Editorial Miller gets passing grade for first year '>ini i■ hugeim Mum |rll Millet h,i> marked his uni* \ i'.ii ambl ei sal \ ill taking ullii i il liliir In grade ln> U i il k I llll> 1,11 Millet i .11111' into tin jnli riding >i i Imnl nl I)i’411 os j it m l.ilitin> I lit il i 14 the i . 11111 i.i i >> i) In desi tilled llimsell as .i sin ul 111 h*i iiI. lint ,i 11sc ,iI eonsei vat i\e In I»•>ns 1.11i11ii lli.it mi1,ml it|>•• >\ itiI 11‘1 ' s" i i.il |ii'ii>jr,iin.> w illumt dnstinvmg tlm i 11\ s • *« unnim Il was ,m inti i i i oi4 11 ri 11 ii is 11 ii 111 Milli-r |>H)inisi'il In ili mI u till si iiiir nl llii' i ill's miisl ilillii nil problems Ihr hnmi'li'ss i.H ism .mil dm housing shnitage In n.mm 111si ,i leu dm' \e,u I,ih i Millet v;i•!s ,i passing 41• ni<• \"l .in iuitsl.111(11n4 nim. lint .i strong ( plus \\ Imn Im look ullii e Im tliiln’l l.iki' mi ,mv impns sililr l,isk' Mnstlv Im pi.mimil I Im i it\ In i ;mm mini il.iliil uilli task limes, studv gioups ,md i.ommilleos. i! i ■ I >. 11 i 114 ,i wide l.lil'^e nl Inpii s Millet |».lt ii:llt l\ . i V\ .lit nl dm reports on die various stud ies Must ol the stmill's .He mm in, anil Miller in Ids SI.ite ol tin- t 11\ address last week outlined Ins throe part anemia Ini I'l'Ml Ills plan ini.hided opening i him lies Im homeless I,unities reopening \\ ill.imette Street through the hugene Mall, and renovating dm vottlli spoil programs in tlm i itv W hile Miller s agenda is a step fonvnid. it isn t as I,n re,ii long and ainhilinus as some people ma\ have liked did liei atise he isn't attempting to do everything at oiii e Millet mnv just he aide to ai t ompllsh Ills goals So tar the proposal to turn i him lie do homeless l.miik shelters has rei eiveil the most attention and the most coutiovets\ lust ahout eveivbodv has an opinion on establishing these shelleis. using entirely volunteer stalls I lie plan is a good one hut still needs a little woii (iliuii h offii i.ils seem to like the idea and the i 11\ is blessed with a wealth ol volunteer Inboi II is a serious at tempt at redlining one set lion ol I lie homeless I II i I l It 1. 11 11 III I nlni III ll.tli'l \ tin- proposal also hits Ms i|r,lull,ii ks ll would i'\i ludi! single homeless persons. drug usris ,11III .ill ullnlli s ullu lll.lke tip ll large peri outage ol llu' i il v s lii in it* Ii ’ss population llii' pi. in s complete ilrprmli-iu \ on volunteers is .ilso .1 problem Millet doesn't w.ml die i 11\ to shell mil .un Inn ks for llie pm jei l llul to m.ike it work, lie's going In have to spend inoiiev .is well .is Irv .mil gel ,uhiilion.il stale funding lui leasing the amount ol voutli spoils hit ilities is also a popnl.n idea There is a largo ilifhmtntial he tueen program pal I ii ip.mis and the mnnher nt fields ms anil pla \ eioiuids avail.tide loi their use The In i ilities that are being used are in sail shape, woefully behind in maintenance si hedtdes \gain. Mil lei v\ .mis to use volunteers to li\ the i 11\ s ills being i arelul u ilh i itv dollars is one tiling, hut Millet s 11 si .i 11 \ i oi iser \ at i v e' * mentalitv. at lime , (omes ilangernuslv ( lose to si inkiness. It he wauls these programs lie's going to have to provide moi|e\ loi them Millei s last plan will mohahU he lus most ilitti (lilt politiial hui ill<- Reopening two-wav tralTii through the I aig. me Mall has been an unpopular idea hi the last lew seals I miner mayor Hrian Ohio brought il up lot deli.lie mils to see the i il\ council slap il dim n Hut times have i hanged Most people would agree the l.ugene Mall is living out M.ijm department stores base left the mall seeking more lucrative pastures in other spots around the i itv (most nutabh Valiev Kivei (ientei). l lie mall was a good idea which pist didn't Win k out .is planned Reopening Willamette Street lot a lest peiioil as Millei wants is a sound plan II it < .mses problems, oi there is a new influx in pedestrian mall traffic. the street < an always he i losed .main Util as of now there isn't enough of a reason to keep the street i losed In summary. Millet's agenda loi 1‘tffO is not overly ambitious, hut has every possihihtv ot being sin i ess ful. Tim only critic ism is that the mavoi needs to put more ol the city's finani ial lesouices to work and not relv totally on the community to support his programs Overall, a laudable liist vear for the freshman mav oi. with the hope of better, more ambitious tilings to come. '1% juM r QtTFY' vjti.^4 Forum Struggle in China must not be forgotten By Kelvin Wee I or iiiitnv students .it the I imersilv . the memorv ol June I mirth is just tli.it .i memorv However, tor some it is .1 night m.ire tlii*\ will relive over .mil over .Ig.illl These students ,ire .inning the 111 000 1 itizens of the People's Kepublii ot ( Ion,t then triends _Commentary_ and I,midv currently liv mg 111 the t lilted States The night male is tile |une I ninth M.iss.i i re m Tiananmen Square III light ol the positive i li.mge taking plain in l.aslcrn Kurope main people tend to lorget the negative The thou sands who were hnitallv iniir deled w hell lliev peat etilllv demonstrated lor what Amen < ails alreadv had Ireedorn and the right to tree ... h I ake a moment and plat e yourselves 111 the shoes ot the I liinese 1 itizens in the l ulled States Your home l ountrv lias returlied to 1101 m.il hei ause tile I oiled Stales has sent a high ranking envoy over How ever vmn future as a human lining Is still at stake It you return you run the risk ol lining arrested and 1111 piisoned without a trial Alter a show tiial vou could either re main in prison or he sentenced to exec n(ion Alter all vou are a dissident m the eyes ot the (ihuiesf ( ommunist Party Then < onsidei this \\ I1.1t it the I nited States did some thing to protect you ' What it < ongress approved a lull to al low vou to stav in America, al lowing you sale haven ill a land ot tlie tree' Your hopes rise 'loti teel inspired onlv to lie shot down liv a veto trnm the I S President. I he man w ho represents humanilv in the world Well, that is exai tlv the situ ntion that manv Chinese stu dents tmd themselves in today l ast year hetore Congress ad journed it unanimously ap \nu\ ru I I * it is I mu (U r\ ^ / i j.) The hill, sponsored bv House1 Representative \