Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 10, 1990, Page 12, Image 12

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MW ■! 1 ‘ i >»l
UH -1 35pm
MW 6 t'>pm
UH f> 35pm
G-rx :ir,2
GerX 220
GffX 220
G'-iX 352
MW 7 3‘>j.11 ■
MW 7 V i "
MW H ‘.‘.I it.
OffX 220
GerX 352
Gf>rX 220
Gt?fX 352
\ll classes lu ^in I In week «»l lamiar \ 15. continue lor eight
weeks, and are non credit. I all (»Nf» 41 I ' or 6H(» 41 2 I for details.
oiass neqisuanon — iuj ueriinqer
UO Registration — $15
RECREATION & Jan 91130i,m '30pm
INTRAMURALS Jan 10.2 4pm; Jan 11 3 30 5 30pm
M.ikint: film-" fun!
Late Registration —S16
Jan 15 26, 8am 5pm
Swm^ I ov I ml M t> iO-flpm (,tf\HSO
\u ^ i ,itm \t an 10 < it*r\ ir»o
\|| classes Infill the week of' ,|antiar\ 1^. continue lor eiylil
weeks, and aie non-credit. ( .ill f>Kf» 41 14 or (»Xf> 4121 lor details.
Making fitness fun!
Class Registration — 103 Gerlmqer
Registration — $15
Jan 9. It 30am 1 30pm.
Jan 10. 2 4pm Jan 11.3 30 5 30pm
Late Registration —S16
Jan 15 26. 8am 5pm
MW ■! 00pin
UH A 00pm
Get Pool
Ger Pool
MW 6 30pm
UH 6 30pm
Ger Pool
Ger Pool
\ 11 classes hegm I In- «itk ol .laiiii.ii \ 1>. eoniiniie lor eight
vm ks. and an non-credit. < all K6H 41 I.' or (*St* 4121 lor details.
Making fitness fun!
~lass Registration— 103 Getlinqer
Registration — $15
Jan 9, 11 30am 1:30pm:
Jan 10. 2 4pm, Jan 11.3:30 5:30pm
.ale Registration —$16
Jan 15 26. 8am 5pm
Family will not return voluntarily
SAN' 1)1100 lAI’l A (nil lender refused
I uesdav lu return voluntarily In Ohm and answer
i barges in (In- rilii.ilisiM slayings of a family "I
Jeffrey l.undgren. i'l: his wife Alin1. tH. and
tin'll eldest -.mi. Ilainiiii tn all pleaded innui ent
through Ihi’ir attorneys tn Ohio fugitive mm
idaints. triggering (urinal extradition (him endings
lli.it i mild lake it least 'III days
'Sometimes I wish it wasn’t mi drawn nut
hut it lines work eventuallv said Juhn
I lew ii ket a S.m Diego ( utility deputy dislriitat
I he I.UIldgrens were i hamed together at the
waists as they made their Ills! emill .ippnar.mi e
sini e their arrests in nearby National < ity on Sun
day Mil e f.undgleti and her son held hands
None nl them spoke during the hearing
Milly Durovir the attorney representing |el
trey l.nndgren. dei lined to ilisi uss her i lienl's re
I ii sal to return to ()hio voluntarily
Mtrnit tp.tl t uurt |udge Timothy I’mver 01
deied the three held yy ithoul hnnd
I’rosei utnrs in Ohio y\ iiI have In petition
( alilurtlia (aw ( a‘urge Deukinejian (ur the defen
d.mts tuned leturn to stand Inal Im the slayings
nl Dennis and Chert I Avery and their three y oung
A sell pun I.limed prophet l.undgren yy.is
a lav minister in the Reorganized I hurt It of lesus
( lu isl nl Latter I lay Saints in Ohio before he tv.is
ousted lor radii al leai lungs
lie persuaded other members to follorv him
and the splintei giniip yyent to lite nit a larm in
K irt land ill miles east nl Cleveland Live bodies
yyere unearthed on the I.II III last week
Investigators (relieve the Averts were killed
tit April lust before l.undgren and Ins lollutvers
moved to a farm near Holden. Mo Cult mnmtrers
had sr altered lit New "I ear s I ye when an inlor
mailt told authorities about the slaving
I he I tindgreits were arrested outside a motel
in National ( ity whir It is ultout live miles south
ot .Sail Diego, by ledeial bureau of Aleohol. In
bai < o and firearms agents and pul ii e
I hree other bundgren ( hildren Kristen
in (ialeb. ft. and l.ison. I "> .ilso were t.iken into
prolei live ( iislodv .mil have hern released to the
i ustoih of other family members A l t agent
Si ott I’arkhursl said •liter Iuesdav s hetiring
federal agents continued looking in South
ern ( a Iilorn1.1 for the lost two of the I t people in
dll teil in the- si,wings ol the \vervs
The 1 t who federal and loral authorities sav
belonged to a religious cult were charged with
aggravated murder kidnapping or conspirar v to
i onunit aggravated murder
l.ake ( aiuiitv Ohio, prosecutor Steven (
buTouretle has said the \vervs apparentlv were
k died as a sa< rifii e that would i lea use i ult mem
hois' souls and allow them to travel to the v\ ildet
Hut Dale I.liftman, president ot the northeast
Ohio i hapter ol the Reorganized (dumb. said the
Avervs may have been killed because ol disputes
over monev. sex or tear the Avervs would leave
the i ult
The Reorganized Church hased in lndopen
ilence Mo li.is roots and some beliefs in com
mon with the Salt l.ake < Tt\ based Mormon
t hurt h but is separate
The Mormon Church is based on revelations
that (oseph Smith said were brought to him in the
18 If Os bv a heavenlv messenger Alter Smith's
death in 1 H-l-1 the ( him h split into fai lions, the
largest ot vvliu h is the Chun h ol |esus Christ ot
Littei da\ Saints
!he Reorganized Church was tounded hv
Smith's son joseplt III and i I,inns to be a i online
at ton ot tbe original ■ Inin h
t he Church ol |esus (Ihrist of batter dav
Saints issued a statement from its Salt bake (alv
heudcpiarlers on Tuesday disassociating itselt
bom I.undgren
"feffrev bundgren and Ins wile and son
have never been members of Tbe Church of Jesus
Christ of batter clav Saints " said Urine 1 Olsen,
managing direi tor of public < ominumcations tor
the Mormon ( linn h "We deplore the tragedv
and extend out sv inpathv to survivors of the vil
Firefighters may face drug tests
fOKTI \\l) |AP) \li'ii .mil
women wild w.in! In Imcome
Inetighleis probahk will Ii*i\<*
to pass drug lusts tins \e,n in
atidiliun In tin' «.mullet of olhei
tests tliev t.u e i il\ (itln lals
I’oltt i' .11>|)11< ants nun In?
s< reened .is well s.uil Melinda
Petersen. tin- i itv s .11 linn per
sunni'l manager
"We aii- i urrenllv reviewing
H .uni tin- dei lsitni shuulii bn
m.ulr hi llir next lew weeks.'
I’l'tll si'll s.llll
The Portland lire Bureaus
I in > I >< is< ■< i drug listing program
would In' llif lust (or tin1 i it\
Mu' testing could begin whim
new firefighters arc lei mill'd
tins summer. Petersen said
l lic program is part ol a lire
bureau drug polit \ dial is lie
ing negotiated lielween the i its
anil the Portland I ire Fighters
Assim iatiou. the union repre
senting most ol the fire Ini
reau's H-t i employees
Kandv I.eon.ud president ol
the firelighters union said i i!\
and union oft it ials agreed <i
written drug polu \ was needed
.liter five firefighters were fired
111 tile past two years lor drug
Two others resigned during
lli.it time ralhei III.in 1.11 e hear
ings about their suspected drug
use said liert I lamm admmis
train e support of I it ei tor the
Portland I ire Hure.ni
In addition, three Portland
police sergeants were fired I01
1 or .line use in l‘W7 and .1 lieu
tenant resigned last year after
luring placed on administrative
leave pending an investigation
ot alleged 1 or nine use
"I think there has been
heightened awareness ot drug
use in the police bureau and
then the fire bureau and we
need a wax to deal with it
I eonard said
Petersen said the city also is
developing a drug policy that
would covei all 1 itv employees
\N .tv v H.mkN hi I 4k (»»«y
1502 Willamette
Mon Fri 10 am-6 pm
Sat 10 am 4 pm
343 2298
All Work Done on Premises
5AAUIDFQ all games work
EUGENE* (13 14(4