OPEN 24 HOURS Kinko's Copies • Binding • Laser Design • Gourmet Espresso • Coffee 860 E. 13th 44 W. 10th 344-7894 344-3555 Is student health insurance cutting into your budget? Call the Cans l; I.idas Corporation and find out how sou can save hundreds ol dollars (,\KKV I. I in\> t/oimm \l lo\ 11 44 Will U.|l I EM'll i' M III i I’o |«*\ ;»* • I { i.( N| .OR|i4»\ > 1, (;ARRY F. LIDAY President Insurance Hrokei Imestment Hrokei 484-6885 University Funds sought for faculty salaries Request comes us poker funds are eliminated Bv Stephanie Holland [ merald Reporter Hep I )a V id I )I x I 1 ) f aigene) re< uiiimi'iiili'il tn (,ov \ed (.nJdsr.hmidt I nda\ -m omer gem v hoard request of .it I• si s t S » million he devoted to Lit. lllt\ s,»|.|||i's I lit* n*c ommendalion came .if I• *i the Oregon I .otters t om mission d«*< ided Thursdav to drop .i video poker program he < ause of a I at k of support from state ( omities Revenue from approximately n (inn \ ul» •. poket mat liines was expei 11*d to provide S-’ i million lor larults salaries and S Iti million ha lransport.ition projei ts during the next two \ears I)ix said Mark Weiner assistant to I)ix said (ioldschmidt ami l)ix will work together this week to formulate a proposal to the si,ilc s I .mergent v Hoard In re i five funding (or Ilie remainder dl tin- ioho 0 rnil Inin over the next six years if \\ e ,ue lo lie sill ( essflll ill ai hieving oui goal ol first-rate institutions here in Oregon, lie said AM !) \ i( e I’residenl Scott \\ yi Lull said he agrees \\ ill) the l ottery r.omuiission s decision to drop video poker bul he is still worried about a long-term solution to the problem ol funding salaries \\ e re very ext ited that they y e det ided to turn an ay Irom using video poker money to fund t,u idly salaries. In said I hope the legislators bay e leal ned a lesson lottery money doesn't work to supple ilient lai uIty salaries \Vy< koft. i hair man ol Oregon Student Lobby and other OSI. repi esentat i yes in September .iiiiiiiuiii ed their opposition to the expansion ol lottery funds to support highei emu atinn m (fregon ()SI. helioses higher edm a lion should not bet onto depen dent ou lottery games I .otters (aimniission oil it inis were not able to lie roa< lied I ri d.iv afternoon Iniversils President Mvles brand stiid it loiters mooes ssas the (tills short range plan as ail able In provide far oils salary ini leases he ss mild have at i.opted it hut he ss ou Id like to see a long-term solution I find litis most unfortunate that the slate legislature thought this ssas the best ssas to fund faclllts salaries As things stand wo now have nei ther .1 short-range nor a long range solution to the problem brand said ( begun fat es a t hoii e he tween final it ing a qualits svs ti-iii of higher eciut ation sse t an proutlls send out children to tit letting the ss stem (let as to a point ss here all of the best fat tilts anti the brightest students in the state go elsesvhere. Ih\ said • I ypcsettm^ • f’dst«*-Up/l dyout LETTER PERFECT > Design/Consultation > PMT's/Transparencies M HI t Memonal Unton 10 oo 00 M f- 686 4 381 25 • POSTERS • FINE ART PRINTS • REGIONAL PRINTS • POSTER SIZE FRAMES • WOOD, METAL, AND ACRYLIC FRAMES • DECORATIVE FRAMES • SECTIONAL FRAMES OFF EVERYDAY PRICES I PRO ART GESSO AND ACRYLIC BRUSH ’Oil REG 2 9! 2.19 REG 4 49 3.39 REG 6 59 4.99 2 iPRO 8010 2) 3 (PRO 8010 3) CANVAS BY THE YARD V WIDfc. 7 OZ UNPRIMED 3.95 YD REG 5 25 YD STRETCHER BARS ASST SIZES %OFF RETAIL 1 RETAIL PRICE LIQUITEX TUBE ACRYLICS • 75 brilliant colors • 2 o/ tubes • 1045 series WINSOR AND NEWTON WINTON TUBE OILS (1 25 02) GRUMBACHER GAINSBOROUGH OIL PAINTING BRUSHES • BRIGHTS • FLATS • ROUNDS OC%0FF ^ J RETAIL PRICE OFFER GOOD IAN R ?n 1 QQfi ■ | | ART & SCHOOL UO Bookstore tyDwm 13th & Kincaid M-F 7:30-6:00 SAT 10:00-6:00 686-4331