University Past provost Hill dies of heart failure A memorial servil e fur tor iiu*r l'ni\«tsiI\ provost Richard I I till v\ ill i»‘ held Saturdai Ian 1 i .it 1 p in in tilt* I ’niver sitv s He.til < aim erl I lull 111II who u as sri \ mg as ill tin im vita* i ham ellur lor ai a demit: allairs for tin* state svs teni ol highel education died ol a heart a 11 .it k on Dei 18 lie was 64 Hill, who resigned as provost in 1087. was appointed to tin slate s\stem post in Jul\ and would have held it until this spring, when a permanent vice i ham ellor is e\pei ted to he named. "lie li.itI begun the task ol leading the system to a new i om opt ol its role in at ademit affairs." (diaiii.ellor Thomas Martlet! said ol Hill’s work Ills stature, selflessness and integrih gav e i onlident e and stlength to Ins work I till joined tin- I niversitv in Hill mih .tiui mu' I loved .mil .nl mired v er\ mm h." ()lmn >.,1111 Tile kind el person lie was •md tile principles he lived hv m.ide him loved .md trusted In tile t.u nil v ol the l niv ersilv 1 01 me he v\.is the best ol friends and 111 reieiif times the evenings I spent with link and Barbara were some ol the warmest and most pleasant that I i an remember ( )lnm said \ltei serving as a i \la 1 me in World V\a 1 II I lill grad naled with honors hum Stan ‘The kind of parson ha was and tha principles ha lived by made him loved and trusted by tha faculty of tha Universi ty/ — Paul Olum 1*171 () .mil (miiiimI Ins master s in I Mai In Plan. lie was awarded his dm torate from the l'Diversity ol U .ishinglon Hefore joiniitx tin' I hmersitv Hill taught and held adnnms Iralivi' posts al I'unlue I'niver sily tin1 University ol lexas and llir Unix ersitx ol ( al dm nia al l.os Ai»m*h*s Hill was a six i.d psyi hulogisl whose researih interests in i hided the interrelation he tween iillitnde helia\ ior and the etfei ts ol mass < onnnunii alion During Ins i areer .is a [notes sor Hill wrote loin hooks on soil) topii s as eflei live leai.h mu methods in adult edui ation and leadership and manage ment effei tiveness and sooio logic al methods iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin immiiiimimimmmmmiiiimimimii KVCN k.d. Iai!J4 and the reclines WITH SPECIAL (il’KSTS I III KSI) .1 \Nl \m 18 • 8 pm HULT CENTER KlMTWll IllkclN SI7.54I \ SI 5 50 GOOD SENSE FOR THE NEW YEAR! Gifts & Goods for Natural Homes anti Gardens 20% OFF CHERRY RIVER DuraNo Cherry River Pottery is handsome and safe tor ovon microwave and dishwasher lorra cotta oxtonor accents hold cobalt tool or groon interior gla/O DOWN TO EARTH 5th & Olive, Eugene Convenient Bike Rack Always Free Parking 344-6357 PHOTO PROCESSING cfHec»c IT OUT/ ffl BETTER QUALITY 1^ BETTER PRICES ^ ONE DAY SERVICE ON 3” PRINTS —OR A FREE ROLL OF FILM Ask us lor details 3" PRINT AND DEVELOP 3” PRINT AND DEVELOP 3” DOUBLE PRINTS 4" SINGLE PRINTS 24ROLL 4.79 36 ROLL 6.79 24 ROLL 6.99 24 ROLL 6.99 O IF YOUR PHOTOS ARE NOT DEVELOPED TO YOUR COMPLETE SATISFACTION. YOU MAY RECEIVE A FULL REFUND TT rr I’M! no IAKINH- V WMUN" ' N Ail - > At- * IJB Put '■!) Bv -1 " * :«)MA, [l.f.! •*»(>•. At' c. UO Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M F 7 TO 6 00 SAT 10 00-6 00 686-4331