__Editorial_ Blind spot W hile on the one hand 1 am vii .iriouslv exuberant about the steamrolling momentum of positive change in (-.astern Ku rope. I am embarrassed about the politic al role our sup posedlv illustrious nation is not playing 1 am fed-up with their pre tend game and their pec king order sc apegoat system I he lie they live about our economy is as vital a lie as the timber exec lit ic es' lie about the amount of harvestable trees in our woods Those Washington ennserva fives can't he as dumb as they think we are Lamentably they continue to embellish out al reach outlandish arms stock pile, while not helping the per ilous state of our educational system lor those still not brainwashed: Which would he a better investment in our na lion's future? rhey ex.it erbate the national detic it. nuclear fear, crime, and drug abuse (and gi\e them selves a raised) before recogniz mg or addressing the lac I that Hiir nation is on .1 slippery slope with the outcome being an interior demor rat y with an inferior economy (the least ot our worries) .ill for tear ol los mu tfie 1 r chautfeuretl limns the democratizing ot liastern I'.urope has inspired citizens here and everywhere that 1 hangc is overdue I'm aware of a blind spot ol optimism in the public mind ()t all the many respec table causes needing commitment we c annul forget those in 1 barge pretending th.it coinniu nisrn is all we have to fear Don't tie optimistic ally mute while wall liing the lies go un c hoc keel Soon they II know it's the people they represent to w horn they need to pay alien lion Sally (Haggl'd Kugene Fabulous Four 1 wish to wholeheartedly thank the I ahulous four those Student I lealth Insurant e < '0111 Pll H«>\ M«*» fnu«m OmKo*i The Oregon Daily Emerald is publisher! M. mtay through Friday -*f» dm J exam wr-eK and vai ahons by the Oregon Daily Erne-aid Publishing ( < at the University Of Oregon Eugene Oregon The Emerald is operated independently of the University with oMn.es on the third Moor of |he Efb Miw-' n Union anil a rnembm ' th*-A-. ,»!**< 1 The Emerald is private property The unlawful removal or use o» papers is pr *s eculable by law Managing Editor Editorial Editor Graphics Editor Encore Editor Editor T»n i l'r Ac A ** Whr» News Editor [ Pet* - Spoils Editor Mar► Yirr Supplements Editor Ki-'v W* - Night Editor Christopher Blau Tracy Sumner Darla Jackson Thomas Prowen Associate Editors Community M Wa■> < Student Government-Activities S r h Higher Education/Administration Chn\ B Features [)•• • Reporters e Andrade, PoMy F 'Mef Calhert'H- Hawley Stephanie Holland Jam*. Joseph layn.- I akr’-sh ■ r Sivesmd Ah( e Th< >rnton Photographers Steve Card K at* - ? Advertising Maureen Bem.,de:i, Em: Duma; She';,,- m., Da. ! ><., ■ It M M 11 ■ ' Elisc? Sharon Knst. Stother Edward Wemck Production Jtrei.ter Ar, Kathryn BaMou Ten B« • rig J*‘1 Clad. A . M Lotus Child Ceil Dopp J.rn f m M Yvetle Gu> Jennifer Huey t Si Klaastad Elf,a lichtmuo Jim Mas .- We-'-Jy Mf *. Angela Mum/ ! »<' ■ ■»■ Pan sewn;.’ Anna RerntwOi Janet Sch--Per Ted She pier Jennifer Smith S<.oft Smith Caitlm Stark. Jennifer Thomas Jennifer Viale Ingrid White Kelly Williams General Staff Advertising Director * ■' . Assistant to the Publisher Production Manager M. - . . m Advertising Coordinator m } . Da • - Classified Manager T •> B a rtf Accounts Receivable Circulation New Classified Advertising Display Advertising Production Graphic Services 686 5511 686 4343 686 3712 686 4381 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON I Encroachment of the fish developers. mittee vi's mi’ii ll has In’i’ll some lime siiu e I have heen sh iMitcrlaiiied In |uninr politi l inns rlii’ lines! i line Islt* tmm Saint \n k could mil rcitisti’i mi llii' m alt* established by m\ full Ix’llied Ix’llowmn laiixh tfi.it shook ilir \orlli American i ontiiii'iit iipon n*.i(iiii){ tin* .n In to i oih I’rninn mandatorv insur.mil' premiums ((>/ Hours: Upstairs M 1h 4 iO 10 (M) 1 S.t s 00 to to { lose ii SunUrtW V* Aldei Street • DRINKS ARE ON THE HOUSE At TRACK TOWN PIZZA, you buy the pizza and we buy the Pepsis. Every Monday we’re giving away two medium Pepsis with every small, medium, large, or giant pizza purchase. (Valid in-house and on delivery. Valid with TRACK TOWN coupons. Valid Monday only.) So call TRACK TOWN and enjoy the quality pizza and free Pepsi. After all, Why settle for less . . . than the BEST!?! TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin Blvd. 484*2799