ • N • s w CAOO» tOftttTftf H»D*Ot (Xa » AMtbrCAt OClAMOQHAAmt Amts- s . • Ml n | AM f M \ INGI ’ ** ««• > l “■* - . ► v » .-»»• * i »•»;! •• • •« « .'*• OP^o^tumitk S Ah' Itriiit «• « Vm I w. I »«Ujr to Iihmwi H«i *N H'x'n ►") HM'-» *i -•< t. V . III . )Ot/ HAT APP\ f A$ A AJ* into teams and research a parlit ul.tr tvpe nl international music , he said rile teams will try to t up lure the esseni e of the tnusii Iw researt hing the artists and the nature of soraetv at the time the iniisii i ,iiiii' out he sail! [‘hen the\ II tome bar k. and la\ it on us I nedlandei said he s e\t lied ihout teat lung the new t nurse ind lie plans to offer it again in the spring lie feels the sublet I matter is important bet ause it illovvs listeners to realize the iv elines nl iiuisit thev t an e\ plore As tar .is the fate ot Amern an popular m us it goes 1 i led lander said he is guardedlv op 11inistit that the situation will improve I’hnl.i li\ M.il k \ I•• ii l)r I'.ml hrirtll.tntirr. .1 rut A musit hisltiri.m. /•> lr.it him; .1 nrw t tmrsr ,tl thr I niirrsil\ t .11 It'll It tirltl I'ofiul.ir \lutit I i* >| >i*t 1111 \ \meru.i will world l*r s.nd Uul it's un aHHin If willing to adopt mllu m*! In take .1 willinypirss to *;n cnii’s fmm olhri |).irts nt the oulsidr llir mil mal 1 li.minds FULL COLOR Laser Copies • Large copies up lit 11\17 • 50-400'. enlargement nr reduction • Color copies from 35mm slides, negatives, or 3-13 objects. Open 7 Days kinko's Crest copies Crest people 860 E 13th 44 W 10th J44 7894 344 3555 /ith our Coursebook Guaranteed Program, you can rest assured knowing you won’t have to go to class empty-handed. OUR GUARANTEE TO UO STUDENTS AND FACULTY HERE’S HOW IT WORKS...A 1)0 instructor submits bis her book order by the (JO Bookstore's specific due date Die Bookstore guarantees to have the qualifying coursebooks on the shelf the first day of class. Qualifying texts will be listed under the “GUARANTEED'' header on bookshelf tags If we fail to have a qualifying text, we will make photocopies of assigned reading from this text, based on pre purchase of the book, at no expense to you, until your book arrives. (Books delayed by natural disaster, transportation strikes, imported books, or books out of stock at the publish er are exempt from our Guaranteed Book Program.) Deadlines to qualify are: STUDENTS: JAN. 22 FACULTY: JAN. 19 deadline (or winter term special orders deadline for spring term (at ultv orders Questions? We’d Be Glad to answer them! -UO-Bookstore 13th A Kincaid VI F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00-6 00 686-4331