Sports Loss to tough Stanford squad comes after women win opener B\ C am Sivi*sind fmerald Sports Reporter The Oregon women s basket ball team lost to second-ranked Stanford 7li a' Similar at \1( Artlnn ( amrt. dtnpping their ret ord to H 1 Aflet defeating ( ialitnnna in their I’at ifir It) ( amlerence opener I ridar night the Ducks looked to continue their ini prossive pl«i\ against Stanford Hut it was not to be Ihe lluiks found themselves down 7-J. four minutes into Ihe con test, thanks to two (loops and a free throw tn Stanford's snpho more i enter |ulie Zeilstia and anotliei basket b\ senior All American guard fenniter Az/.i (Iregon battled bar k to knot the si ore .it t) 0 and sta \ed within si\ points foi tlie nest It) minutes Stanford opened the lead to eight off a jump shot by junior forward Trisha Stevens with 4 47 remaining in the halt ()re gun's senior renter .Melanie kasperski sank a shot to i ul the lead to six again w ilh J >k to go in the half \/./.i mni s,m k throws .Old sonioi forward K.11\ Sterling dropped in a throe pointer to end the halt's m or ini; \ tree throw by (begun se nior lorwani lacipiie Semeniuk added anotllei point to the I)ii( ks' total The ( \\enl in .it the half leading ! 1 _ 1 "We ended up giving them too mans easy hui kuts. but they re an outstanding team Oregon i ouch Klvvin tleins said "They make you pas for mistakes (fregon i ame out lighting in the seen ml liall K.ispeiski put in a turnaround jumper and then gave .in assist to junior forsvard I rina McCartney tot ailolllel basket Sophomore guard Vonda Anderson knot ked in two tree throws as did \!( ( artnev to bring the I)ui ks to w itflin foui Semeniuk stole the ball on the Cardinal's ensuing in bounds pass and tossed it to kasperski tor an easy si ore ( )i egon found ilsel! within tsvo points at t.i it with 11. .17 re maiuing. The ( ardinal pushed the lead hat k up to six off a steal ami layup bs Az/.i and a I > loot jumper by freshman tenter Val Whiting Hie I )m ks again i hipped tin lead to two points with l-t lit to go at r C, before Stanford went on a si oring run Stanford rattled oil nine vx PR5f„ 1.. ilrTn TS7.I Srniiir /.it i11 tin1 scurf still had lln- l Cardinal up In IJ at i I i at the H i i mark Stanford went on another si tiring spree (Hipping m ! ’> unanswered points and grab built a Jl point lead with l>:08 left in the name 1 he I tin ks did not give m and a ran up a III point scoring streak ol its nun to bring the margin hat k to It with .• :: leli The I tut ks would si tut' om r more altei an eight point run h\ the ( animal ami the filial store showed a 70 >7 deleat tot (begun 1 think one thing good about it is that we have a lot more room to improve. I lein\ sanl I don't know il Stanford tan improve much more form w here lhe\ are now hnsperski led all st onus w ith _’l points and added I I re hounds She also had three blot ketI shots Anderson t on (rihutfd 1 1 points and eight re bounds tor the I hit ks w Idle Wallenborn added eight points Sleding ret roiled out ol I ake ( )su ego led the ( artl ill.ll m scoring with i\ points w hile adding II t ebon in I s I illeen of those points t ame from three point land MOTHER KALI’S NEW CAMPUS LOCATION 2001 Franklin (Next To Yogurt Hill) Friday Jan. 12th 8pm Elizabeth Claman reads from Peripheral Vi-'i| >m • • • • Saturday Jan. 13th 7pm Lee Lynch reads from Sue Slate Private JOO} / i.inklm Celebta i in .ill out divt'rMtu-N 343-4864 I OREGON WEST 1 WOULD LIKE I TO THANK THE 1 UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY I FOR YOUR SUPPORT!! I BEST HOURS • BEST PRICES -ft bam 11pm 485' 14/S Franklin Blvd H 7 Days a Week 1624 Across from Campus M K* * + + * -* * ■* * + + + »»»»»»»»»»»»»» ******* M-**********************************