_Community_ Interpreters provided for deaf at all Eugene public meetings By (.itherine H.mley Emerald Reporter Kugene is wav ahead o! tin' Killin' in providing interpreters for the hearing impaired at public meetings and events a< c circling to t iH and sc lined dis trie t ottic inis l.ane (ountv public bodi s had been prov iding interpreters long before a state law went into effec t in l )< tuber The law . passed bv the last Legislative session, ree|uircs public bodies to provide interpreters for the hearing impaired at meetings it requested in advam e Kugene has been providing interpreters lor the hearing ini paired an average of oik e or twice a month tor about two years. said l.inila Collins, southern regional coordinator for the Oregon Disability flora mission's Deal and Hearing Im paired Ac c es-, Program (ollins arranges interpreter servic es for public meetings in Kugene as part of a long stand mg relat ionship w ith the c it v "I'm really proud of Ku gene," (ollins said "I'hev ve really got the march on this (’ollins estimated _’()() to .10(1 deal or hearing impaired pen pie live in the Kugene Spring field area I'lie c itv has responded to all requests lor sign language in lerpreters at public meetings (lot I ins said Kugene is also doing well providing interpreters at c iv ic events, such as the ground breaking c eremony loi a pai k lor people with disabilities and the annual Martin Kulhei (sing |i specc h at the I lull ( enlel (ollins said In addition, the city arranges lor an interpreter at meetings of the Human Rights bask force loi a menibei who is de.it (ail lids said Is student health insurance cutting into \ our budget? Call the (iarrv I- Lula> Corporation and find ihji how >ou can save hundreds of dollars (iAKKV \ . UDAY Preside nl Insurance Broker Investment Broker 484-6HX5 GW', 114(1 \N illa|>illts|)ie Rd. Suite 3 Kune tie * tMJNDCRULND * OHFAT FOR PARTU S AND BIRTHDAYS 5*»UinPn all gamls work £VIUtU WITH niche ls GAMES ADMISSION t so STM STRUT PUBLIC MARKET EUGENE • S83 8464 BUSY? GET TAN QUICK!!! "It's not tll.lt lieu 1(11 I II gene ('.ollllls '..ml (it tile re i|iiirement u Ini h is now part nl the slate's |iut)ll( meetings law We've onK had one or two linin' ri*c|iifsts than usual sim c the law lias gone into cl fi’i I The hearing impaired ha\e a right to interpreter services re gardless of whether the\ are re ipmed hv law said |im \ ulk man. i hair ot the ( Iasi ade Ke gional Program for the 1 leal mg Impaired, which serves about Hll si (tool ( hildrvn in 1 ane ( omits \ olkman w ho also i oordi nates interpreter sen n es toi the he.irmg impaired when the m hool dislrii t ret eives ,i re ijiiest frinil the puhlii said In had not paid mm h attention to the passage of the new reipure nieiil and that it had not atfet t rd tils nllii r workload mm h \ mini- pressing matter tor Volkman is maintaining .1 pool ol interpreters. In- s.nd ( ol I ins s.uil it is somi't lines dilln nit In 11 mI interpretera available loi d.ivtime ineelinijs Kugene .mil Springfield .ire not I1114 enough to have .1 ti.mk ol interpreters Volkman s.nd Interpreters tor the hearing imp.lin'd .lie nou eonsnlered i l.issitied si.ill along u illi i uslodi.ins, set rotaries .nut ti'iii tier’s .ndes. Volkman s.nd And when the si luiol distrii I looks lor \\.i\s to tighten its budget t l.issitied emplmees .ire often the Inst to In' 1 ill Another problem is th.it there is no lot .d program tor dent eil in .ilion or sign language tram ing program Ihe t'niversih li.is 1 ut I1.11 k its sign language program. \ olkman s.nd OPEN 24 HOURS Kinko's Copies • Binding • Laser Design • Gourmet Espresso • Coffee 860 E. 13th 44 W. 10th 344-7894 344-3555 THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Feet Convenient Retiming Affordable SunShonri on campus eum>i'ii > »•* k| t With our Coursebook Guaranteed Program, you can rest assured knowing you won’t have to go to class empty-handed. OUR GUARANTEE TO UO STUDENTS AND FACULTY HERE'S HOW IT WORKS...A UO instructor submils his her book order by I he UO Bookstore’s specific due dute I he Bookstore guarantees to have the qualifying coursebooks on the shelf the first day of class Qualifying texts will he listed under the "GUARANTEED" header on bookshelf tags If we fail to have a qualifying text, we will make photocopies of assigned reading from this text, based on pre purchase of the book, at no expense to you, until your book arrives (Books delayed by natural disaster, transportation strikes, imported books, or books out of stock at the publish er are exempt from our Guaranteed Book Program ) Deadlines to qualify are • STUDENTS: JAN. 22 FACULTY: JAN. 19 deadline (or winter term spci ini orders deadline (or spring ternr (ac u 11v orders Questions? We’d Be Glad to answer them/ UO-Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 666-4331