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I Jniver sIH graduate desr rilies AIDS ■is .in everyday Armaged don In Ins own writings Walsh explains I find mvselt in the innlsl ol another way remain mg III\ negative in a world in which promiscuous sexual lie has mi is no longer an option U alsli explores the i ultiii.il iiiip.ii t ol Ml IS in Ins install.i lion, which is siniph titled Y.lines It was inspireil h\ the Names l’ni|ei I All )S (Jmlt wlinli he saw while it was ill I’ortland last \ear \\ alsli desi i ihes the installa tmn as the einhodinient ol inv sense ol sell and a tnenai ing w oi Id I lie ( onilit ion ol being in a universe wliii h looks at the same I line whirnsii ally d is jointed visually exotii hut ill timatelv per\ else I'he installation leatures a canvas which is covered with names ill men women and The Panasonic 1100 Series. The Next Generation in Performance. 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M F 9 6 SAT 10 5 PH 686 4331 children w ho have died from AIDS ,tiul who ,k ( circling to Walsh have been ( ulturallv s.ti rifu as vk lims. to vii tunless disease In an indiffei enl media puhlii and political system In I he ( enter < if the < am as a model of the White House hums representing govern menl apntln mound which nr rows strike the i anvas and tall helween the names ol those w ho died I he phrase "l nsale sex death b\ AIDS' predii ts a fragmented future ol safer and unsafe sex A large installation entitled II e rr I '/1 In I )ur \r< k* In Ii IS not easilv missed The installa lion was created In Stephen I lo\d and I’liil I)unn. two lot al performing artists The work is a structure ol Inixes covered with media art I i les about the AIDS epidemic especially ones about the lac k ol gin ei nnient interne lions Painted words on the strale gii ally placed boxes remind us that AIDS is all around us warning It's hanging over head " knee Deep." and I rouble Afoot ( out,oiled in a i age is a globe suggesting AIDS isn t lust a national issue nor can it he ignored I he installation is meant to lie confrontational, and one mirages people to gel direr tlx involved \( mss the gallerv is a series of Iil.ii k and white photographs lie David Robertson, whose tense portraits i onlront a soi le t\ that makes null axis ol people* living w ilh AIDS Robertson maintains All too often people with All IS are shunned b\ then friends, alien ,ilcd by tlirir families .nui aban drilled by the w orld I hi' exhibit is not just limited to loi ill artists Included ix a work from Hrooklvn, \ V b\ an unknown artixt who died ol AIDS Kven more geographical Iv remote are the works of Sovi el artist Main Itadolm The live pen and ink draw ili^s are from a series ill 1H. and were given to W hite from Dado lov alter he was told about "Art X AIDS " White said the fear ol All IS in the Sol iet I hiion is preva lent, where hospitals re-use needles spreading the disease even w ithin the walls ol the hospital Main Soviet AIDS i axes go unreported Art fv AIDS'' in< hides main other works In various artists ini hiding Joe W avniiin, Dianne laibank. Aimer Matlila. Hill I ein. (illristinr- Hourdette. I Inn Ross and others (lutside the IS\ 11 is a w oi k In jnlin (ihapman. dei hiring AIDS never discriminates The idea behind the work is that people in their daily walks ol life w ill one ounter the pier e see the shadows, and realize that lhe\ could be one ol the figures on it Hubb explained that the com bmalinn ol various artists and media is intended to ref lei t the pluralist for.us of All IS whir h atfer Is so mam areas ol mu lives and addresses so many i ultural issues "It is important. espei ially in Oregon where AIDS is not on the surface a lot to make pen pie aware that AIDS does i on i ertl them and does after t them .'' she said OUR STYLISTS DON’T CUT CORNERS. About the only kind of cut our stylists won’t give you is a cut in quality. Perhaps that's why more men. women and chil dren turn to us for attractive haircare at an attractive price. 12526 Willamette Eugene. 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