Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 08, 1990, Page 2, Image 2

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'Taking AIM'
right on target
As students ( nine hack In e ainpus tins term they
will notim somethin# new The banner across I tth
Avenue reads differenllv than it usually does .it the be
ginning ol eac It term I'sually it annontu es a street lair
or (estival, hut this term the event is more serious and
The event is AIDS Information Month known as
Inking AIM It's a four-week long < ampnign to help
educate students about the disease which b\ Pi'll is
protected to he the leading cause ol death among col
lege students
Student university and c.ommunitv groups are
joining together to help spread the word about MI)S
The program they have pul together is (omprehensive
diverse and well-organized. There ate posters and
event information ail over campus, it is obvious that
this is not 111st .mother one of "those awareness
months " this is something spec ial
Those who planned the event seem to have
brought as main different forms ol artistic expression
into the1 activities as possible There will he ail dis
plav s. thealei performances music al perIni mam es and
even a i|iiiIt-m.iking projec t to e nmmemoiale the loss ol
those who have died hum \ 11 )S
The scope ol the piogram itself shows how con
i eiueyl and involved so main people alreudv are
.The main tlousl of the1 program is to oiler the most
c uncut and up-to-date information available on liie
i 11 \ vims and to break down and combat the igilo
lam i and apathy that has built up around MD.S
( ulleee students ollcm feel that AIDS ehees not at
lee I llielll that thc'V e .IllltOl gel it bill tills IS Ulllllle
Most i ollege students are sexually .li live .iild statistic s
show that a maiorilv ol them do not use e oiilrac eplives
even e oildouis
\s the nuiilhei ol AIDS ease's gieiws the until of
high list groups' is being e|llle klv elextmved This la
heluig pr.ee lii e has caused uiuii'e essarv and ignorant
dist i iiniualiein against people in these groups
Take- at I vantage ol all the inloi mat ion.il ami eeltion
I iou.il opportunities that will he mailer available to von
this month Most events are tree so bring a Irieud It is
onlv through eclctc afion and sharing ol information that
we e an stop tin- spread ol All )S
show v eeiii support loi " Taking AIM In attending
loelav s t id pm i.cllv in the T.Ml Courtvard
The Communist Boomerang
Rogers' accusations on Rust unnecessary
\s things si.mil unlit now, Jem Rust’s
s 111)(it fit mi tilt- I ..ini- (!< tunt \ lit ><iril nl (aim
missiuners li.is dwindled to just mil* membei
l ost week Rust was reads to receive tin*
i h,min.m position It is llir custom in i nun
l\ politics to puss tin* title m u rotation,
avoiding political posturing and allowing
t‘.u li ot the live distiu Is to have a i ham r to
be represented bv a chairman
I bis year it u.is Rust's turn to have the
gavel Ills official appointment was sup
posed to lie onlv a formality Instead. Hill
Rogers slim ked everyone In announcing lie
would not vote Ini Rust
Rogers i laimed Rust was not mainstream
enough to represent the entire council, and
lie hasn't been a good enough commissioner
to warrant being i huirman Hath are serious
allegations, with little or no supporting evi
dem e
flint Rust is lelt of-i enter is bv no means
,i secret. Im his 13-voar lenure on the board,
(whit h includes two chairmanships). Rust
li.is been consistent on following the liberal
line It is what his constituency wanted, as
lhe\ have returned him to office.
Rogers' announcement could have
turned into a full-fledged political battle
splitting the couru il had it not been fur
Rust Instead of fighting Rogers. Rust qtiielh
took the vice chairman post and joined the
other four commissioners in making Rogers
.1 unanimous choice to succeed outgoing
< hairman Steve ('.ornaci Ilia.
Since Rogers is in his last ye.tr on the
board. Rust was smart to tr\ and make it as
peaceful a year as possible.
The i hairman position is mostly a cere
monial post, so Rogers' motive for denying
Rust is a questionable one. Rogers said Rust
would use the chairman post to further his
"liberal agenda." (lonversely. does that
mean it's acceptable for Rogers to use the
post to further his conservative one:’
I IS till' SIMSUII till I lllllll.il
inli>l<-i.<in i' in mu |ii11>11< insti
tlitinn I lir ideals nl si'i ill.in/.i
I mu i i eal my; sc paral inns lie
tween i hun Ii .mil si.Hi- hill
\ II lllll III till- I 111>II •<I 111
i iillm.iii'il ignorance .mil mini
cram i- low .mi in hi ( in isl i,m
t) l lii' tl.uh i .ilrml.ir ol
(•wills lur lliu I'uiwrsilv ills
pl.i\ nl I lirislmi.is trees hull'll
w illi (Iim iir.illims .uul presents
.1) l lii- KMI draft I ienler
spnnsornl .1 (ilinslrn.is l air"
which com enicnllv. however
benevolently nr iminlt'iilional
l\ inhibits nun Christians from
parlii ipntiug or attending I In'
end result i'x* lusion
l| llii' t'niversilv Hook store
had a gilded, decorated Christ
mas In i' and piped in < In is!
mas nuisii m the set mid Hum
liuuk department Is this sup
posed In make me Waul In Inn
hooks-’ l)n the contrarv il
makes me feel oppressed
Celebrating Christmas is a
wonderful filing which firings
light warmth and love How
evei it's not a f adversity cele
bration. and lo (real the sue iel\
as a w hole as c o-< elebralors
completely ignores our idenli
When im
phone company
x\ ished mi1 .1 Met r\ I In isl
m.is turn xxeeks botoru ()>■'
III ■ 111 i.l \ I till'll II lllil'l stllOll till'
ll.lt loll.ill .ll lull III tills llulnl.1V
it . smothering 11ti.lIitii*s sufto
i aling tin1 ilivrrsilv ot uur SO* I
rl\ her ,IIIM‘ | M *11| I ll1 iloii t knoxx
to think tli.it iii.i\.t)i' everyone
isn't tin' same
l’i'o})li' don t think tli.it I
< unlit pussihlx liu .no llitti'ri'lll
in lli.il I li.ou dillii ultii's will'll
no own i ulttin* is erased
through ignorant u .ind nun rn
ugnition It s simil.ir to tlie fri'l
ing .i uum.in might gut will'll
she hears the terms "mull
k mil." ui liistui x
llanukkuli is not li-wisli
( liristiiHis I'll pass on the
presents, hut 1 11 see the ho.mt\
in xour < eli'lir.itioiis
liinah liimkstein
Public response
l u Stephen Mi (lough I )irei
tor, I niversitx Museum of Art
I am writing in response to
you r dei is ion that the I btivorsi
tx Museum ul Art not partu i
pate in "A l)ax Without Art'
(Dei 1 1 *»HlI( in which t'titt
arts institutions throughout the
country darkened their galler
ies and tempornrilx removed or
covered artworks in support of
.i national da\ ot mourning arul
at lion
I lie li II rl tor ol I'll ill .it loll .It
llu' Museum of Modern Art in
\i*w York. I’lulliji Yi n.m mi
organized the da\ to use
the prestige and i redihilitv ot
i ultural institutions to dramati
i alls i all attention to him
widespread and serious the
problem is
In regard to this issue vou
responded |Nov till that
the at lion "was not duel tlv a
statement about art and there
wasn't a purpose server! In
i overmg up a pier e ot art " I
am disappointed in votii dei i
sion. whirl) I lielievo was made
without enough information, a
l.o k ot i oiu ern regarding AIDS
m the art i ominumU and in the
world 01 berviuse you have in
mind another at t in support ot
AIDS at lion and ai knowledge
men! ol AIDS
I am requesting a putilu re
spouse 11n the ()l>h) to this let
ter. w lot h will also dist uss
how the I niversitv Museum ol
Ail will respond lo AIDS
l aurel Sharp
(•a\ and l esbian Alliaute
letter is in
'espouse t
ill** statistII s III till- 1 )tM i ()rr
go/i/un "Harper's Review" ex
I erpt I ills ,nti( |i- slates lli.it 52
pen fill uf Ameri* .ins .ire in t.i
vnr ill search and seizure with
mil .1 warrant in matters i on
i erning drugs
Sh tar in the war on drugs,
our leaders have busted grow
light retailers, students with
Pell (ir.mts and "head shops"
(w Ini h also distribute lilieral
and underground litereture|
We now have an epideniii
i rai k i oi .one problem, a presi
dent who has been implit ateil
in i oi aine trafficking, and a lot
ol trouble lor liberals and pot
U hat is the next logical step?
In our "current administra
tion. it seems to he a suspen
sion ot our Hill of Rights and
the majoritv ol people are w ill
ing to at i ept this
I here must be something
wrong when "we" trv to add
an amendment to protect the
flag Irom being burned, and
take aw.n an amendment that
protects people's rights
Suspension ol the Hill ot
Rights opens the door to ha
rassmcnt ot those w ith different
viewpoints and suppression ot
alternative ideas needed for a
troubled world Let's get real
1 .cl 's priilc( I mu right
Kirk Kinnhh
Can't afford it
I had ,i sinking leeling
Student He.illh Insuram e ( "in
mitten \\as going to advoi at'
maudatorv insurance Nobod\
Iriini the i (inunittee has hern
quoted as indicating they hud
sought i heaper companies a!
though that would seem I" he
the natural reaction to raising
A lot al ()regon < ompany w 's
selling cheaper health insm
ant e door to door, so I know it
exists You ' an t call I he I’m
dential s i Inim s\ stem user
Irientlh so that isn't a selling
Maybe they're the onh com
pan\ who will deal with stu
dent-run health systems May
he having students in charge "I
the health insurance isn't stu h
a great idea They don't seem
to have enough time to do a
good job at it
I can't afford to get sic k now
Next year. I probably won t he
able to afford to sta\ well ei
Gar\ lensen