.University. Riverfront waste interviews ruled as public information Site testing to begin for safety check B\ Robert Wolfe I mer.ild ( ontributor t hiiversil v of I ii i.ils must re lease tbe u.imus ol i urrent .mil former I'mplintTs they inter vieueil regarding loxir waste disposal ,it the Riverfront Re si'arc Ii Park s 11 e tbe nllnrnev general i nIt'd U eilnesila\ I'lie I ’ni\ersih released dm uments pertaining to tin- dump ing several weeks ago alter a tormal reipiest lot mlormation the attorney general claiming (he names were publii infnrma Imn ami asking Ilia! the t'niver sitv be ordered In relinquish I he intnrmalmn The attorney general’s tilli< e agreed In another de\elopment Wil liams announced th.it testing ol the site would begin immedi atelv In determine il hazards exisl to Users ol the area W arn llig Signs max be posted il lesls wan.ml il. W il I lams said (Ipponents nt the Riverfront Rese.iu h I’ark were angered In the dumping ilisi Insures Sloller. of I ilizens lot Kespun sible I and 1 se ai I Used the I ’niveisitv ol ,n ling like mid night dumpers and behaving iinet bii alls Stoltei said f.u Is about the The Oregon attorney general’s office agreed that the names were public information and that the University be ordered to relinquish the information. \v,is till'd umlri I hi* (IrcRim I’ublii Records l.au In AS! () Senator Hn.m Hoop and law student I Jan Stotter l imersik \ ii i* (’resident I tan U dli.mis u Itlllield tile names ul i urrenl and tinnier t ni\ ersilN empluvees w liti u ere inter! leu ed about tile dumping as well as the names ol administrators writing and ret ei\ mg memos on the sub iei t i it ing pi i\ at \ laws and the inter! iew ees tear ot per son.il liahilik Ingene at tin ne\ herr\ Kvdberg. acting on hehall ol Hoop suhmitted an appeal to waste were kept sei ret tn make it easier Im tile I uiversilv to ^el permission to move forward w 1th de\ elopineill ol the Ke seari Ii I’atk CKI.r has opposed the siting ol the resean It park based on i'iu irnnmnnlal i on.siderations and is i urreulh sponsoring an initi.itive that would limit the usi' ol certain toxics near the \\ illmnette Hi\ el Jim ( roteau ot the i 11x"s I’lanning Department who re viewed the permit applii alion tor the resean It patk said he would li.tve proh.ihh re (pilled a i leanup ol the inxit s d A NEW DON JUAN IN DOWNTOWN EUGENE We invite you to enjoy the vim > authent Mexican food mi our new downtown location (formerly L.i Posada) Serving authentic Me-.a an cuisme 7 days a week Example Chicken Carmtas Carnitas de Res, Chile Verde ana Chile 11*10 Sunday Thursday 1M1 f riday & Saturday Now Serving Cocktails = 2 FOR 1 S « Good lor combinalion dinner IS li maximum erndll. you pay I ha difference Not Good on Fridays Or On Orders To Go Offer expires 1/31/90 DON JUAN MEXICAN RESTAURANT 26S0 Rivei Rd 689 5621/635 Broadway 344 1091 TYPESETTING TYPESETTING TYPESETTING TYPESETTING TYPESETTING PASTE-UP PASTEUP PASTEUP PASTE-UP PASTEUP LAYOUT LAYOUT LAYOUT LAYOUT LAYOUT DESIGN DESIGN DESIGN DESIGN DESIGN CONSULTATION CONSULTATION CONSULTATION CONSULTATION CONSULTATION LAYOUT LAYOUT LAYOUT LAYOUT LAYOUT hi* had hi'i'ii informed during tin- (H imil pirn i’ss Simii* luigimi* olti< inis in vnlvi’il in ii'si*,in h park matins were aware nf tin* dumping mi*r a vi‘ar ago. U iliiams saiil U illi.hiis said in* minimcil hugene I V\I’lopmiml Depart mriil hi*a11it■ r11 ( arli*\ lias sun i’ withdrawn and I.. replai ml li\ IMA. nf ‘salt I .akr ( its I arkas s.ml in an intorv n*u that \\ iliiams uas mil spin ihi about w li.it was buried al tin* sili* lull i nmmltli'il tin* I 'ni\ 1*1 sitv to a i Iraimp nt Ihr arisi it auvthing was hniinl Iarkas said In* passi-d Ihr mlnrmalnin Turn to To\i< s, Page l» "25 Years of Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mer odes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Dutsun • Toyota 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene. Orogon 97403 342 2912 CORRECTION In the Winter ‘90 Duck Bucks edition the 3 Shutterbug ads had incorrect expiration dates They should have read: Expires 1/25/90. lh«Shuttatiu2 890 E. 13th • 342-3456 across from U of 0 Bookstore N/s Up to your ears! n Dig yourself out with a deaf on an IBM PS/2. Melon' Min ec| snowed under w illi work till- \e.ir. eel .ill I MM I'l-rsonal Ssstem/2.’ ( hoose Iroin hsc iliHen-nl |>.i< kaees ol li.iril ware anil Milt wan*—iniw at special low >.111110111 prices. I aeli ssslcm comes w it 11 ea«v-to-u»e software loaded and reads to j;o! \X I1.1I - more, w lien son 111 is sour I‘S/2.’ son will eel .1 11 ion so |Kid. a V.-inch diskette holder, and .1 (lower strip—all Iree. j iH-eial low \ 1 mI that s not all. Yin re also entitled to a |>riee on tile I’MOlHO ’ sen iee. too. \ihI aside from all I hi-, ill ret I MM lYoiirinters " are asailahle of I lie most |lo|inlar .It special low prices* * "It, I Mu I «'»*! hit out ill t hr cohl. t iflrr rml> l«4>riliir\ h. r^ni. \ omr m i? • , “ ' »• ’*»• MM PS M -v- H‘ 00’ • «..»>,»(«• ifv ,jt { ji , *.*■• » . i. • it '•* • »'■ ’ ‘ * • • * : M*.1 ^ith.*** ?***iifymolKy at an, ’tfne *>?'**/ amtier nofcce • j, ■ r, "( a • 4C w’nef•/■*: I'xJV-r. V* .»fradprrark • lesMji.Nir.' 'i ».i* *'M '5 1 *H’> ah-i 1 . . • .k* v <1 it.f u~' ,»a